Notice of recruitment of a consultant for the Final Evaluation of the Cross-border Project in Cameroon and CAR entitled “Kiri a leke ni”

The Lutheran World Federation

The LWF-World Service is the humanitarian and development arm of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) known in English by the acronym “LWF”. We are a widely recognized international faith-based organization working in over 20 countries. We seek to bring people from all walks of life together in a common quest for justice, peace and reconciliation in an increasingly complex and fragmented world. We are particularly known for our timely, compassionate and professional humanitarian work, and for our presence on the ground in hard-to-reach areas. Our work is people-centered and community-based. Above all, we work with the most vulnerable, in order to equip them to better claim and defend their rights. For more than’




Scope of the study

The LWF has been present in CAR and Cameroon since 2013 and 2014 respectively; responding to the consequences of conflicts that have caused the internal displacement of populations and refugees in neighboring countries. To lay the foundations for a sustainable transition and contribute to the stabilization of the border region between CAR and Cameroon; the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), through the organization Diakonie Katastrophenhilfe (DKH) funded a project called “KIRI A LEKE NI” which means “let’s build together”, implemented by the LWF. This cross-border project is multi-sectoral, transitional and aims to facilitate access to basic services, means of subsistence and social cohesion for refugees, displaced persons,




It is within this framework that the LWF recruits a Consultant (legal or natural person) to carry out a final evaluation. Through this evaluation, we want to have an appreciation of the relevance of the project, the effectiveness of the project, the efficiency of the project, the impact of the project, the viability of the project, the organizational structure of the implementing partner, the coordination/cooperation mechanisms and security management.

Where and how long?

The consultancy takes place in Cameroon: Eastern Region in the Departments of Kadey and Lom and Djerem on the one hand and in the CAR: Prefectures of Nana Membéré, Membéré and Mambéré Kadei on the other hand, and, this for a estimated duration of 25 days including preparations and submission of reports.




Who are we looking for?

You are a legal person (organization) or natural person (working on your own account) of international caliber, with an advanced university education in the fields of economics, development, social sciences, agriculture, law, or you have a group of experts combining these expertises; you have a proven track record of conducting consultancies in livelihoods, household economic analyzes and markets; security management, Triple Nexus humanitarian – development – ​​Consolidation of Peace, and access to employment; or in a related field. ; you have accumulated good experience and knowledge of the Central African and/or Cameroonian context; you master the socio-economic and administrative environment as well as the regional dynamics of CEMAC, especially that of these two countries; consultative approaches, the use of quantitative and qualitative survey tools, the integration of gender into your studies are not innovations but a natural way of working; you adhere to the humanitarian principles, the code of conduct of international organizations and the universal values ​​they embody; then the LWF would like to hear from you.



Your offer !

You are interested in this invitation to tender, then you are welcome! We invite you to access the detailed terms of reference attached to this invitation to tender to better flesh out your bid and put the chances of success on your side. These terms of reference allow you to understand the contours of the evaluation, the expected results and deliverables, the desired methodology, the schedule and the detailed submission procedure. Your file must contain at least one motivation; the detailed technical and financial offers, the CVs as well as the academic titles and some documents justifying the experience (evaluations carried out in this field and or certificates with professional references that the FLM can contact for testimony);

The detailed terms of reference of the consultancy can be downloaded through this link: TDRs_External Final Evaluation of the Kiri a leke ni Project_K-CAF-2020-0198_RCA-Cameroun.pdf .

If the link does not open, you can write to the following email address:

How to apply

Submissions may be submitted electronically no later than 12 June 2023 at 5:00 p.m. GMT+1 to the following address:; specifying in the subject: “Technical and Financial Offer – Final Evaluation Project K-CAF-2020-0198”




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