France Work Visa – Eligibility, Application, Processing Time

France Work Visa – Eligibility, Application, Processing Time

Do you know the type of France work visa you need to live and work in France? Are you planning to move to France for work purposes? France is one of the countries where people quickly move to work legally. The country has many work permits, but not all are perfect. In addition, your residence status has a connection to your work permit. However, you require a job to enable you to apply for a France work visa. 

Is France Work Visa Suitable for you?

In France, certain people do not need a work permit to work anywhere. Such people include the EU/EEA or Switzerland. Another set of people is those who come to France with a family member with a highly-skilled work permit.

If you do not fall under any of the categories above, you will need France to work visa. Besides, you will need authorization before you can be awarded a visa. So, firstly, you need to find a job. Then, you need your France employer to arrange your work permit. 



Do I need a Temporary Work Permit?

If you are to work in France for less than 90 days, you will need a temporary work permit. First, your employer must get authorization from the DIRECCTE (Direction Regionale des enterprise, de la concurrence et de la consummation, du travail et de l’emploi). For example, suppose you are a teacher, scientist, or researcher. In that case, your employer may get you a convention d’accueil, stamped by the French local authority (local prefecture). Then, the authorization will go to the French Embassy, where you will apply for your visa.

Additionally, suppose you are from Canada, Australia, Brazil, Mexico, St Kitts, Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, South Korea, Venezuela, or the United States. In that case, you will not need a visa to France. However, your employer must arrange an authorized work permit for you when traveling. Again, you can with the French embassy in your home country for more information. 

Do I need a France Work Visa if I will work for more than 90 Days?

If you are to work for over 90 days in France, you will need to apply for a long-stay work visa. This visa also serves as your residence permit. In this case, your French employer drafts a work agreement and sends it to the area office of the French Ministry of Labor. Furthermore, if you are to visit with a family member, your employer must also start their employment route. Moreover, if the directorate endorses the contract, it will be sent to the French immigration office (Office Francais de l’immigration de l’integration).

If the OFII consents to the contract, they will send it straight away to the French embassy in your home country. The embassy will invite you to come in person and apply for a long-stay visa. Of course, you must go with your passport and application form, including any other document they requested. When you arrive in France, you are to register with the OFII.

Types of France Work Visas

French work visas are of different types. Each of them has conditions permitting you to work in the country. However, some are exemptions to the general requirements in some work permits. Below are the types of France work visas that be.

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The Talent Passport Permit

In 2016, Non-EU/EEA/Swiss citizens obtained more accessible routes to acquire specific work permits from the French Government. The following categories of workers can now move to France using this France work visa:

  • Highly-skilled workers (EU Blue Card holders)
  • Researchers or scientists
  • Skilled recent graduates
  • Employees of an innovative company 
  • Employees on a mission with a French work contract
  • Company representatives
  • Artists/performers
  • Economic or financial investors
  • Champions of an innovative economic project
  • A person internationally or nationally renowned in science, arts, sports, education, literature, etc.

Suppose you have the prospective to contribute critically to the French economy in the scientific, sporting, intellectual, cultural, or humanitarian areas. In that case, you can apply for a four-year residence permit. This permit is also renewable, so long you meet the conditions. 

The general requirements for Talent Passport Permit include the following:

  • Provision of documentation – proof of study, comprehensive CV, work history, proof of sufficient fund
  • Proof work contract for at least three months which the DIRECCTE must approve

Meet other conditions by the Commission Nationale des Competences et TalentsYou can visit the French Public Service website and the French National Assembly website for more information. This permit allows your family to get a vie privée et familiale card. You and your spouse can work in France with the card, and neither need to sign the CAI.

EU Blue Card for Highly Skilled or Educated Workers

This France work visa is only available for highly skilled workers. It can last a one- to a three-year residence permit. Besides, to qualify, you must have a degree or diploma attesting to your three years of higher education or five years of work experience in a professional field.

 You must also show proof of a work contract for at least one year and equally receive a salary of at least one and half times the average gross yearly wage in France. Then, again, you must be willing to work in the field you received authorization to work for two years. After that, you can apply for any highly skilled job.

