ACS-COSECSA Women Scholars Programme for African Women Surgeons 2023

ACS-COSECSA Women Scholars Programme for African Women Surgeons 2023

There is a severe shortage of surgeons in Sub-Saharan Africa.






Current data indicate that there are only 0.5 surgeons for every 100,000 people. Although women make up more than 50 percent of the population, they represent only 7 percent of the surgical work force.

To help address this problem, the American College of Surgeons (ACS) and the College of Surgeons of East, Central, and Southern Africa (COSECSA) have developed a scholarship program to support women in surgical residency, help them complete their training, and encourage other women in medicine to consider surgery as a profession.





About College of Surgeons of East & Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA)

In 1996, a Steering Committee of the Association of Surgeons of East Africa (ASEA), supported by visionary surgeons who would become the Foundation Fellows of COSECSA, recognised that the quality and quantity of surgical services available to people within the region was inadequate Training of specialist surgeons in the region was restricted to the M.Med surgery programmes (or equivalent) in University Teaching Hospitals with only limited numbers and a variable training programme. Access to training in the UK was becoming restricted and the FRCS exam was being phased out.




Women Scholars Programm

  • Category Fellowship
  • Organisation College of Surgeons of East & Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA)
  • Country to study
  • School to study
  • Course to studyNot specified
  • Application DeadlinecFebruary 15, 2023

Aim and Benefits of Women Scholars Programm

The award will be used towards fellowship examination expenses, including fellowship examination, examination travel and accommodation, graduation, and five-year membership dues to COSECSA and ACS

Each scholarship is worth $2,500.

Requirements for Women Scholars Programm Qualification

The program is open to senior female surgical trainees who are preparing to take this fellowship level examination in 2023


Application Deadline

February 15, 2023

How to Apply

Interested and qualified? Go to College of Surgeons of East & Central and Southern Africa (COSECSA) on to apply

Applicants should include a personal statement indicating future goals, a current curriculum vitae, and a letter of support from their surgical training program director.

Completed applications should be sent to the COSECSA Scholarship Committee at Scholarship Reference Number to select on the application portal is ACS-COSECSA/2023/T2

For more details, visit COSECSA website.






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