Recruitment notice: a Regional Technical Assistant

Recruitment notice: a Regional Technical Assistant

Recruitment Notice for a Regional Water & Climate Technical Assistant

Under the responsibility of:          Regional Coordinator GWP Central Africa
Indicative duration: 1 year renewable subject to good performance and availability of funds
    Type of contract:             Fixed-term contract
Location: Yaoundé (full-time)

1. Background
The Global Water Partnership (GWP) is an international network of partners that support countries and regions in the development and sustainable management of water and related resources around the world. Its vision is that of a world where all water needs are met, therefore a world where water security is ensured. The network has more than 3000 partner organisations. It is supported by a global secretariat, Global Water Partnership Organization (GWPO), an intergovernmental organization based in Sweden, and is made up of over 65 Country Water Partnerships (CWPs) and 13 Regional Water Partnerships.




GWP Central Africa (GWP-CAf) is one of the 13 regional branches of GWP. It brings together GWP partners in Central Africa and facilitates the implementation of coordinated actions by governmental and non-governmental actors including in particular governmental, non-governmental, research and private sector institutions. GWP-CAf is hosted for administrative and financial management aspects by the World Wide Fund for Nature office in Cameroon (WWF CCPO). GWP-CAf partners have formed Country Water Partnerships (CWP) in 5 countries in the region (Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Sao Tomé & Principe and Chad).
GWP-CAf deploys its activities within the framework of a three-year work program backed by the 2020-2025 strategy of the GWP network. Currently, the organization is notably implementing its general CORE program in support of the countries of the region and the following programmes:
• The readiness project for the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in CAR,
• the Global Water Leadership Program in CAR,
• the Africa Water Investment Program and its Water, Climate, Development and Gender sub-program (AIP WACDEP-G).
The region is also working on the development of portfolios on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), flood and drought risk management, food security in a “NEXUS” context with the consideration of water-food-energy nexus. -ecosystem, and youth engagement, among others.



2. Position framework

Under the responsibility of the regional coordinator of GWP-CAf, the Regional Technical Assistant will have as main mission, to support the execution of the GCF preparation program of the Central African Republic started in June 2022. He / She will also support the implementation implementation of other programs in the organization’s portfolio. And as a member of the GWP-CAf team, the ATR will also contribute to the resource mobilization, partnership building and knowledge management efforts of the network.


 3. Specific responsibilities
i) Support to the implementation of the GCF Readiness Project in the Central African Republic – Regional coordination of the project (40%)

• Serve as the GWP-CAf focal point in the implementation of the GCF readiness project in CAR, to ensure the delivery on the ground of substantial high quality activities, in accordance with the approved work plan;
• Conduct weekly meetings with the Project Management Unit (PMU) team to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the work plan: review the work accomplished and the responsibilities, commitments for the coming period , facilitate broader support from the PMU when needed on a timely basis, provide technical and strategic advice to the PMU;
• Maintain and periodically update the matrix of project risks and mitigation measures;
• Provide regular information in agreement with the regional coordinator and the CWP on the progress of activities, including in particular the difficulties encountered, and ensure that appropriate solutions are identified and deployed with them;
• Propose adaptations of the work plan as needed, for discussion with the PMU, the CWP, the Regional Coordinator, and GWPO;
• Review and provide feedback to the PMU on the TORs, activity concept notes, intermediate and final deliverables, monthly, quarterly and semi-annual reports submitted by the project coordinator based in CAR. Ensure the technical review of these same documents by the regional team with regard to issues of climate resilience, institutional expertise, gender and social inclusion, and any other necessary expertise. Obtain the approval of the Regional Coordinator, before the elements are transmitted to GWPO for review in the role of implementing partner;




• Work closely with GWP-CAf team members, including gender expert,
• Support the PMU in liaison with the Designated National Authority, the CWP and the country’s stakeholders, with a view to raising the profile of the CAR CWP, GWP-CAf and GWPO as a partner for the preparation projects of the GCF;
• Contribute to ensuring synergy between the implementation of the project and other GWP-CAf programs and activities in the country and the region: identify potential links and synergies, propose modalities to capitalize on them and contribute to their implementation ;



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• Identify program development opportunities for GWP-CAf arising from the implementation of this project, contributing to the development and management of partnerships, and the development of concept notes.
ii) Capacity building, knowledge management and development support of the GCF Readiness Program at regional and country levels (15%) – Capacity building:
o Undertake a desk review, in liaison with the regional team and the GWP Global Climate Team – to identify and build technical capacity needed at the GWP-CAf level to oversee and guide the development and on-the-ground implementation of GCF readiness projects by the PMU . Store the knowledge acquired and any capacity building materials prepared. Establish and maintain a filing system to build a repository of knowledge on GCF readiness projects for GWP-CAf.
o Undertake a capacity needs assessment of the PMU and GWP-CAf for the realization of this GCF readiness project. Design a
capacity building action plan under the direction of the regional coordinator and the global climate team. Implement the capacity building plan.
o Participate in capacity building activities offered by the GWP network, and by global and regional partners, to build GWP-CAf capacity on GCF readiness.
o Organize training sessions on climate finance for the GWP-CAf network.

