JOB OFFER at OHADA – Organization for the Harmonization of Business Law in Africa – Yaoundé: FINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTING DIRECTOR

Post of international regime based in Yaoundé (Cameroon), 4-year contract
renewable once



Under the responsibility of the Permanent Secretary, the Financial and Accounting Director ensures
under his personal and pecuniary responsibility:
– the development of the implementation strategy for the autonomous financial mechanism
of the Organization;
– drawing up and presenting the consolidated operating and
investment budget of the Institutions;
– the determination of the amount of the contributions of each State Party;
– collection of contributions from States Parties;
– mobilization of financial resources from Technical and
Financial Partners;



– the preparation and presentation of consolidated financial reports of the activities of the
– the keeping of the consolidated accounts and the production of the consolidated financial statements
of the Institutions;
– the management of treasury operations.
The Financial and Accounting Director also ensures, under the same conditions, the
functional supervision of the Financial and Accounting Services of all the Institutions of the Organization,
and participates in all discussions relating to the improvement of the financial and accounting framework.
Development of the strategy for the implementation of the autonomous financing mechanism of


o definition of a policy for mobilizing financing or
State contributions;
o definition and implementation of relevant procedures and tools for mobilizing the
contribution expected from States;
o study and proposal to improve the autonomous financing mechanism of
Preparation and presentation of the consolidated operating and investment budget
of the Institutions of OHADA
o ensure the application of the Financial Regulations, and in particular the provisions relating to
the preparation and presentation of the consolidated budget of OHADA;
o coordinate the preparation and presentation of the consolidated budget (operation and
investment) of OHADA with the Institutions;
o ensure, in the preparation and presentation of the budget, compliance with the
budget framework document;
o ensure that all the documents that must accompany the draft
consolidated budget are ready on time, namely:
– a management report from the Permanent Secretary which sets out the situation of
the Organization during the past financial year, highlighting the performance
carried out, development prospects, foreseeable changes and
changes in the cash position;
– a presentation note from the Permanent Secretary indicating the changes
planned during the year and justifying the new measures proposed;
– a table comparing the revenue and expenditure forecasts with the
achievements noted during the two (2) previous years;
– the program of activities of the Institutions of the Organization for the year
in question, together with the expected results and the related performance indicators
– the investment program of the Institutions of the Organization;
o propose, in collaboration with the heads of Financial and Accounting Departments and other
operational managers, any relevant procedure or tool for
the preparation and presentation of the consolidated budget of OHADA; o ensure compliance with the budget calendar and associated
reporting deadlines ;

