Recruitment notice: Consultant to carry out the situational analysis

Recruitment notice: Consultant to carry out the situational analysis


Call for applications for the recruitment of a Consultant to carry out the situational analysis of the management of seized wildlife products resulting from wildlife crime in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)




1- Context:

Proud of a forest cover of approximately 1,280,000 km2 or 54% of its national territory and a population of approximately 50 million inhabitants [1] , the DRC has an exceptional biodiversity with approximately 10,000 species of plants. , 409 species of mammals, 1,117 species of birds and 400 species of fish [2] . Unfortunately, this rich biodiversity is under pressure of various kinds including wildlife crime, habitat loss and fragmentation, weak governance and law enforcement, and rampant corruption [3 ]. However, the illegal wildlife trade remains one of the major causes of biodiversity loss in the Democratic Republic of Congo. This trade takes place in most cases through organized networks that use sophisticated means, in particular new information and communication technologies, with connections and ramifications in neighboring countries and in Asia.




It should be noted that the DRC has signed the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (CITES) since October 18, 1976 and is a member of the Central African Forest Commission ( COMIFAC). In the same vein, the country enacted Law No. 14/003 of February 11, 2014 on nature conservation. This law provides for penalties ranging from 1 to 10 years’ imprisonment and fines ranging from five to twenty million Congolese francs (5,000 to 20,000 USD at 1 USD = 1,000 FC) for offenses against wildlife, and 5 to 10 years of imprisonment and fines ranging from 25 million to 100 million Congolese francs (25,000 to 100,000 USD) for transnational offenses against fauna and flora [4 ]. The successful enforcement of the above laws in the DRC has led to the arrest of some traffickers and the seizure of some wildlife products or derivatives, as well as live animals, including by-catch (chimpanzees and monkeys) which require effective management.

Unfortunately, as for many countries in Central Africa, the DRC does not have an effective and known management system for wild species, their parts and derivatives seized by the various law enforcement services. However, we observe different practices of the actors and which sometimes give rise to parallel or even competing procedures in the absence of real coordination. This state of affairs very often paves the way for corruption, the diversion of seized products and, in the worst case, the supply of the black market in great disregard of international rules on the management of seizures.

Based on these findings, TRAFFIC, in collaboration with ICCN, is launching a call for applications for the recruitment of an individual consultant to carry out a study on management systems for wild species (dead and living specimens), their parts and products seized from illegal trade in the DRC. The said study is part of the project entitled “ Inventory management system and inventory of seized proceeds from wildlife crime in the DRC”, financed by the Forest and Biodiversity Support Activity program (FABS) from USAID .




2- General objective

The general objective of this consultation is to propose to the DRC a management system for wild species, their parts and products, depending on whether the specimens are dead or alive seized and derived from wildlife crime. The said system will be proposed on the basis of a complete analysis and evaluation of the legal and institutional arrangements as well as the best operational practices and international standards in the matter.

3- Specific objectives:

 This consultation will specifically address :

  •   make an inventory of the management systems for wild species and their products seized from illegal trade by highlighting the policies, the institutional legal framework, while highlighting the gaps and limits of these systems;
  •    make an inventory of international systems and standards (CITES, IATA) for the management of seized products and their movement;
  •   make an inventory of international systems and standards (CITES, IATA) for the   management of living specimens while assessing their applicability in the context of the DRC;
  •   draw up an inventory of the needs and training materials for law enforcement officers in the management of products and live specimens seized from wildlife crime in the DRC;
  •   provide training modules for capacity building of law enforcement officers to test standard operational commodity management systems;
  •    make recommendations to improve laws, policies and standard operating procedures for seizures of dead and live animal parts, as well as any other assets;
  •   Summarize field interviews with actors involved in the law enforcement chain as well as conservation partners working in the management of wildlife products and live specimens seized in illegal trade;
  • develop proposals for standard operating procedures with a view to setting up a management system for wildlife products seized in illegal trade in the DRC;
  •   present the results of the study during a two-day workshop in front of the members of the working group on the management of wild species and their products seized in illegal trade in the DRC.


4-   Deliverables

4.1 The consultant is expected to submit a comprehensive report on the status of management systems for wild species and their products seized in illegal trade in the DRC. This report should emerge from the recommendations from which the consultant will propose standard operating procedures (SPO) for the management of dead animals, their parts and products as well as for live specimens.

The report should follow the outline below:

has.      A table of contents

  1.  Executive summary : it should briefly present the main conclusions and recommendations of the study, in French and in English.
  2.  Introduction: A brief introduction to the subject with international, regional and national connotations; current policy and regulatory mechanisms. This should include the geographical location of the DRC, the status of biodiversity with a focus on illegal trade in flagship species (CITES recommendations and national policies on the matter etc).
  3.  Methodology: A brief description of the literature and studies reviewed, the approach used to contact and discuss with stakeholders in the law enforcement chain as well as conservation partners involved in the management of seized products ( structured and semi-structured interviews, field work, etc.).
  4.  Results and discussions : This part must be presented at least in the following subtitles:

o   Status of wildlife management systems, their parts, products and live specimens seized in illegal trade in the DRC, relevant policies, laws and regulations, practices.

o   The inventory of procedures and operational standards for the management of wild species at the international level (CITES, IATA, etc.)

o   The institutional mechanism and role of actors involved in the management of wild species, their parts, products and live specimens in illegal trade in the DRC.

o   Limits, gaps, capacity building needs of agents involved in the law enforcement chain.

o   Training module for capacity building of law enforcement officers.

  1.  Conclusions and recommendations: This section should make a clear distinction between the recommendations concerning, on the one hand, those concerning the management of seized products and, on the other hand, those concerning live specimens resulting from wildlife crime.








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