Recruitment Notice: Community Engagement Officer

Recruitment Notice: Community Engagement Officer

Local Action for Participatory and Self-Managed Development

Community Engagement Officer a woman of reference



Hierarchical Supervisor Project Supervisor
Person to be supervised Municipal volunteers and animators
Place of employment Betaré-Oya
Number of places 01
Duration 07 Months Renewable Publication date
01/11/2022 Application
deadline 07111/2022 at midnight
Terms of reference for KOICA project positions Position
title: Community Engagement Officer
Reports to: Supervisor



Position summary: Under the direct supervision of the Supervisor, he/she will be responsible for organizing awareness-raising sessions, community mobilization and capacity building for community management structures on themes aimed at promoting the rights of children and adolescents in the sectors of protection, education, water, hygiene and sanitation.
Work station: de
Implementation of activities in the field
Community mobilization
The Community Engagement officer is responsible for ensuring the mobilization of all community actors who can contribute to the implementation of project activities

and implement the community engagement and participation strategies outlined in the project to ensure ownership and sustainability of the achievements at the community level. Welle is in charge of
• Conduct information, advocacy and community engagement sessions with community leaders and other key informants. Conduct a participatory assessment of needs, capacities, resources, support structures, communication channels, practices and behaviors, as well as stakeholders in alignment with the project concept note. Share and discuss results with communities in an accessible and appropriate way (community dialogue). Advocate to take into account the priority problems identified aligned with the logical framework of the project. Collaborate with community leaders and local networks to identify Risk Mitigation Strategies to support the inclusion of vulnerable groups
• Organize, in collaboration with the social tirailleurs, the process of identifying community animators
Participate with social workers in the process of targeting and selecting beneficiaries of training on positive parenting
In collaboration with social workers, train parents on parenting positive
• In collaboration with the social workers, train the animators on the positive parenting program
• Conduct the training of animators on the Living peace program and on participatory theater
• Conduct training for adolescents on the Living Peace program Conduct advocacy and community engagement sessions of leaders for the promotion of girls’ rights and on the abandonment of child marriages
• Set up/Revitalize and monitor the functioning of adolescent clubs
• Organize training workshops for adolescent clubs in collaboration with local experts
• Participate in the implementation of the “cash transfer” program (identification of beneficiaries, establishment of targeting committees and management of complaints, post-distribution follow-up) Follow up on the functioning of Civil Status Centers
Set up and monitor-support the operation of community birth registration mechanisms
• Set up and monitor-support the operation of community mechanisms for monitoring student enrollment and attendance
• Set up and monitor a feedback mechanism On the use of learning materials
• Support participatory school management structures and community management structures in the promotion of inclusive education and in the organization of back to school and stay in school campaigns
• Revitalize and monitor the operation of participatory school management structures (APEE, School Councils, COGES, Children’s Governments, Clubs, School Cooperatives)
• Strengthen the capacities of participatory school management structures (School councils, COGES) in the development and implementation of
water, hygiene and sanitation action plans Monitor
the functioning of the mechanism for the sustainable management of hydraulic structures
Participate in the establishment, training and monitoring of pilot management structures for works and hygiene monitoring at community level Cross-
cutting tasks
Conduct community outreach and mass awareness activities, including film screenings on child marriage, birth registration, education and water, hygiene and sanitation
Participate in the production and broadcast of programs radio stations for the dissemination of awareness-raising messages on the themes targeted by the project. Organize collective listening sessions within adolescent clubs and with community leaders
Supervise facilitators and build their capacity in awareness-raising, data collection and feedback activities within their community
Sensitize communities (community leaders, parents and children), teaching staff and local elected officials on children’s rights
Monitor the functioning of community feedback mechanisms, propose an accountability plan to address complaints received.
Staff management, capacity building, Supervision and evaluation
Participate in the identification of Animators
Provide guidance to Animators in the development of their weekly activity plans
Ensure that each municipal volunteer and animator under his supervision has the tools necessary for his work (Reference documents, data collection sheets, image box, reporting sheets, etc.) Plan, in collaboration with the supervisor, the training of Animators and Community Volunteers under his supervision Carry out training

follow-up for Animators on a daily basis
Organize quarterly meetings for the ongoing training of Animators
Carry out periodic evaluations of Animators
Provide Animators with awareness-raising and reporting tools
Provide technical support to municipal volunteers whenever necessary
Participate in capacity building sessions organized by the
Project Coordination or by its organization
Planning, monitoring-evaluation, reporting and referencing
Develop its weekly schedule according to the priorities and work schedules communicated by the Project Coordination and submit them for validation the Supervisor;
Collect and compile the activity reports of the animators
Refer to the Social Worker the cases of violence identified
Provide daily information on the physical and digital reporting tools Write the various periodic reports (weekly, monthly, quarterly, mid-term, final)
Collect and transmit monthly and quarterly data for the monitoring of indicators
Collect information from the technical services of the project intervention areas
Provide a complete report (narrative, illustrated, statistical and analytical) of each activity carried out within the framework of the project in its area of ​​competence Provide up-to-date data to populate the project performance indicator dashboard
Participate in surveys, programmatic visits and project evaluations
Follow the directions given by the Supervisor and the Technical Coordinators for the implementation activities
Collaborate with local stakeholders (municipal executive, state sectors, law enforcement, humanitarian actors and community leaders) in the implementation of activities Participate in coordination meetings at local level
Participate in coordination meetings coordination of the project team
Immediately inform the Project Supervisor of any action by stakeholders external to the project team that may influence the execution of the work plan or the results of the project in its area of ​​​​competence
Other tasks
Perform any other task assigned to him by his hierarchy and which may contribute to the achievement of the results of this project.
Hold a higher diploma (at least Bac + 3) in social sciences or any other equivalent diploma;
Have at least 02 years of experience in community mobilization activities
Have a good knowledge of themes related to child protection, education, water, hygiene and sanitation; Have a good command of Word and Excel tools
Have knowledge in writing reports
Excellent verbal and written communication skills in French,
Excellent ability to write activity reports.
Knowledge of a local language would be an asset
Application file
They must contain the following documents:     
A job application for the position signed and addressed to the General Coordinator of ALDEPA, a signed motivation letter clearly specifying his interest in occupying this


     A detailed Curriculum Vitae, dated and signed;
     Photocopies of diplomas and other certificates and attestations of experience mentioned in the CV: Driving license
Composition of the file and admissibility
Complete files must be submitted. under closed envelopes which includes the job title at the following addresses.
 Maroua: Headquarters of ALDEPA on the Liberty Hotel and Sipromac axis;
     Garoua Boulaï next to the beautiful place inn opposite the Sub-prefecture Any department of the Far North;
Or sent to the email address: no later than Monday, November 07, 2022 at 4 p.m. sharp.






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