Creation of a shortlist of inspection companies and design offices

Creation of a shortlist of inspection companies and design offices

Constitution of a shortlist of control companies and design offices in perspective to the restricted call for tenders for the control of the
construction works of two pastoral boreholes with solar energy and mini water supply network, classrooms and an integrated health center





The often weak cooperation between African states in the management of their borders regularly leads to conflicts and hinders regional integration. By creating border programs, the African Union and the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS) are tackling this problem. The project is implemented in the 11 countries of Central Africa and wishes by the actions of construction of border infrastructures of its component 3, favored integration at the community level. During the scoping missions for the year 2020-2021, around fifty projects were identified by the mayors of the border municipalities. They are maturing. Projections from 2022 to 2023 provide for the implementation of some of these projects, in compliance with the procedures provided by the internal construction section of the GIZ. The first pilot projects are based in the North and Far North regions for Cameroon, and in Chad in the departments of Mayo Kebbi Ouest and Mayo Kebbi Est. It is with a view to carrying out these high-priority projects that the APF-ECCAS Project is launching a call for expressions of interest for the selection of Technical Design Offices (monitoring and/or architecture firm) to participate in a restricted call for tenders in February 2023.
The objective pursued by this notice is the constitution of four shortlists of a maximum of eight (08) companies each, specialized in project management, monitoring of works, for participation in a restricted call for tenders for monitoring the work of
Lot N°1_Construction of the KARAM Integrated Health Center in the Commune of GOBO
Lot N°2_Construction of (02) classroom blocks and gender toilets at the CES of MBRONDONG in the Commune of DZIGUILAO;
Lot N°3_ Construction of a solar-powered pastoral borehole in Goyonré in the commune of Guémé, department of Mayo Danay;
Lot N°4_ Construction of a solar-powered pastoral borehole in Bitang Daba, in the commune of Rey Bouba, department of Mayo Rey.

Each of the companies will have to clarify for which construction follow-up it expresses its interest. A company or group of companies may be awarded the two lots provided that it proposes and justifies staff, financial capacity, different equipment for the monitoring of each of the constructions.
There is provision for a monitoring and control service contract for this purpose at the end of the restricted tender procedure.
A full description of the assignments to be carried out will be detailed in the tender documents (DAO) which will be sent to the companies pre-selected on a shortlist.

Design offices, architectural firms, working in the field of supervision of construction works, civil engineering works or other in connection with the requested services installed in Cameroon and in good standing (administrative, fiscal and social).
They must provide proof of:
• Turnover for the last three (3) years greater than or equal to forty million CFA francs (XAF 40,000,000);
• A number of permanent employees greater than or equal to five (5);
• A number of reference projects greater than or equal to three (3);
Candidates for this call for expressions of interest must provide the following documents, presented in two volumes:

1_ VOLUME 1: Administrative file
“Volume 1” will include the following administrative documents (certified true and valid copies in accordance with the regulations in force in Cameroon):
1. The candidate’s declaration of interest letter showing the company name, the address of the head office (possibly branches), the contacts, the precision of the constructions for which they express an interest, etc. ;
2. Certificate of non-royalty dating from no more than 3 months on the day of the date of participation in the CEI (In the event of a grouping, that of each of the companies will be produced;
3. Certificate of payment of employer’s contributions to the Social Insurance Fund Dating three (03) months prior to the date of participation in the AMI;
4. A copy of the certificate of non-bankruptcy established by the competent Court dating from less than three (03) months preceding the date of participation in the AMI; 5. The business location plan;
6. The certified copy of the Trade Register dated 3 months;
7. Certificate of bank account in the name of the company;
8. Financial capacity of an amount greater than or equal to 20 million CFA francs.
9. Consortium statement if applicable.




2_ VOLUME 2: Technical file The technical file must include:

1) The declaration on honor attesting to the non-abandonment of a contract (including public contracts) during the last three (03) years and its absence on the list of defaulting companies issued by the Ministry of Public Contracts.

2) The complete organization chart of the company and the Job Description.

