1. Background and context
1.1 Description of the project
The Association for the Promotion of Local Development (APDEL) is a non-profit association based
in Dschang, whose mission is to fight against the social inequalities that hinder the development of
vulnerable layers.
As part of this mission, APDEL in partnership with the Institute for Human Rights and Development in
Africa (IHRDA) and Mother of Hope Cameroon (MoHCam) has been leading since December 2020, the project 
the Inclusion and Protection of Internally Displaced Persons in 2 regions of Cameroon (North – West and West): RIPDI 
with the support financial institution of the Delegation of the European Union in Cameroon (DUE). The overall objective
of this initiative is to create a community and institutional environment favorable to the socio-economic development of the
regions of intervention by the end of 2023, through the inclusion and protection of internally displaced persons in the
regions of intervention of the project. The project specifically addresses issues of social cohesion, protection and empowerment
support for victims of violence, integration into host communities, economic participation and access
to basic services, among others (education, health, housing, land). Its intervention strategy is built around
a community approach aimed at mobilizing and involving Community Social Cohesion Committees
(3CS), community mobilizers, community care structures,



traditional authorities, decentralized territorial communities (CTD ), the Ministry of Social Affairs (MINAS) and the
municipal social action services (SASC), in the concerted search for solutions.
During the first year of implementation of this initiative, a baseline survey was conducted in the
purpose of providing data to enable the monitoring and evaluation of the project while developing relevant strategies
for the integration/participation of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the host communities. Now at the end
of its second year of implementation, it is imperative to evaluate the implementation of the project from an external point of view.
The latter will thus make it possible to identify the impact of the project and to take stock of its implementation from the start
(analysis of relevance and intervention approaches/strategies); in order to formulate reorientations (if necessary)
to enable the RIPDI project (APDEL and its partners) to achieve the objectives set. For a need of objectivity
and impartiality, said survey will therefore be carried out through a consultant external to the project team.
1.2 Strategy and Theory of Change
a) Strategies
– Conducting community dialogues,
– Building the capacities of key actors such as community mobilizers,
care services for survivors, lawyers and associations for the protection of IDPs ;
– Improving the supply of services for survivors,
– Reviving the livelihoods of vulnerable households,
– Setting up consultation frameworks on access to basic services by IDPs,
– Advocacy (for IDPs’ access to housing, land and education and for the drafting of a law on
IDPs in Cameroon).




b) Chain of expected results

Objective of the project A community and institutional environment conducive to socio-
economic development is created in the regions of intervention by the end of 2023.


Specific objective Promote social inclusion and integration of internally displaced persons in the North
West and West regions
Result 1 The integration of IDPs in host communities is improved.
Result 2 The protection of IDPs is improved in the areas of intervention.
Product1.1 An environment conducive to social cohesion between IDPs and host is in place
Product 1.2 Access of IDPs to basic services and needs is strengthened
Product 2.1 Mechanisms for the integration of IDPs are put in place

c) Main activities of the project
A0.0.2: Initial and final
survey A0.0.3: Mid-term evaluation (external)
A0.0.4: Final capitalization
workshop A0.0.5: Development, production and dissemination of communication tools (peace, social cohesion and protection of
IDPs, and the fight against Covid-19)
A1.1.1: Creation and training of 21 Community Social Cohesion Committees (3CS)
A1.1.2: Strengthening of social cohesion between IDPs and host communities
A1. 2.1: Strengthening the protection of IDPs
A1.2.2: Revival of the means of subsistence of 400 households
A1.2.3: Establishment of 5 Consultation Frameworks on Access to Basic Services for IDPs (CASB)
A1.2.4: Advocacy for improved access of IDPs to housing and land
A1.2.5: Advocacy for improved access of IDPs to education
A2.1.1: Strengthening of local capacities (lawyers and associations for the protection of IDPs) on the legal framework for the
protection of IDPs (national, regional and international legal framework)
A2.1.2: Advocacy for the development of a law on IDPs in Cameroon
A2.1.3: Organization of a panel at the NGO forum of the African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights
(ACHPR) on the protection of IDPs in Cameroon.
1.3 Geographical coverage of the project



