TAMMOUNbE is a non-governmental, humanitarian and non-profit organization created in 2009 whose goal is to work for a sustainable and effective promotion of local development in order to contribute to the building of a just and equitable society with the responsible participation of all social classes, especially the most deprived. It intervenes in the areas of food security, health, nutrition. the rehabilitation of infrastructure, water and sanitation, functional literacy. support for elected local actors and community development in general in the Far North Region.

In view of the implementation of its future activities, Tammounde is launching, subject to funding, a call for applications for the recruitment of one (01) SAME Community animator/mobilizer.

POSITION Community facilitator/mobilizer SAME
STATUS: Full-time TYPE
OF CONTRACT    Fixed-term contract

HIERARCHICAL MANAGER Support manager/Project manager
POSITION BASE: Department of Mayo-Sava/Diamaré with the possibility of being assigned to another Department in the Far North Region.
CONTRACT DURATION     9 months, possibly renewable
DESIRED DATE PROJECT DV start December 2024

JOB DESCRIPTION     The SAME community facilitator ensures awareness-raising and community mobilization for the implementation of Tammounde Speranza projects. He/she supports team leaders in the implementation and achievement of the objectives defined in the operation proposals. He/she participates in data collection and the identification of beneficiaries within the communities. He/she is responsible for coaching the relays and the quality of participation and acceptance of the project by the communities; He/she participates in the implementation, close monitoring of activities and the assessment of new needs. He/she supports beneficiaries in the implementation of their activities. He/she is in permanent contact with beneficiaries and represents the organization at the local level.
He/she ensures regular reporting on the progress of project activities in the areas of competence;

MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES    The major responsibilities of the SAME community mobilizer/facilitator will be as follows:

    Diagnosis and design of projects
• Participates in the diagnosis of producer, youth and women’s groups/organizations and AVECs in the project intervention areas,
• Participates in the implementation of the mapping of existing agricultural groups and AVECs,
• Participates in supporting groups and AVECs in order to address the specific needs of their members, particularly women and young people;

• Participates in the local monitoring of AVEC groups;
Participates in supporting agricultural groups in their professionalization and inclusion process in value chains;
• Participates in assessment evaluations of project activities
(Baseline, mid-term, end of project);
• Support for data collection for new project proposals.
• Participate in the selection process of women leaders in the commune, in their capacity building in leadership and advocacy.
Implementation and operational monitoring
Make a weekly, monthly schedule of activities.
Supervise the implementation of empowerment activities in compliance with the deadlines and technical specifications defined; Ensure the achievement of the results of the activity for which he is responsible;
Manage awareness-raising activities for project beneficiaries and local populations on good food and nutritional practices integrating prevention against COVID-19; Contribute to the establishment of a complaint response mechanism;
Hold community meetings with community relays;
Plan, coach and support community relays in their activities,

• Support the organization of sessions of the Communal Consultation Framework for Economic and Social Development (CCObES) in the target municipalities of the project.

• Monitor community work related to land use planning and natural resource management in the municipality on the Cash for Work modality in collaboration with the beneficiary municipalities and the competent decentralized technical services;
• Lead the implementation and validation of the work, supervise the payment of community workers.
• Ensure the monitoring of seed producer groups in the process of improving food seeds and

    ensure the implementation of the recommendations of the MINADER Inspectors;
Support the beneficiary municipalities in conducting advocacy with the administrative and traditional authorities in favor of sufficient access to land for seed producers.
>Support the development of agricultural production, the establishment, operation and training of Farmer Field Schools (CEP) and Farmer Business Schools (FBS);

Organize inter-farmer exchange visits on innovative techniques used, particularly in connection with agroecological practices;
• Support market gardening groups on onion bulb sorting techniques.
Contribute to supporting community granaries that agree to evolve into cereal banks;
• Assist in the structuring and support for the operation of cereal banks.
Support the establishment of a warrant system for organizations that have reached a certain level of maturity; Support the community credit system through the AVECs set up;