3) The list of supervisory and supervisory staff:
• Technical Director, Rural, Hydraulic, Civil Engineering or Architect Engineer;
• A financial, administrative or accounting manager;
• A Senior Technician in Civil Engineering or the equivalent;
• A Civil Engineering Laboratory Technician;
• A Senior Technician in topography;
• Renewable energy, solar, electrician technician;
• Etc…

4) Similar services (justification of monitoring of at least three classroom construction projects, health center or building, complete drilling with reservoir, or similar civil engineering work of an amount greater than or equal to to 30 million CFA francs.)
▪ The company will present its references in a synoptic table highlighting the project implemented, the Project Owner, the location of the work, the volume of the reservoir, the capacity of the solar installation, the built surface, the cost of the project, some plan views, photographs and any other support allowing a better understanding of the project;
▪ Furthermore, the company may attach reports, brochures relating to similar services performed under similar conditions; as well as any other document likely to facilitate a better understanding of the project carried out.

The projects cited justifying the experiences must have been carried out during the last five (5) years. To be validated, each reference must be justified by the following elements:
➢ A copy of the extract from each contract comprising the first page of the contract, the pages of the estimate and the last page (page bearing the signatures). These documents must be clear and visible.
➢ A copy of the acceptance report (provisional and/or final) or a certificate attesting to the proper execution by the Client.
➢ An authorization to enter the Client indicated for the verification of information relating to the reference concerned.

5) Logistic means (A liaison pickup, site geotechnical control equipment, topographic control equipment and computer equipment).

For rolling stock, the company must produce a certified true copy of the original registration document. For other logistical means, the company must produce a true copy of the original purchase invoice. Each invoice must mention the contact of the selling structure (failing this, the company must add a document providing information on said contact).
6) Applicants are required to complete the attached form A12 to facilitate the analysis of their application

The scorecard and the A12 form can be downloaded from the Yaoundé GIZ Regional Office Facebook page ( Additional information can be obtained free of charge by writing to from January 23, 2023 at 8 a.m. to February 6, 2023 at 12 p.m. ): REQUEST INFOS_ AMI 83430335 _GIZ_APF

The above components of the expression of interest dossier will be sent to no later than February 13, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. in a single email containing 2 files in PDF format. Offers sent after this deadline will be purely and simply rejected.  


Your submission e-mail will have the obligatory subject “AMI_N° 83430335 GIZ_APF_ NAME OF THE SUBMISSIONER_CHOSEN LOT”
Failure to comply with this nomenclature exposes the outright rejection of the application.
However, if the capacity of attachments is too large (over 15MB), then please submit your submission in 2 separate emails as each email can only support 15MB of attachments. The 2 emails will then be aligned as follows:

Email 1: Administrative file
Email 2: Technical file

Participation in this call for expression of interest is open to companies governed by Cameroonian law, specializing in buildings and public works and justifying the following administrative, technical and financial capacities:
– Present an administrative file in accordance with the specifications above; – Have a good experience in similar services;
– Have the necessary staff for the services to be performed.
Groups of companies can express their interest.
▪ Elimination criteria o False statement or falsified document. o Absence or non-compliance of documents in the administrative file. (a tolerance period of 48 hours will be granted for regularization)
o Absence of the declaration on honor attesting to the non-abandonment of a contract (public or other) during the last three (03) years and its absence on the list of defaulting companies issued by the Ministry of Public Contracts.
o Financial capacity of an amount less than or equal to 15 million FCFA issued by a first class banking institution approved by MINEFI.
o Non-compliance with the expression of interest deadline
o Non-separation of the components of the administrative file from the components of the technical file.
o Turnover for the last three (3) years less than thirty million CFA francs (XAF 30,000,000).
o Number of employees less than five (5) o Number of reference projects less than three (3);
▪ Essential criteria
The technical file will be evaluated according to the following criteria:
1 Presentation of the offer (Legibility, uniqueness of documents, Absence of overload on the documents)
2 Key personnel of the company
3 Similar services and capacity of realization
4 Material of the company

These are the parameters which will make it possible to choose the best eligible companies.
• GIZ will do its best to inform all participants of the outcome of this call for expressions of interest. The companies or groups selected to appear on the shortlist will be informed by invitation to tender within the framework of the restricted calls for tenders.
• Only the top eight (8) companies will be invited to submit a bid under the corresponding restricted tender for each of the four lots.
• The interest expressed by a company or a consortium does not imply any obligation for GIZ to retain it on the shortlist. The inclusion of a company or consortium in the shortlist does not imply any obligation for GIZ to invite the company or consortium for the submission of
• GIZ reserves the right to cancel the call for demonstrations procedure at any time and to rule out all demonstrations without recourse to any liability whatsoever.

The direction





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