(Radio-)journalist (f/m/x) for the practical training of students in conflict-sensitive reporting in Cameroon at Dienste in Übersee


The Peace Journalism programme at UPAC is unique in Central Africa. UPAC offers this course to promote peace and responsible journalism – a task that is becoming increasingly important in the current context of multiple crises.




In the media and social networks, a regrowth of hate speech can be observed, which undermines the idea of peaceful coexistence. In order to counteract these stereotypical, discriminatory and biased media articles, which have negative effects, it is important to strengthen the “Peace Journalism” course at UPAC.

The Université Protestante D’Afrique Centrale (UPAC) in Yaoundé evolved from the Faculté de Théologie Protestant de Yaoundé, founded in 1959, and was recognised as a state university in 2007. UPAC is supported by 14 Protestant churches of West and Central Africa.

The university has four faculties: Protestant Theology and Religious Studies, Medicine, Information Technology and Communication, as well as Social Sciences and International Relations.






The Peace Journalism programme is part of the Faculty of Social Sciences and International Relations. The Peace Journalism programme at UPAC is unique in Central Africa. UPAC offers this course to promote peace and responsible journalism – a task which is becoming increasingly important in the current context of multiple crises.

In 2016, the Master’s in Peace Journalism was relaunched at UPAC. It consists of two components: a journalistic and an academic component focusing on peacebuilding and conflict awareness..

Job Scope

As a professional, you will be involved in the practical training of students in peace journalism. You will make a positive contribution to objective and conflict-sensitive reporting as part of the students’ practical training . This includes creative contributions or the university radio, in order to strengthen the process of peaceful conflict transformation of regional, but also global challenges.




In particular, you will be responsible for the following:

  • You support the design and implementation process ofimplement practice-related projects for students in the areas of print media, radio and television.
  • You will supervise the projects and guide the students in the transfer of knowledge from theory to practice.
  • You will provide the necessary knowledge for the practice-related projects.
  • You accompany the projects and support the students in the transfer of knowledge from theory to practice.
  • You are responsible for setting up the UPAC campus peace radio and in collaboration with students determine an editorial line and and program planning.
  • You will support the students in the production of radio programs as well as video productions that meet the standards of sound, neutral and well-researched journalism.


  • You have a PhD or Master’s degree in journalism, communication or social sciences.
  • You have many years of practical work experience with various forms of media (print media, radio and television), specifically in radio show implementation
  • You have experience in conflict-sensitive and / or value-based reporting.
  • You enjoy teaching and working with students. Ideally, you have experience in higher education. can draw on a rich repertoire of participatory methods in knowledge transfer, preferably in higher education.
  • Your good oral and written knowledge of French and English and English enables you to communicate confidently and in a way that is appropriate forwith the target group and your colleagues.
  • You have a high level of intercultural sensitivity and experience, preferably experience in African countries.

Citizenship of a Member State of the European Union or Switzerland is required.

Benefits provided by Bread for the World and Dienste in Übersee
Bread for the World provides a framework in which the professionals of Dienste in Übersee share their knowledge and skills with people of another culture.

Supportive cooperation, mutual learning and intercultural exchange are enabled by:

  • Individual preparation
  • Three year contract with benefits in accordance with the German Development Aid Workers Act
  • Coaching

Our new job portal with all current advertisements can be found here.

Dienste in Übersee gGmbH is a 100% subsidiary of the
Protestant Agency for Diakonia and Development
with the brand Bread for the World

How to apply

Please upload your application now: https://due.hr4you.org/job/view/417






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