REPUBLIC OF CAMEROON Peace — Work — Fatherland
ORDER N / 0 0 2 8 7 2 MINFOPRA OF JUNE 18, 2021
opening of a direct competition for the recruitment of twenty (20) personnel in the corps of Mines and Geology civil servants, 2024 session.
Having regard to the Constitution;
Having regard to Decree No. 75/786 of 18 December 1975 on the Special Status of the Corps of Civil Servants of Mines and Geology;
Having regard to Decree No. 11094/199 of 7 October 1994 on the General Status of the State Civil Service, amended and supplemented by Decree No. 1102000/287 of 12 October 2000;
Having regard to Decree No. 2011/408 of 9 December 2011 on the organization of the Government, amended and supplemented by Decree No. 1102018/190 of 2 March 2018;
Having regard to Decree 1102012/537 of 19 November 2012 on the organisation of the Ministry of Public Service and Government Reform;
Having regard to Decree 1102018/191 of 0
establishing the General System of Administrative Competitions; Having regard to Order No. 0040/PM of 19 November 2012 establishing the General System of
Administrative Competitions;
Having regard to
Decree …
Article 1.- a) This decree establishes the opening of a competition in the corps of civil servants of Mines and Geology, according to the following distribution:
• ten (10) Engineers of Mines and Geology, category “A” second grade of the Civil Service;
• ten (10) Engineers of Mines and Geology Works, category “A” first grade of the Civil Service.
b) The written tests of the said competition will take place on October 19 and 20,
2024 at the single center of Yaoundé.
1- General conditions
Cameroonians of both (02) sexes who meet the following conditions may apply:
a) meet the general conditions required for access to public employment and in particular those set out in the General Status of the State Civil Service;
b) be able to assume the tasks of Mines and Geology;
c) be at least seventeen (17) years old and not more than thirty-four (34) years old on January 1, 2024 (be born between 01/01/1990 and 01/01/2007);
d) however, disabled persons holding a National Disability Card issued by the competent authorities benefit from an age exemption for a maximum ceiling of five (05) years, above the age limit set above, in accordance with the aforementioned decree No. 0040 / PM of May 19, 2022.
2-Specific Conditions:
a- For candidates for the competition for the recruitment of Mining and Geology Engineers, hold the diploma of Mining and Geology Engineer, or any other diploma of studies in Mining and Geology recognized as equivalent, issued by a national training establishment or by one of the foreign or international schools appearing on a list established by decree of the Prime Minister.
b- For candidates for the competition for the recruitment of Mining and Geological Engineers, hold the diploma of Mining and Geological Engineer, or any other diploma of studies in Mining and Geology recognized as equivalent, issued by a national training institution or by one of the foreign schools or boarding schools on a list established by decree of the Prime Minister.
Files can be submitted online at the following address: or submitted to ix (10) Regional Delegations of the Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform, until Friday, October 4, 2024 , deadline and must imperatively include the following documents:
1. A registration form stamped at one thousand five hundred (1,500) CFA francs, the form of which is available in the services of the Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform or in the Regional Delegations of the same Ministry and downloadable from the website:;
2. A certified copy of the birth certificate signed by a competent civil authority;
3. An extract from the criminal record, bulletin n03;
4. A certified copy of the required diploma, signed by a competent civil authority;
5. A certificate of presentation of the original diploma, signed by a competent civil authority;
6. A medical certificate issued by a public sector doctor;
7. A receipt for payment of the sum of twenty-five thousand (25,000) CFA francs issued by a manager of the EXPRESS UNION counter at the place of submission of the application file;
8. Two (02) 4×4 photos,
9. A stamped envelope of one thousand five hundred (1500) CFA francs addressed to the candidate.
Candidates who submit their files online are exempt from the formalities of submitting physical files. However,
be filed with the Ministry of Civil Service and Administrative Reform for candidates declared definitively admitted.
Candidates wishing to be accompanied free of charge in the online registration procedure can contact the branches of the National Youth Observatory (ONJ) housed within the Multifunctional Youth Promotion Centers (CMPJ).
In the event of no applications in a grade or a quorum not being reached in said grade, the number of places reserved or remaining for the latter will be returned to the candidates in the grade with the greatest number of applications.
Candidates who are State agents covered by the Labor Code and who meet the conditions set out in Article 2 must provide a copy of their employment contract or hiring decision.
Any incomplete or late file or file whose documents are signed in a police station will not be accepted.
e Documents legalized by a municipal or judicial authority must be dated less than three years before the submission of files.
l- Composition programs are those studies that award the diplomas required to apply.
2- The eligibility tests will take place on the following dates and times
: Coef., Eliminatory mark
October 19, 2024 General Culture 08:00 – 12:00 3 05/20
Technical Test No. 1 13:00 – 17:00 5 05/20
October 20, 2024 Technical Test No. 2 08:00 – 12:00 4 05/20
Language: English for French speakers and French for English speakers. 13:00 – 15:00 2 05/20
3- The deadline for access to the rooms is imperatively set at 7 a.m. sharp.
A press release from the Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform will specify the dates and times for taking the final oral admission tests.
Nature of the tests Coef.
To be determined Grand oral 01 From 08:00
Language oral 01
The final results of this Public Service and Administrative Reform competition.
Article 7.- Any fraud found before, during or after the competition will be punished in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.
Article 8.- This decree will be registered and published wherever necessary. /Yaoundé, 18 JUNE 2021
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