– Knowledge management and communication:
o Work closely with the Regional Communication Manager to develop and implement a knowledge management plan for the GCF Readiness Program
o Ensure good communication on the GCF project: in collaboration with the Regional Communication Manager, synthesize progress, lessons and results of implementing GCF readiness to prepare communication materials (at least one article per quarter), notes, and impact story(s) (at least one) feeding into the GWP Knowledge System, GWP Website, and GWP Toolkit

– Support to the development of the GCF Readiness Program in the region:
o Serve as a reference person for the GWP-CAf on the technical aspects of GCF readiness projects in the Central Africa region
o Support the possible preparation of new GCF readiness projects in the region: support for coordination with the National Authority Designated and the CWP in the country, desk review, proofreading of the project proposal prepared by the global climate team.
iii) Support for the development and implementation of the portfolio of GWP-CAf projects (30%) Under the supervision of the Regional Coordinator:
• Engage with target countries, CWPs and partners, support and advise them in the development of initiatives that strengthen GWP’s role in the region. And ensure liaison and strategic and operational partnerships with relevant stakeholders;
• Support the regional coordination of the GWL program and GWP activities in the CAR (support regional coordination, support the implementation of the GWL program, support the development of GWP initiatives in the CAR, provide strategic and technical support;
• Support the the implementation of the portfolio of current GWP-CAf programs as needed (the activities of the Core program, the WACDEP-G program and the GWL program) including future projects;
• Support resource mobilization activities and the development of programs and project proposals, including identification, liaison and engagement with donors and international financial institutions;
• Lead and/or assist in the planning, preparation, organization and facilitation of national, regional and international events, including policy dialogues, consultative and training workshops, and prepare reference, concept notes, agendas and related reports.
• Represent the organization, on delegation of the regional coordinator and undertake any other task requested by the supervisor.

iv) Reporting progress and sharing lessons with other GWP regions (15%)
• Participate in weekly, monthly and quarterly meetings to review the progress of projects and programs with the various stakeholders as required,
• Participate in inter-regional exchanges to share and learn from other GWP regions implementing different projects. Document learnings for GWPCAf projects, and integrate these learnings into the implementation of activities,
• Participate in the consolidation of quarterly and/or half-yearly technical and financial reports on the programs, ensuring the approval of the direct implementing partners (CWP, AND, etc.), GWP-CAf, and the host institution, for reporting to the GWPO and then to the donor.

4. Qualifications and experience required Interested candidates must have at least the following qualifications and experience: – Master’s degree (Bac+05) in natural resource management, climate finance, environmental management, or other related fields;

– At least 5 years of relevant experience in the management of natural resources (with a focus on the management and implementation of climate adaptation projects), with at least one work experience at the regional level;
– Demonstrated experience in coordinating consultants, events, multi-stakeholder platforms;
– Demonstrated understanding of the national contexts of countries in the Central Africa region, water resources management, climate change impacts, climate vulnerability, natural resource management and related issues;
– Understanding of the institutional and political environment around water management, climate change and sustainable development in Central Africa;
– Knowledge of financing mechanisms for the fight against climate change such as the Green Climate Fund, the Global Environment Facility, the Adaptation Fund and others is an advantage;
– Knowledge of gender mainstreaming in development planning and climate resilience is an advantage;
– Experience in resource mobilization and partnership building in the region is an advantage;
– Excellent organizational and project management skills, with a demonstrated ability to coordinate and manage multiple tasks;
– Proven ability to organize and facilitate capacity building activities in the fields of climate change, water or related fields at different levels (local-national-regional);
– Excellent written and oral communication skills in French and English;
– Excellent research, analytical and writing skills, including the ability to synthesize complex information into documents for both policy and technical experts;
– Demonstrated interpersonal and teamwork skills and ability to work independently;
– In-depth knowledge of computers – proficiency in office applications and remote work – MS office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Teams, Outlook, SharePoint …) – Zoom;
– Flexibility, creativity and efficiency in working collaboratively in a multicultural team environment.
– Proactive approach to meeting deadlines and achieving results with minimal supervision. Proven ability to work in a results-oriented team. Be available to travel frequently on a short-term basis.

5. How to Apply

– Interested candidates should prepare and submit a cover letter (addressed to the GWP-CAf Chair) and curriculum vitae (with names and contacts of references) to

– Applications must be submitted electronically no later than October 24, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. (Cameroon time). This call for applications is open to any national of the region residing in Cameroon for the duration of the contract. The countries in the GWP CAf region are Cameroon, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Central African Republic, Republic of Congo, Sao Tome and Principe and Chad.





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