A medical humanitarian non-governmental organization (NGO) governed by Swiss law; Doctors of the World Switzerland (MdM-CH) works to sustainably restore access to healthcare for excluded people. It has been present in Cameroon since 2013 and implements several projects, around three (03) main thematic axes: Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Prevention and Management of Violence and Paediatric Palliative Care.
Since March 2023, MdM-CH has been implementing the third phase of a three (3) year project entitled “Strengthening the protection of vulnerable populations in the North-West and West regions of Cameroon”, which aims to contribute to the reduction of violence and the optimization of victims’ access to integrated victim care services in the North-West and West regions of Cameroon. To this end, like all the organization’s interventions, this project is part of a dynamic combining institutional anchoring to facilitate the development of service provision and community anchoring to improve demand, all to reduce exclusion and move towards universal access to care. The project’s impact on development is in line with the United Nations’ MDGs 3, 5 and 16.
To alleviate the difficulties of accessing care for victims of GBV, the project will provide free holistic care for victims in hospitals in the North-West region (Bamenda and Santa) and the West region (Bafoussam and Mbouda), with a particular focus on men and boys who are victims of violence. It also includes a communication strategy on violence against boys and men, to encourage a paradigm shift and promote access to the various services that will be set up. Médecins du Monde Switzerland is looking for an individual consultant or a team of consultants able to carry out a preliminary participatory community diagnosis of violence against men/boys and its consequences on their physical and mental health, accompanied by annual anthropological monitoring surveys.
The objective of this consultancy is to contribute to improving the fight against violence against men through:
– Carrying out a participatory community diagnosis with CBOs and local organizations in the municipalities of Bamenda and Santa of the North West Region, on violence against men and its consequences on their physical and mental health.
– Support for the development of an action plan by CBOs and local associations to improve knowledge within their respective communities about violence against men and its consequences on their physical and mental health.
– The implementation of an annual monitoring mission to follow up on the various study resolutions and recommendations.
Specifically, this will involve:
– Identify, with the participation of communities, the different forms of violence against men/boys and their consequences on their physical and mental health.
– Identify, with the participation of communities, the obstacles hindering victims from seeking help.
– Analyzes the different ways in which GBV cases are managed at both community and institutional levels.
– Involve communities in proposing solutions to encourage victims to seek help.
– Conduct an annual monitoring and evaluation mission.
The expected results of this consultation are:
– A participatory diagnosis is carried out with CBOs and local organizations on violence against men and its consequences on their physical and mental health.
– An action plan drawn up for partner CBOs and local organizations to improve knowledge in their respective communities about violence against men and its consequences on their physical and mental health.
– Implementation of an annual monitoring mission.
Participatory community diagnoses and annual monitoring missions will take place in the towns of Bamenda and Santa in the North West region.
The selected consultant will provide the following deliverables for each town (Bamenda and Santa):
– A report detailing the planning and execution of the community participatory diagnosis, focusing on methodology, results and recommendations.
– A work plan for target CBOs and local organizations
– Annual monitoring mission reports
All reports, notes and minutes produced by the consultancy must be written in English, with a summary in French. Documents should be submitted mainly in Word format. Some files may be submitted in Excel for easier reading and use.
The consultancy is spread over a maximum period of thirty (30) days for the community participatory diagnosis and a maximum of ten (10 days) for each monitoring mission from the date of signature of the contract.
– Individual consultant or team of consultants
– Mandatory for the principal consultant: University degree (minimum Master’s) in social sciences (anthropology, sociology)
– Mandatory for the lead consultant: Completion as lead consultant of two (02) socio-anthropological studies commissioned by an international organization (proof of successful completion to be provided).
– Have carried out at least one (01) similar assignment for the principal consultant and provide proof of this.
– Proven expertise in the field of GBV, with at least 03 years’ experience in conducting studies, developing policies/strategies, etc. for the associate consultant (if applicable).
– Knowledge of the desired context of the North West Region (Bamenda and Santa)
– Knowledge of the GBV context in the North West Region (Bamenda and Santa)
– Knowledge of vulnerable populations and internally displaced persons is highly desirable.
– Experience in workshop facilitation, training, monitoring and evaluation.
In addition to the conditions listed above, each candidate must satisfy the administrative formalities required to practice his/her profession in Cameroon.
Consultants invited to tender must provide the following information to the email address with in copy specifying in the subject line “Participatory Diagnosis with CBOs and local associations in NW 2023-2025 ” :
– The Technical Proposal including:
A technical approach for the execution of the missions (participatory community diagnosis and monitoring missions) containing the methodology to be used to achieve the mission objectives.
The provisional intervention schedule, including availability.
- References, including proof of execution of similar consultancies.
CV of consultant(s)
A financial proposal including the total budget including VAT (If applicable), with details of the budget.
The deadline for receipt of application files is Saturday 15 th July 2023 , 5:00 PM local time.
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