Boroughs Neighborhoods
Bamenda 1 Ntamaafi, Abonmechi and Ntoh
Bamenda 2 Lower Azire , Ndamoukong and Ntarikon
Bamenda 3 Lower bayelle 1 , Ntamuche and Ntaghem
santa Mbei, Njong and Santa Center
Dschang Ngui, Tchouale and Tsinkop/Tsinfem
Babadjou Toumaka city, Toumaka village and Baschua
Galim Fong Poufong,Haoussa District and Bati

1.4 Main partners engaged in the project, including implementing partners

Organization Responsibilities
IHRDA  Technical support,
 Training of stakeholders on
regional/international legal frameworks
 Support for the development of tools
 Strategic orientation
APDEL  Project coordination


 Implementation of activities in Menoua,
Bamboutos and Mezam (Santa)
 Representation of the project with authorities and
financial partners
 Strategic planning
MoHCam  Participates in strategic planning
 Implementation of activities in Bamenda 1, 2 and 3

2. Purpose of the evaluation
2.1 Why this evaluation should be done
The evaluation should be done to allow project stakeholders to assess its impact and take
stock of its implementation from the beginning (relevance analysis and intervention approaches/strategies). Thus,
the data collected will make it possible to verify whether the objectives and expected results are being achieved.
The evaluation also intends to identify the achievements and shortcomings/constraints that have occurred so far in the implementation of the
project and the corrective measures used.
2.2 How evaluation results will be used, by whom and when
The RIPDI project (APDEL and its partners IHRDA and MoHCam) are the main recipients of this
evaluation, as well as the public authorities and other project stakeholders. The results of this evaluation
will be capitalized on by APDEL and its partners to improve the implementation of the project and achieve the
expected objective.
3 Objectives and scope of the evaluation
3.1 Scope of the Evaluation
The evaluation should cover the first phase of project implementation (December 2020 – November 2022)
as well as the following intervention areas 
: Bamenda, Santa, Dschang , Galim, and Babadjou.
The thematic scope of this evaluation will focus on:
– Reviving livelihoods,
– Advocacy for access to education for IDP children,
– Support for Joint Community Initiatives (support for micro-projects),
– Psychosocial care for people at risk protection.
3.2 Objectives of the Assessment
a. Evaluate the effects of the project since the start of its implementation;
b. Take stock of the implementation of the project since its inception;
vs. Formulate reorientations (if necessary) to help achieve the objectives set.
4 Evaluation
Questions The key questions to be answered by this evaluation include the following two (2) categories of analysis

Assessment criteria
Mandatory evaluation questions
Relevance 1) Do the project strategies and the activities carried out meet the demands and other
needs of the beneficiaries?
2) Is the action of the project adapted according to the context of intervention (
socio-cultural and historical determinants, security, logistical constraints, regulatory framework, etc.) and
its evolution?
Changes 1) Does the project contribute to achieving positive short and/or medium-term effects on the lives
of the beneficiaries and those around them?
2) Has the project generated negative changes (environment, economy, security, etc.)
? If so, how can these be minimized or offset?

