Consultant-Trainer to develop a tool for civil society on the terminology of the Global Fund’s “Communities at the Centre” strategy at Impact Santé Afrique

Consultant-Trainer to develop a tool for civil society on the terminology of the Global Fund’s “Communities at the Centre” strategy

I. Context

Impact Santé Afrique (ISA) is an African NGO based in Cameroon whose main objective is to contribute to the improvement of people’s health by implementing transformative and sustainable programs that will save lives and improve the health of our communities. (For more information, visit and contact us at




Impact Santé Afrique (ISA) coordinates the Civil Society Organisations (CSO) Platform for Malaria Elimination (CS4ME).

Since January 2023, CS4ME has been implementing a Technical Assistance project to support the meaningful engagement of people affected by malaria in 09 African countries: Benin, Cameroon, Congo, Ivory Coast, Madagascar, Niger, Nigeria, DRC, Senegal.






Within the framework of this project, ISA intends to strengthen civil society capacity in the Grant Cycle 7 (GC7) process, in particular by mastering and taking into account the Global Fund’s “Communities at the Centre of Interventions” strategy to ensure better community engagement in the concept notes. With this in mind, a consultant is sought.


The main objective of this service is to design a tool to strengthen civil society capacity in mainstreaming the “Communities at the centre of interventions” strategy in malaria programmes, as well as in high impact activities for better community engagement in the GC7 concept notes.

Specifically, it will be about to:

  • Collect the information needed to develop the tool,
  • Take into account the tools already developed by CS4ME and other organisations (Global Fund fact sheets, advocacy notes, the modular framework, CS4ME World Malaria Day annual statements, the review of NFM3 carried out by the CS4ME secretariat, etc.)
  • Take into account the contents of the necessary Global Fund Technical Briefs and other tools (WHO; RBM; Initiative; …) on malaria,
  • Provide key recommendations for Global Fund programs in countries.




II. Duties and responsibilities of the consultant-trainer

Under the direct supervision of the Executive Director of Impact santé Afrique (ISA), and working in collaboration with the Senior Civil Society Engagement Officer, the consultant will carry out the following tasks :

  • Propose a methodology to be validated by ISA,
  • Propose a detailed plan of the document to be validated by ISA,
  • Participate in working meetings with the ISA team, CS4ME secretariat,
  • Elaborate the detailed content of the document to be designed by ISA,
  • Elaborate a PowerPoint presentation of the document,
  • Participate as a trainer in the webinar presenting the document to civil society,
  • Write the global report of the training (progress, state of play, appreciation of CSOs, recommendations).

Main deliverables :

  1. A document containing the elements necessary to integrate the Communities at the Centre strategy into the GC7 process is developed, reviewed and validated;
  2. CS4ME member CSOs are briefed on the content of the document for better community engagement in the GC7 process during a webinar;
  3. An end-of-mission report is written and submitted to the NGO ISA.

1. Period of the expertise mission

This consultancy mission will take place from 21 to 30 April 2023.

2. Profile of the candidate

The expertise required will be the recruitment of a consultant with the following qualifications and skills :

  • Degree in one or more of the following fields: Master’s degree in Public Health/Community Health, Social Science Studies, Development Science or equivalent specialization;
  • Extensive experience in public health document development, community engagement and CSO capacity building
  • Familiarity with Global Fund processes;
  • Experience in workshop facilitation and coordination of multi-sectoral partners in health, leadership and consensus building skills;
  • Good writing, analytical and synthesis skills;
  • Familiarity with remote meeting and conference applications.

3. Application file

 A dated and signed CV, including 3 professional references;

– A technical sheet presenting the methodology used and the timetable of activities pages maximum);

– A Financial offer (1 page maximum).

4. Evaluation of tenders

The evaluation of the tenders received will be based in particular on the following criteria:

(i) The candidate’s experience in carrying out assignments similar to those specified in these terms of reference;

(ii) Understanding of the mission’s expectations and the proposed intervention methodology;

(iii) The proposed financial offer.

How to apply

The tender, including the documents mentioned in section 3, must be sent to the following address:| Subject of the mail : Consultant for the development of a tool for civil society on the Global Fund strategy based on “Communities at the center of interventions”.


The deadline for submission is 20 April 2023 at 23:59 (GMT+1). Applications received after this date will not be considered.



How to apply

Please upload your application now:




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