*CALL FOR TENDERS: DIAGNOSTIC STUDY: Diagnostic study for the implementation of improved smokehouses as part of the fish smoking activity in the villages of Mbengué Dikoumé, Youmé 1 and Youmé 2*

Cameroon Mangrove Ecosystem Restoration and Resilience (CAMERR)
Product 3: The socio-economic empowerment capacities of local populations are
strengthened through Income Generating Activities (IGAs)

Diagnostic study for the implementation of improved smokehouses as part of the fish smoking activity in the villages of Mbengué Dikoumé, Youmé 1 and Youmé 2

Terms of Reference

1. Context and Rationale
Cameroon’s coastal regions, with their many economic opportunities, are now a center
of attraction generating significant population growth. This human pressure threatens the
forest ecosystems of the Cameroonian coast, significantly affecting wildlife habitats,
biodiversity and more generally natural resources, and therefore the livelihoods of
riverside communities.
In this context, the planting of mangrove trees to regenerate the mangrove ecosystem, one of the most
powerful natural carbon sinks in the world, has been identified locally as one of the priority optionsthat can contribute to restoring the environment of this sensitive agroecological zone and therefore its role inmitigating climate change. The aim is also to support the emergence or strengthening ofbiodiversity-based value chains, in favor of the local development of communities and thestrengthening of their capacities to adapt to climate change.While several reforestation initiatives have been carried out by various actors and where theplanting needs are still immense (the Cameroonian coastline has more than 220,000 ha of mangrove, alreadypartially degraded or even destroyed), the present project “Mangrove restoration in support ofcommunity resilience and biodiversity protection” aims to contribute, in the long term and on its scale,to sustainable management of coastal forest ecosystems in the area by reducing theeconomic and social vulnerabilities of local communities. As part of the implementation of this project, it is planned,among other things, to strengthen the socio-economic empowerment capacities of local populations andwomen in particular, in particular through the improvement of the smoking system used byfish smokers. Indeed, the installation of improved smokehouses helps to reduce pressure onmangrove forests (less wood is needed to smoke the same quantity of fish), and to improve the health ofwomen who smoke fish. Numerous studies and experiments on different types of smoking roomsexist to date, notably carried out by CIFOR-ICRAF and by the CSO Cameroon-Ecology (Cam-Eco), within theframework of the GML (Governing Multifunctional Landscapes) project.Nevertheless, despite these numerous studies on the subject, certain gray areas persist in properlydeploying this activity, in particular:• The number of groups of women smokers, their numbers, and their social organization withineach of the villages of the groups of women smokers and their social organization within each
of the villages
• The appropriate size of smokehouse for each of the groups (which will depend directly on the size of the
group estimated beforehand).

• The prototype(s) of improved smokehouses to be installed with regard to their advantages / disadvantages and
existing practices
To do this, the need for a diagnosis arises in order to:
• Identify the type of smokehouse to be installed
• Evaluate the feasibility
• Determine the possible limits of the latter.
This document presents the details related to the realization of this diagnostic study.
2. Objectives of the study
This diagnostic study will aim to identify the characteristics (number, prototypes, sizing,
locations, etc.) of the improved smokehouses to be implemented within the localities as part of the smoking activity, so that this implementation is sustainable and lasting, both from an environmental, economic, social and cultural point of view . Specifically, this will involve: 1. Analyzing fish smoking activity in localities from a social and cultural perspective. Several questions underlie this point: • What is the profile of women smokers (origin, level of training and qualification, age, etc.)? • What is the organization of work within the framework of this smoking activity (individual activity, intra-family; mutual aid and cooperation between women smokers; associated with several; employees? • What is the governance of fish smoking structures / smokehouses and on what criteria do they group together? • What is the assessment of women smokers and local authorities for the establishment of groups / associations of women smokers? • What is the perception of their activity (long-term projection or activity perceived as transitory, perception of the health issues of the activity on smokers and the evolution of the activity in connection with mangrove cutting)? 2. Analyze the smoking activity from an economic perspective and then more broadly the fish smoking sector The objective is to understand the economic functioning of the smoking activity in order to estimate in the long term the economic impacts linked to the implementation of improved smokehouses (particularly in terms of improving income). 2.1. Microeconomic analysis (targeted on the smoking activity): • The consultant will produce a typical operating account for the smoking activity with a traditional smokehouse (including an order of magnitude of the costs dedicated to the purchase ofcooking fuels)
• What is the seasonality of the smoking activity?
• What are the main criteria used to set the price of smoked fish (size, nutritional quality,
organoleptic, etc.)? What is the quality of smoked fish currently produced with
traditional smokehouses? Does the type of smoking (traditional or improved) have a positive impact on the quality
of the product and therefore its price? What impact does the improved smokehouse have on the profit margin /
profitability of the smoking activity?
• What are the current smoking practices, what are the different types of smokehouses used and
why? What are the advantages / disadvantages of using traditional smokehouses from an
economic point of view?
2.2. In addition: some elements of macroeconomic analysis on the sector:
• What are the main production areas for smoked fish in Cameroon?
• What is the organization & operation of the sector, and economic relations between the different
links in it (production, processing, marketing)?