The thematic distribution by areas of intervention will be carried out in consultation with the project team.
5 Evaluation Methodology
While leaving it to the evaluator to propose a detailed methodology, the RIPDI project
strongly recommends an exclusively qualitative approach. The evaluator will have to rely on focus group discussions,
interviews with the community and lead a mini workshop to share the recommendations with the RIPDI project in order
to implement them quickly to promote the achievement of results.
6 Evaluation Ethics
– Apply protocols to ensure the anonymity and confidentiality of respondents,
– Select and train the evaluation team on ethical issues,
– Ensure compliance with legal standards governing areas such as provisions relating
to the collection and communication of data, particularly the necessary consents for interviews
or to obtain information about children and young people,
– Securely store the information collected.
– The consultant must also comply with APDEL’s code of ethics and conduct.
7 Timetable
The evaluation will take place over a period of forty-five (45) calendar days, i.e. from January to mid-February 2023.
However, the workshop for sharing recommendations must be held no later than the first week of February
8 Consultation budget: 2,290,000 (two million two hundred and ninety thousand) CFA francs
9 Composition of evaluation team and skills required
9.1 Composition, Roles and Responsibilities of the Evaluation Team
The evaluator will be responsible for the evaluation from start to finish and will work under the supervision of the
APDEL Monitoring and Evaluation Manager, to the collection and analysis of data, as well as for the drafting of the report and its finalization
in French. The evaluator will be responsible for:
– Finalize the proposed methodology after discussion and validation by APDEL and its partners,
– Design the planning and strategy for data collection in the field,
– Present the launch report and the tools, and validate them with APDEL and its partners,
– Present the tools and protocol for collecting quantitative and qualitative data on the basis of
the project’s objectives and indicators (collection sheet, etc.),
– Ensure, if necessary, the training of field agents (investigators) on the technical and
methodological aspects ,
– Carry out data collection in the field,
– Develop the input mask and ensure computerized data entry,
– Carry out processing, data analysis and interpretation of results and draw the
appropriate conclusions and recommendations both in terms of strategic and
operational interventions on the basis of the analysis of these data,
– Write the interim and final report according to the required format,
– Produce the final project evaluation report.
9.2 Skills required
– Experience of at least 4 years in leading external evaluations, with skills in
mixed evaluation methods,
– Expertise in approaches based on access to education, social cohesion, social in
psychosocial support and AGR,
– Special experience in evaluation in the field of the protection of IDPs, in particular the care of
victims, access to basic services;
– Experience in collecting and analyzing quantitative and qualitative data,
– A deep commitment to delivering high quality rapid results, e.g. a credible evaluation and a
report that can be used,
– Good experience in team leadership and project management, as well as interpersonal
and communication skills that help ensure that the evaluation will be understood and used,
– Experience /knowledge of the project’s intervention regions is an asset.
Documents to be consulted
– Project + Logical Framework
– Intermediate report 1 of the project;
– Reports of missions carried out within the framework of the project;
– Report of the initial survey of the project;
– Diagnostic report on social cohesion;
– Report of the study on access to land and housing by IDPs;
– Project activity reports;
– Project monitoring plan/database;
– Communication and advocacy tools.
10 Composition of the file
1. A letter of transmission of the consultation file addressed to Madam the Executive President of APDEL
bearing the mention 
“Offers for the realization of the mid-term evaluation of the project Reinforcement of
Inclusion and Protection of Internally Displaced Persons in 2 regions of Cameroon (North – West and West)
2. Technical and financial file;
3. A CV of the consultant or members of the team or firm (in the case of legal persons);
4. A copy of the CNI of the consultant or proof of legal existence for legal persons;
5. Supporting documents from previous experience;
A tax exemption certificate;
7. A bank account statement of the consultant or firm.
11 Deadline and sending of files
1- The deadline for admissibility of files is set at December 27, 2022 ;
2- Application files
must be deposited in a sealed envelope at the APDEL headquarters located at Pont Tsinbing (
next to the ABC campus) in Dschang or sent by email to the address
For more information, contact us at 698 702 499 or by email:
IV- Selection criteria

Elements of evaluation Value
Understanding of the mission 20 stitches
Intervention methodology 30 dots
Experience in conducting external evaluations 25 dots
Experience in assessing the situation/protection of IDPs 10 dots
Mastery of the issue of reviving livelihoods, protection and
care for victims
10 dots
Mastery of the West and North West regions 5 points
Total 100 dots

1- Only pre-selected bidders will be contacted.
2- In accordance with APDEL’s gender policy, for equal skills, priority will be given to
young or female candidates.





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