After spending 18 months in France, you can work in any EU country. You can apply for a renewable, 10-year, long-term EC residence card when you spend five years. Your family members will be eligible for a private and family life residence permit. The residence permit will qualify them to work; after five years, they can apply for their EC resident card. Moreover, they are exempt from the CAI conditions.

Employed or Salaried and Temporary Worker’s Permit

You may apply to bring your family to France after spending 18 months on a long-stay residence visa. This France work visa must be marked temporary or employee worker to qualify you.

Your spouse and minor children can apply for a one-year visitor visa, even if they cannot work. Nevertheless, they must sign the CAI. In addition, partners are not eligible for this permit.

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Exceptional Economic Contribution Permit

This France work visa permits foreign investors with large sums of money (€10 million or more in tangible assets) or planning to generate 50 jobs to move to France. It has a 10-year residence permit and qualifies your spouse and children too.

Employees on Assignment Permit

This is another France work visa to qualify you to live and work there. The work permit can allow you to work in France for three years before renewing it. It is available for those working for at least three months in a company outside France. In addition, they must also be earning 1.8 times the minimum wage in France. 

This France work visa can permit your spouse to join you, but they cannot work until six months. They must also have a vie privée et familiale permit. However, if you are a senior manager, you are eligible for the permit that allows your wife to work immediately. 

Scientists or Research Permit

This work permit is for master’s degree holders or above who want to carry out research or teach at any France university. The visa is for a temporary scientific activity and lasts only one year. However, you can renew it yearly for up to four years.

Additionally, you must provide proof of your status and the length of time for your research program. You must also have a hosting agreement from a university or scientific organization.

Students and graduates

If you are a student in France, you can take on a part-time offer during your study. It comprises a maximum of 964 hours per year. You may equally need to get a France study visa.

Student Intern

To qualify for this France work visa, you must be a university student in your home, and your internship program must be connected to your study program. Although some of the internship programs are unpaid, your employer may offer you some allowance. Again, your internship program must be signed by your employer in France and your home school. In addition, you must show proof of financial security, flight reservation, and accommodation.

Seasonal Work Permit

Suppose you have a seasonal job that will extend beyond three months. In that case, you qualify for a three-year residence permit. It is also renewable for another three years. With the work permit, you can work in seasonal employment for up to six months yearly. However, it allows you to spend only six months in France. Therefore, your family is not eligible to join you.

Au Pairs

You can work as an au pair with a French host family if you are between 17 and 30. In that case, your host family will arrange an au pair contract. The DIRECCTE will approve it before it can be eligible. You will equally show proof of admission to a language school indicating the time you will attend your program before obtaining your France work visa.

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How to Apply for France Work Visa

You must go through some steps to complete the application process for a France work visa. They include:

Find out if you need to apply for a France work visa

Your nationality and the area in France you are to visit will determine your eligibility. Depending on your nationality, you may need a short- or long-stay visa to enter the country. However, you will need a residence permit to qualify to work.

Decide the category your visa falls under

Consider the categories of France work visas above and make your decision. Once you do so, start your application process.

Complete the file document

Each country may have a different requirement for documents. Therefore, find out what your home country requires and follow suit.

Eligibility for France Work Visa

Typically, it would help if you had the following to qualify you for a France work visa:

  • Compete for French work visa application form
  • Valid passport for visa
  • Two photos
  • Proof of fund
  • Police Clearance Certification 
  • Proof of France work visa fee

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get a work visa for France?

You will need the following to qualify for a France work visa:

  • Complete the French work visa application form
  • Valid passport for visa
  • Two photos
  • Proof of fund
  • Police Clearance Certification 
  • Proof of France work visa fee

Does France have a work visa?

If you are to work in France for more than 90 days, you must submit an employment contract alongside your application. Then, your employer will apply for a work permit for you. In addition, you will receive a long-stay visa which also serves as your resident permit. This is valid for one year.

How can a foreigner work in France?

You can begin work in France as a foreign national once you arrive. However, it would help if you acquired your work permit first, which must be for the duration of the contract or your visit.

Can I move to France without a job?

It would be best if you found employment in France before moving there. However, if you can work remotely, you may only need to find a job in France after arriving in the country. Then, you need to get a visa and find a place to live before you come over.

Is it easy to get a job in France?

The reality is that it takes work to find a job in France. However, it is possible to do so. In addition, it requires patience and consistency to enable you to qualify for a job in France.





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