Canada Working Holiday Visa Process 2023 – Great news for those candidates looking for an opportunity that will enable them to explore the country of Canada as well as work in Canada. This opportunity is for all those international people who have a dream of visiting Canada but, due to financial burdens, can’t afford their trip.

So, we have a chance for all interested people who want to wander in the beauty of Canada while working and making money for their trip. Yes, you heard it right. It is now possible for all of you to travel within Canada while making money side by side. For this purpose, you will need a work visa from Canada, termed Canada Working Holiday Visa.

The Canada Working Holiday Visa will allow international candidates to explore the cities of Canada and do their work side-by-side. In this article, we will describe the type of visa and explain all the details and requirements of the Working Holiday Visa. Stay tuned for more information.

Canada Working Holiday Visa Process 2023 Details

  • Country: Canada
  • Type: Working Holiday Visa
  • Category: Types of Visas

What is Canada Working Holiday Visa?

The part of the International Experience Canada (IEC) Program, which allows international candidates to travel to the beautiful cities of Canada as well as work in Canada.

The IEC specially welcomes the young generation from other countries who have an agreement with the Canadian government to exchange young workers. You can also contact a Recognized Organization (RO) that helps students obtain a job in Canada and assist them with the application process. These Recognized Organizations include;

  • Stepwest
  • Swap Working Holidays 
  • Go International. 

The Working Holiday Visa will get you an Open Work permit, allowing you to move to Canada and find a job. This visa will be valid for up to one year, and after the expiry, you will be bound to return to your home country. On this visa, you can work for as many employers as possible.

How to Apply for Canada Working Holiday Visa?

The application process will take time and involves the following steps.


The first step includes making a profile and submitting it to the Government of Canada for the application process following the following points;

  • Go to the official website: CIC, and make a profile using your bank information.
  • Answer the following questions on the eligibility test: Are you a student? Do you have a job offer? Which country do you belong to? Citizenship? Country of permanent residence?
  • The system will make sure that you are eligible for the visa or not; once approved, you will be directed to the page where you will make your profile.
  • Fill out the profile form will all the required fields.
  • Submit the profile form, and wait for approval.

All applicants must complete their profile within 60 days of the starting date.


Step 2 involves entering into the pool of different categories. You must apply again if you are in the pool for one season and still don’t get an invitation.


You will need to check your account and look for any invitations you have received. The candidates are selected randomly, so you can check if there are chances of selection.

It is totally up to you whether you accept or decline the invitation. You will need to make a decision within 10 days of invitation. The declination will not remove you from the pool of applications, and you will still have a chance to get another invitation.

If you receive more than one invitation from different pools, such as; Young professionals or working Holiday visas, then you will decide to choose any one of the invitations.

You will have 20 days after accepting an invitation to apply for the work permit.


You will have 20 days to apply for the work permit, which seems a pretty short duration of time, so you must start applying for the work permit as soon as possible and collect all the necessary documents, and fill in the section with the following questions;

  • There will be a field with the question of employment number; you must type the number “A999999”.
  • The next question is whether your employer paid the employer Compliance fee, select “No.”
  • In the field of employer address, type “not applicable”

Once the questions are answered, the list will appear with the information of supporting documents, which you will need to submit; these may include;

  • Clean police certificates
  • CV/Resume
  • Medical Exams
  • Passport
  • Digital photograph
  • Submit a proof document stating Recognized organization is assisting you with your working Holiday Visa.


This step involves paying the application charges, which is as follows;

  • International Canada Experience (IEC) Fee – CAD $100
  • Open work permit fee – CAD $100
  • Biometrics Fee – CAD $85.


Once your application letter is approved, you will receive a Port of Entry (PoE) letter to Canada. You will need to keep the letter with you the entire time you stay in Canada. You will also need to keep the following documents with you once you get to Canada;

  • Passport
  • PoE letter
  • Proof of enough financial resources for up to three months to stay in Canada (CAD $2,500)
  • Proof of health insurance in Canada
  • A return ticket or enough money to book the return flight to your home country.
  • Copies of supporting documents.





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