Recruitment notice: a Consultant to carry out studies AT NGO WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature,)

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is looking for a Consultant to carry out feasibility studies and workshops

in order to strengthen the conditions favorable to

co-management models in Cameroon and to support the development of a system co-management for

Lobeke National Park. About WWF


The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1961 which works in the field of nature protection. Its mission is to conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth. Our vision is to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature. Thus, it seeks to: save the planet by balancing the needs of human beings with those of other species that share the Earth, practice human conservation in the broadest sense, and instill in people everywhere a quiet but undisguised respect , nature and balancing that respect with a deep belief in human possibilities, inspiring others who can further the cause of conservation.




Over the past two decades, WWF has been very active in conserving the rich and unique biodiversity of the Congo Basin forests, contributing to the protection of valuable habitats, including forests, wildlife as well as promotion of the sustainable development of local communities and indigenous peoples, following a participatory process and involving multiple stakeholders, including the private sector. The design of the GEF-7 Child Project for Cameroon “Integrated Management of Cameroon’s Forest Landscapes in the Congo Basin” included an opportunity to use Lobeke National Park as a new model for protected area management in Cameroon.

The GEF 7 project therefore supports an ongoing strategic thinking process on co-management models for protected areas in Cameroon, building on COMIFAC best practices for public-private partnership (PPP) models of co-management. -management in Central Africa, the simplified manual of Public-Private Partnership for the benefit of protected areas (2019-2035) developed by MINFOF, and the experiences of other protected areas in Cameroon and in the region which successfully apply co- management.
Specifically, feasibility studies and workshops will be organized to strengthen the enabling conditions for co-management models in Cameroon and to support the development of a co-management system for Lobeke National Park. Justification


Lobeke National Park is managed by the government (MINFOF) with technical and financial assistance from WWF. This system is gradually evolving towards a co-management model with certain aspects of strategic governance and operational management shared with WWF. The general principles of cooperation are defined in a framework memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Forests and Wildlife (MINFOF) and WWF which was signed in 2006 and renewed in 2021. The specific 3-year memorandum of understanding between MINFOF and WWF, signed in 2018, specified the creation of a management unit (MU) within which WWF assists the MINFOF Park Conservator. The MoU is overseen by a management committee – which has so far not been operational.

This consultation aims to put in place a system that will bring together all stakeholders from national and international conservation organizations, including MINFOF at the national level and the park conservator, as well as other key sectoral administrations, such as the Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Land Planning and Economy, etc. …to discuss the current governance system of Lobeke National Park and the need to seek management and governance systems that will ensure that the rich biodiversity of Lobeke and the resident human populations of indigenous peoples and local communities are protected and their improved livelihoods respectively, sustainably and inclusively.


The objective of this activity is to review and adapt the governance model of the Lobeke National Park (PNL) and its periphery to ensure the effectiveness of its management. The achievement of this objective will be done by the following means:
– Identification and evaluation of governance models of protected areas likely to improve the effectiveness of the management of national parks in Cameroon in general, and of Lobeke National Park (PNL) in particular and discuss it with key players.
– Identification and assessment of enabling conditions for the implementation of key elements of the governance model selected for the LNP
– Development of a roadmap for the pilot implementation of the selected model.

Expected results and indicator

Expected results Indicators (max three/outcome)
The protected areas governance model that can improve the management effectiveness of PRs in Cameroon in general, and LNP in particular, is described, assessed and discussed with key stakeholders – Feasibility study reports on PA governance models in the specific context of Cameroon, taking into account existing studies and tools;
– Governance model selected for
the PNL;
– workshop reports including full stakeholder analysis
The enabling conditions for the implementation of the selected governance model for NLP are agreed with the main stakeholders – List and analysis of the enabling conditions for the implementation of the selected governance model Roadmap for the implementation of
model selected developed and agreed with key stakeholders; including conditions precedent to agreement and modus operandi for conditional implementation (including representatives of key ministries, local authorities, elected officials, IPs and LCs, etc., … see suggestions in the methodology – Roadmap adopted for the implementation of the selected governance model


Assessment of different governance models for PAs and other macro-units of the Permanent Forest Estate area, taking into account the legislative and regulatory framework in Cameroon and in the context of the Congo Basin to identify the appropriate model for LNP

. consultant will conduct a feasibility study on the ground to review the current governance system in Lobeke and make recommendations for a better governance system.
This study will consolidate existing data on the governance models of protected areas and other macrozone units in permanent forest estates in Cameroon, the Congo Basin and Africa in general; it will also take into account the collaborative management partnership tool of the
World Bank-( program/publication/collaborative-management-partnership-toolkit )

This will be followed by an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the various existing models, in taking into account the legislative and regulatory framework in Cameroon to identify the governance models (including co-management models) most likely to improve the effectiveness of the management of the National Parks of Cameroon and particularly the Lobeke National Park.

The legislative framework in Cameroon to be considered during the assessment includes among others the forestry and wildlife law of 1994 (with its updated draft pending approval), the legal framework governing the partnership


etc. This analysis will also take into account the outcome of previous LNP management assessments, including the Social Assessment of Protected Areas (SAPA) tools, the ASBABUK – MINFOF MoU and the recent ESMF approved by WWF QAC and its mitigation plan. It will also conduct a desk review to consider what has been done so far in this area elsewhere and capitalize on lessons learned.

National workshop to identify and strengthen enabling conditions for the development/implementation of the appropriate co-management model for LNP

The results of the feasibility study will be used to support the organization of a national workshop to discuss these models and to identify and strengthen favorable conditions for the development/implementation of an appropriate co-management model for LNP. This workshop will bring together representatives from key departments of the Ministry of Forests and Wildlife, the Ministry of Economy and Planning, etc. Legislative Chambers, Office of the Prime Minister, international conservation organizations supporting the management of protected areas in Cameroon, key actors in the management of LNP, and possibly specialists from outside the country.
Suggested Timeline
• Feasibility Study and Report Consolidation: 1 month
• Governance Model Development and Proposal: 1 month

Working Relationship
The consultant will work closely with the WWF Senior Field Program Coordinator (SFPC) ) and the Lobeke National Park Program Manager (PM) who will coordinate contact and interaction with other WWF CCPO affiliated staff. Communication with WWF will take place at least monthly. Qualifications The consultant should demonstrate the following: • At least 10 years of relevant professional experience with experience in forest management and governance


• Excellent knowledge of all good governance models in protected areas in Central Africa;
• An advanced degree in forestry or a related discipline, a terminal diploma will be an advantage;
• Excellent oral and written communication skills and interpersonal skills;
• the success of similar feasibility assessments conducted previously;
• Sufficient human and technical capacity to carry out the feasibility studies within the time limits.

Proposals: any proposal under the current terms of reference must contain:

• A description of the evaluation team/individuals, including brief biographies of team members/individuals and the nature of their intended contribution (max 2 pages);
• The proposed methodology for carrying out the mission (max 1 page);
• Describe the work plan by identifying key dates and deliverables (max 1 page).
• An indicative budget broken down according to the main activities identified in the ToR (max 1 page).
Selection process

•All proposals must be submitted electronically to the following address no later than April 15, 2023: via e-mail. With the subject Lobeke NP & Periphery Governance Model Consultant

Selection criteria

• Availability – Ability to conduct and complete the assessment on time;
• Previous experience in carrying out similar types of assessment;
• Budget – visibility and affordability;
• Clarity of the methodology and correspondence with the ToR; • The references;

WWF is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce





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