• What supply channels with wood cutters (including fuels and therefore
mangrove) and what preferred distribution channels?
• What segmentation of the smoked fish market (products with greater added value) and
what health regulations and certifications exist? 3.
Analyze the expected environmental impact of the installation of improved smokehouses
These improved smokehouses being more efficient than traditional smokehouses (comparison of the quantities of
wood required, time, and costs related to this resource), they allow on the one hand to use less
fuel, but also very often to reduce cooking time, in addition to also having
a greater smoking capacity. One of the risks is to increase production volumes and
intensify smoking activity, and ultimately not reduce the pressure on mangrove wood cutting.
• What associated risks and how to mitigate them?
3. Methodology
Being a technical and practical study, the methodology used will be essentially participatory. It
will include both plenary discussions and site visits to smokehouses in the communities
of the Manoka district.

Here are the main suggested steps:
1. Analysis of the existing situation
(minimum 5 days)
• Bibliography and state of the art on the fish smoking activity (West Africa and Cameroon) and
on the fish smoking sector: identify the methodological pitfalls and the main results &
risks identified for each study, and conditions for the success of the sector.
To do this, bibliographic resources will be made available to the consultant by CamEco and other partners.
• Study the positive impacts and pitfalls of the implementation of improved smoking rooms by our partners
(Cam-Eco in Manoka and CWCS in Yoyo, but also in Mouanko).
To do this, discussions with the communities that have benefited from these smoking rooms will be planned in
addition to discussions with our partners.
2. Collection of qualitative and quantitative data in Youmé 1 or Youmé 2, Mbengue Dikoumé,
Mouanko and Manoka
(4 days x 3 = 12 days)
Conducting surveys (focus groups and/or semi-structured interviews) with women smokers,
households in the localities concerned, local authorities (including traditional chiefdoms), and
various stakeholders in the sector (fishermen, wood cutters, traders) to address the
issues and questions (socio-cultural, economic and environmental) set out
above. During this stage, identify and represent, using a sociogram, the
groups of women smokers that are consistent with existing socio-cultural dynamics.
To enable the community to contribute effectively to this study, communication
will be made to them in advance a few days before the arrival of the team in charge of the study so that
it is familiarized and prepared for the smooth running of the work.
3. Benchmark of improved smokehouses proposed by suppliers
(duration to be defined by the consultant)
With the support of CAMERR partners, comparison of the performances of the different prototypes,
particularly on the energy efficiency criterion, then identification of the stakeholders in the construction
of improved smokehouses.
4. Processing, analysis of data collected in the field and drafting of the final report (analysis of
advantages / disadvantages of existing improved smokehouses)
(11 days)
At the end of these analyses, present:
• The apprehended risks and the potential socio-economic consequences of the installation of
improved smokehouses (SWOT analysis), in order to ensure that it is profitable over a period of 10 then
40 years.
• The optimal improved smokehouse prototype per village, with regard to several criteria:
o Environmental (maximum reduction in the consumption of mangrove wood)
o Sanitary (improvement of women’s health)
o Practical (solidity over time, ease of use and maintenance. Attention
particular attention will be paid to the most suitable type of grilling).
• The number and size of ideal smokehouses per village and their location in relation to pre-existing socio-cultural dynamics
Specifically in Mouanko, where it would seem that few improved smokehouses have been implemented in
relation to needs, it would be wise to assess whether it is a priori relevant or not to install
improved smokehouses again in this village.
• With the support of Cam-Eco, a protocol for the use and maintenance of these smokehouses over 10 years, intended for
women’s groups (4 days)
Any other relevant methodological element may be proposed by the consultant.
4. Expected results
A deliverable (final report of the study) is expected at the end of the study, which will respond to the following results:
• Identification of coherent women’s groups with a well-defined group structure
(roles and responsibilities).
• Identification of a smokehouse model adapted to the existing one and with easy maintenance.
• Estimation of the reduction in mangrove wood consumption per smokehouse and proposal
of other relevant indicators to assess the impact of the implementation of improved smokehouses.
• Estimation of the probable evolution of the income of women smokers with the implementation of these
improved smokehouses.
• Proposal of relevant socio-economic indicators for the monitoring and evaluation of this activity