    Reporting / communication / representation                              
Report to the appropriate authorities any information on the security context or any event that may have a possible impact on the activities and safety of the teams;
Write regular reports on the progress of the activity(ies) for which he/she is responsible;
• Ensure compliance with deadlines and formats for submitting reports;
Maintain an operational communications network locally and good relations with sectoral authorities, AVECs, groups and communities;

Ensure at his place of assignment the representation of Tammounde at meetings or forums concerning the activities of the empowerment sector;

Represent Tammounde upon request and/or delegation;
Respond to requests from the implementing partner concerning specific needs. REQUIRED
Level of education: Minimum BAC +2 in agronomy, economics, social sciences or any equivalent field;
Have a good knowledge of the geographical and socio-cultural context of the Departments of Mayo-Sava and/or Diamaré;
At least two years of experience as a community mobilizer/facilitator;
Good knowledge of the functioning of AVECs;
Good knowledge of the process of supporting AGRs,

    Good mastery of the structuring, animation and training of producer groups; Good command of local languages;
Good organizational and autonomy skills;
Be able to work in an insecure environment,

under pressure, in a team and in a multicultural context,

• Ability to write activity reports as well as periodic reports on time;
• Have knowledge of the Prevention of Sexual Abuse and Exploitation (PEAS);
Have a category A driving license;
• Have good animation and communication skills;
• Have a good anchoring in the intervention communities Mastery of the computer tool, especially software: Word and Excel. 

SKILLS AND QUALIFICATIONS    • Ability to foster and maintain a spirit of unity, teamwork, cooperation and learning. Sensitivity to working with multiple cultures and beliefs, and to gender equality. Ability to conduct multi-sectoral assessments; Ability to share with his/her hierarchical manager any information relating to security, activities, administrative problems encountered in the field; Attention to detail and the ability to carry out assigned tasks until completion are required. Experience working in a conflict environment is a plus. Ability to work UNDER pressure and effectively manage multiple tasks. Open-mindedness, rigor, dynamism, responsiveness; honesty and transparency. • Ability to work independently and in a team Perfect command of local languages ​​Good facilitation and communication skills; • Good knowledge of IT tools. • Agree to reside in the project intervention area; Be free from all conflicts of interest and commit to protecting the integrity of the project. Previous experience within the organization is an asset         Attention to detail and the ability to complete assigned tasks are required. Experience working in a conflict environment is a plus. • Ability to conduct multi-sector assessments; • Ability to work under pressure and effectively manage multiple tasks. Open-mindedness, rigor, dynamism, responsiveness; honesty and transparency. • Ability to work independently and in a team • Perfect command of local languages ​​Good facilitation and communication skills; Good knowledge of IT tools. • Agree to reside in the project intervention area; Be free from all conflicts of interest and commit to protecting the integrity of the project. • Having previous experience within the organization is an asset 


• Signed cover letter addressed to the Coordinator of the structure
Curriculum Vitae duly signed by the applicant
Photocopy of the required diploma Photocopy of the CNI
Photocopy of the A permit
Proof of experience/work certificates any other document that can complete your application.



Application files must be submitted to the Tammounde secretariat in Maroua (MISSINGLEO) under discharge or sent in scanned copies (in a single file) with the subject “Call for applications for the recruitment of 01 MOBCOM EHA” to the address tammounde.raf@gmail.com

Deadline for submission: November 18, 2024 at 4:30 p.m.
Only pre-selected candidates will be contacted for the test.
Incomplete files will not be analyzed
. The files provided will not be returned to the candidates.
PLEASE NOTE 1: The originals of diplomas, work certificates, recommendations must be brought by the candidates summoned for the tests and interviews.
PLEASE NOTE 2: Female applications as well as those of people living with disabilities are highly encouraged. With equal competence, their applications will be favored.

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