Development of advice on business registration belonging to refugees or joint ventures with community members of reception.

Development of advice on
business registration
belonging to refugees or
joint ventures with
community members
of reception.




Terms of Reference for the recruitment of a National Consultant
International Labor Organization-Cameroon


The project

Cameroon hosts the largest population of refugees from the Central African Republic (CAR) with
more than 290,000 refugees, mainly in the East and Adamaoua regions. While of
many refugees have been displaced for several years, and some for more than a decade, the
Central African refugees continue to arrive. In December 2020 alone, nearly 5,000 people are
arrived in the east following election-related violence in the CAR. More than 70% of refugees
Central Africans live in host communities, which puts pressure on resources and



limited services, while the remaining 30% reside in camps run by organizations
humanitarians. The majority of Central African refugees depend on humanitarian aid for education,
health, food, WASH, protection and livelihoods. (ACAPS, 2021).
The Women’s Empowerment for Resilient Economies and Communities Project
peace in the East and Adamaoua regions of Cameroon, where refugees live, funded
by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) (2021-2024) aims to contribute to the
economic growth and social cohesion between refugee and host communities through
female entrepreneurship and cooperative development in agricultural value chains. The goal
main objective of the project is to contribute to the revitalization of economies and to social cohesion between
refugee and host communities through the development of female entrepreneurship in
certain agricultural value chains.



The project pursues four interrelated objectives:

Strengthen local institutions and promote market-based approaches to
inclusive economic development that contributes to social cohesion and well-being
communities: As part of this objective, the project aims to work with municipalities
and other local actors from the East and Adamaoua regions to establish a Forum of
Local Economic Development, select, design and pilot interventions in the
main agricultural value chains, build capacity of service providers
entrepreneurship and cooperatives, and help refugees and community members
host to access national and international markets
2. Support refugee women and host populations to establish businesses and
sustainable cooperatives in selected agricultural value chains: as part of the
To this end, the project will build the capacity of women entrepreneurs and cooperatives to
create sustainable businesses and facilitate access to appropriate financial services.
3. Facilitate access of refugees and host populations to social protection and services
prevention and protection against HIV/AIDS: Within the framework of this objective, the
work with local partners to adapt social protection and recovery programs
prevention and protection against HIV/AIDS to the needs of refugees and communities
reception, and facilitate access to these services.
4. Generate and share knowledge on best practices to support
economic empowerment of women in contexts of forced displacement: In
Within this final objective, the project aims to contribute to the learning and generation of
knowledge throughout its implementation


The project approach
The Inclusive Market Systems Approach (ASMI) for refugees and host communities is
born out of a collaboration with the United Nations Refugee Agency (UNHCR) as part of the
UNHCR’s integrated livelihoods plan, with the aim of improving the sustainability of
livelihoods interventions and to contribute to the self-reliance of refugees, in particular
those in protracted displacement.
ASMI applies the “Making Markets Work for the Poor” approach to the contexts of
forced displacement and works on market demand and supply. ASMI is based on the assumption
that, to contribute to more sustainable livelihoods, there must be opportunities on the
market, and people need the skills and competencies to access these
opportunities. Based on market assessment, the ASMI program designs interventions
“push” and “pull”, where “push” interventions are those that reinforce
skills and capacities of refugees and host communities, while interventions
“pull” increase the market opportunities available to people with disabilities.
forced displacement.
To increase the employability and skills of target groups, incentive interventions
focusing on the skills of the target groups can take various forms. These range from
technical training, from business management and interpersonal skills to facilitation
better access to assets, in particular the formalization and creation of a business and/or
savings mechanisms. The type of incentive intervention implemented depends on the needs of the group
target in terms of how they can access employment or self-employment opportunities.
It is therefore a question during this mission of developing advice on the registration of
refugee-owned businesses or joint ventures with members of the
host community to facilitate issues of formalization and business creation for
target groups.

Mission: scope of work and deliverables
The objective of this mission is for a national consultant to develop, in collaboration with the center
of formalization and business creation (CFCE) of the East and Adamaoua advice on
registration of refugee-owned businesses or joint ventures with
members of the host community.
The consultant will be under the supervision of the Technical Advisor of the Project and will work in close
collaboration with the expert in female entrepreneurship and business development.
scope of work
● Conducted a literature review on the formalization and business creation procedure
in Cameroon by highlighting the conditions required for each form
businesses, in particular the craft business, the establishment, the liability company
limited, etc.
● List in the labor law relating to the economic participation of the migrant population,
in particular Law No. 2005 of July 27, 2005 on the status of refugees in Cameroon, the main
the rights of refugees to economic participation on the same basis as nationals;
● Identify and note, if they exist, the conditions of registration of companies which would be
applicable only to refugees;
● Develop, in collaboration with the CFCE of the East and Adamaoua regions, advice on
registration of refugee-owned businesses or joint ventures with
members of the host community.
● Put these advices in the form of guidelines to facilitate their popularization.
Participate in a scoping workshop with the ILO: As a first deliverable, the consultant will participate
to a scoping workshop with the ILO to get an overview of the mission and finalize the
chronogram relating to this mission. The consultant will propose a work plan which will be
revised before approval by the project team (2-4 hours)


Follow-up of the progress of the mission: the consultant will participate in meetings with the team of
project online or face-to-face if possible to report on the progress of the mission. TEA
meetings will take place on a fortnightly basis.
Initial Meetings Report: After conducting initial meetings with key stakeholders
in the East and Adamaoua regions, the consultant will submit a summary report on this
which was agreed and discussed at these meetings. (1-2 pages per meeting)
Validation workshop and final report: the consultant will lead the validation workshop in the presence
stakeholders and submit a final report outlining guidance on registration of
refugee-owned businesses or joint ventures with members of the
host community. (Max 60 pages).


How to apply?
This mission should take place over 35 days over a period of 02 months, most of the time of the
consultant to be devoted to the regions of the East and Adamaoua to dialogue with the parties
stakeholders and collect useful information for this mission.
To apply, please send the following to no later than June 5, 2023:
● CV highlighting relevant experience;
● A technical proposal and a financial proposal indicating the man-day rate of the
consultant, daily per diem costs and transport costs;
● A cover letter of 1 to 2 pages demonstrating an understanding of the mission, describing
approach to the mission and why he or she would be a good fit for this mission.
Diploma and Experience
• Have at least a bachelor’s degree in social sciences, economics or any other field
relevant study.
• Good understanding and work experience relating to the economic participation of refugees
in the East and Adamawa regions.
• Previous work experience in formalizing and setting up businesses in
• Demonstrated experience in applying gender-responsive and inclusive approaches, and a
strong commitment to advancing gender equality and creating benefits for refugees
and host communities.


• Questions relating to these Terms of Reference should be submitted to
no later than May 31, 2023.
• All questions and answers relating to these ToRs will be compiled and published on
the ILO website–fr/index.htm.





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