Other deliverables, which will be annexed to the final report of the study, are expected:
• Typical operating account for the fish smoking activity
• Protocol for the use and maintenance of these smokehouses over 10 years
• Analysis report of the existing situation.
The results of this diagnostic study will subsequently allow the Cam-Eco partner:
• To establish a relevant and coherent awareness-raising plan with regard to existing dynamics to:
o Raise awareness among women about the adoption of improved smokehouses and the establishment of
structured groups or associations of women smokers (including people responsible
for the maintenance of these smokehouses).
o Increase awareness among wood cutters about more sustainable exploitation of
mangrove wood
• Train and raise awareness about sustainable and sustainable financial and operational management.
• Establish an action plan to legalize and institutionalize these women’s groups, in conjunction with
local authorities
5. Participants
This working session will be essentially inclusive. It will involve men, women, girls,
young people, non-natives (foreign communities), the disabled and finally traditional authorities.
6. Expected profile of the consultant
Agro-economist profile preferred, with solid knowledge in sociology and ethnology required.
Significant experience (at least 5 years) in socio-economic analysis of fish smoking and improved smokehouses activity
strongly desired. Past experience in conducting surveys directly
with women smokers is desired.
Knowledge of mangrove ecosystems is desired.
Knowledge of the geographical area is desired.
Bilingual in French and English. Knowledge of Bakoko (local language) and Nigerian Pidgin is a plus.
7. Location and date
The study will take place in the communities of Mbengue Dikoumé, Youmé (1 and/or 2, to be defined later
depending on time constraints), but also in Manoka and Mouanko, where improved smokehouses have been
installed by Cam-Eco with financial support from CIFOR.
8. Study program
The study will take place in thirty-two (32) days. The timetable is to be proposed by the consultant.
The mission will begin upon signing the contract and will end upon acceptance of the final report. The
planned schedule is as follows:

• March 5, 2025: launch of the call for tenders
• March 19, 2025: submission of technical offers (timetable)
• March 21, 2025: notification of the contract
• March 24, 2025: start of the mission
• May 6, 2025: end of the consultation
This schedule will be adjusted before being included in the contract signed with the successful bidder.
To apply for this consultancy, each candidate must send, in addition to their CV, a
technical and financial offer to the CAMERR project coordinator at the following address: moustapha.mamanjayou@planete-urgence.org, copying the FORET project coordinator of Planète Urgence and
the AGR and awareness technical advisor, respectively to the following email addresses:
melisande.brunel@planete-urgence.org and valentine.le-cras@planete-urgence.org

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