o ensure that the budget, as adopted by the Council of Ministers, is
communicated by the Permanent Secretary to the States Parties and to the Institutions of
the Organization;
o ensure that the Decision adopting the budget of the Organization is published
in the Official Journal of OHADA;
o ensure the diligent provision
of budgetary resources to the Institutions (SPO, CCJA, ERSUMA, CM, CCEG).
Determination of the amount of the contributions of each State Party
o put in place and ensure the implementation of relevant procedures and tools for
determining the contribution of each State Party to the annual budget of
o ensure the correct determination of the contributory share of the States Parties.
Collection of contributions from States Parties
o put in place and ensure the implementation of a
relevant policy, procedures and tools for the collection of contributions from States Parties;
o ensure the diligent collection of the States’ contribution:
– notification of the contributions expected from the States Parties, by letter from the
Permanent Secretary;
– analysis and justification of the accounts of the States Parties;
– systematic dunning of arrears (by dunning letters);
– monitoring of bank accounts opened in States Parties to the BCEAO (for
West African States) and to the BEAC (for
Central African States);
– report to the Council of Ministers (on the state of the updated contributions of the
Mobilization of financial resources from OHADA partners
o put in place and ensure the implementation of a policy, procedures and
relevant tools for mobilizing financial resources from
OHADA partners;
o ensure the management control of all the financing agreements
concluded with the technical and financial partners of OHADA;
o ensure the mobilization of acquired funding (preparation of requests for
release of funds according to the evolution of activities and agreements
o ensure the correct management of the resources mobilized in accordance with the
contractual clauses;
o ensure consolidated management and report at the financial level on the management of
resources at the budgetary level and at the level of the consolidated financial statements.
Preparation and presentation of consolidated financial reports of the activities of
OHADA Institutions
o put in place and ensure the implementation of a policy, procedures and
relevant tools for the preparation and presentation of
consolidated financial reports of activities OHADA Institutions;
o oversee the application of the periodic reporting schedule by the heads of the
financial and accounting departments of the Institutions.
Keeping of consolidated accounts and production of consolidated financial statements of
OHADA Institutions
o put in place and ensure the implementation of a policy, procedures and
relevant tools for the preparation and presentation of consolidated financial statements
OHADA Institutions:
– harmonized chart of accounts, budget and analysis;
– harmonized accounting rules and procedures;
– planning of accounting work and reporting by
OHADA Institutions (frequency, tasks, activities; results for recipients, deadlines
; managers);
– harmonized documents and supports;
– automated and integrated management system.
o ensure the application of the Schedule of provisional and closing accounting work
and dashboard elements of OHADA Institutions.
Management of treasury operations
o put in place and ensure the implementation of a policy, procedures and
relevant tools for the management of treasury operations of
OHADA Institutions:
– treasury plan;
– standardized management supports;
– management of bank accounts;
– management of revenue and expenditure management (minor expenditure fund,
specific management, etc.);
– mobilization (recovery) and provision of resources to the
– associated control and reporting activities (control of management,
cash control, reconciliation, analysis and justification of cash accounts
and related accounts);
o study and put in place any measure aimed at optimizing the cash flow and achieving
the financial balance of OHADA;
o support the Permanent Secretary in the search for funding:
financial and accounting aspects of funding application files.
Participation in all reflections relating to the improvement of the financial and accounting framework
o participate in the design, implementation and operation of a system of
relevant accounting and financial internal control:
– individual and consolidated accounting and financial management and organization process
(risk identification process, separation of
functions, delegation, documentation of processes and controls, etc.);
– process for preparing and communicating individual and consolidated accounting and financial information
(Financial regulations, procedures manuals
, information and management systems,
integrated management system, etc.).
o participate in the design, implementation and operation of a
relevant communication system with heads of institutions, heads of SFCs,
operational staff, auditors (internal and external), auditor.
Supervision of the Financial and Accounting Services of OHADA Institutions
o set up and ensure the implementation of an organization, procedures and
relevant tools to promote the achievement of the objectives of the
Financial and Accounting Department of OHADA in collaboration with the heads of
financial and accounting departments and all the players involved;
o ensure compliance with work schedules and reporting;
o organize periodic consultation meetings with the heads of
accounting departments of the Institutions.
The candidate must:
– hold a diploma of at least BAC+5 level in Accounting, Finance, or
any other equivalent diploma;
– justify a minimum of 10 years’ experience in financial and accounting management,
within a public administration and/or an international organization;
– demonstrate excellent knowledge of the financial and accounting management of
international organizations and projects funded by Technical and
Financial Partners;
– justify a proven knowledge of the OHADA Accounting System in general and in
particular of the accounting treatment of current operations (in particular
subsidies), end-of-year operations and the establishment of financial statements
individual and consolidated or combined as well as the analysis and interpretation of the
financial statements;
– demonstrate proven knowledge of the budgeting process in an
organization, of establishing individual and consolidated budgets;
– demonstrate proven knowledge of cash management in
international organizations and in a multi-organizational context;
– have a high sense of responsibility, rigour, attentiveness and fairness;
– demonstrate tact and diplomacy in the performance of their duties;
– have a good knowledge of French and one of the three other working languages
​​of the Organization, namely English, Spanish and Portuguese;
– have managerial skills, a good ability to manage difficult situations
, and an ability to work in a multicultural professional environment;
– have a good knowledge of the use of common software (Word, Excel,
Power Point, E-mail and other IT communication tools).
Applicants must meet the following conditions:
– be aged 55 or less on 1 January 2023;
– be a national of one of the 17 States Parties to the OHADA Treaty, namely: Benin,
Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Comoros, Congo, Côte d’
Ivoire, Gabon, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Mali,
Niger, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Senegal, Chad and Togo.


Applications must be sent no later than July 26, 2023 to the email address:, specifying the position in question in the subject of the email.

Applications must include, under penalty of rejection, the following documents:
• A cover letter dated and signed, addressed to the Permanent Secretary of OHADA;
• A copy of the diploma(s) required;
• A detailed curriculum vitae containing the contact details of two (2) referees;
• A birth certificate or any document in lieu thereof;
• A certificate of nationality;
• An extract from the criminal record dating from less than three (3) months.





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