Entrance examination to the Higher Institute of Agriculture, Wood, Water and Environment (ISABEE) of the University of Ebolowa for the academic year 2023-2024 / Competitive common entrance examination for recruitment at the Higher Institute for Agriculture, Forestry, Water and Environment (HJAFWE) of the University of Ebolowa for the 2023/2024 academic year

Entrance examination to the Higher Institute of Agriculture, Wood, Water and Environment (ISABEE) of the University of Ebolowa for the academic year 2023-2024 / Competitive common entrance examination for recruitment at the Higher Institute for Agriculture, Forestry, Water and Environment (HJAFWE) of the University of Ebolowa for the 2023/2024 academic year

First year of the engineering training program 


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To launch the competitive common entrance examination for ‘4 ~ecruitJ✓ent into the first year of..t~e
engineering training programme at the Higher Institute for Agriculture, Forestry, Water and Environment
(HJAFWE) of the University of Ebolowa and defining the number of places opened for the 2023/2024

academic year.


Ofthe Constitution;
Ofthe Law N 005 of 16″April 2001 orienting Higher Education;
OfDecree N° 93/026 of 19″January 1993 creating universities;
Of Decree N 2005/142 of 29 April 2005 organising the Ministry ofHigher Education;
Of Decree N° 2005/342 of 10″ September 2005 modifying and completing certain dispositions of decree
N° 93/027 of 19″January 1993 fixing common dispositions in Universities;
OfDecree N° 2009/008 of 12″January 2009 appointing authorities in State Universities;
OfDecree N° 2011/408 of 09
th December 20 I 1 organising the government;
OfDecree N 2011/410 of 09



th December training the government;
Of Decree N° 2012/433 of O 1
th October 2012 organising the Ministry ofHigher Education;
Of Decree N° 2013/0891/PM of 01″ March 2013 appointing authorities in the Ministry of Higher
OfDecree N° 2018/190 0f 02″ March 2018 completing certain dispositions of Decree N 2011/408 of 09″
December organising the government;
OfDecree N° 2019/002 of 04″January reshuffling the Government;
OfDecree N° 2022/003 of 05″ January 2022 creating universities;
Of Decree N°2022/009 of 06 January 2022 laying down the administrative and academic organisation of
the University ofEbolowa;
OfDecree N 2022/239 of 17June 2022 appointing authorities in certain State Universities;
OfDecree N° 2023/302 of 04July 2023 appointing authorities in certain State Universities;
Of Decision N° 18230069/MINSEUP/SG/DAUQ/SDEAC of 11 April 2023 setting up the calendar for
competitive entrance examinations into the institutions ofCameroon State Universities and Schools under
the Academic Tutelage ofMINESUP, for the 2023/2024 academic year;
On a proposal fromthe Rector ofthe University ofEbolowa;



Article 1: A written competitive entrance examination for the recruitment ofthree hundred and twenty-five
(325) engineers student and twenty five (25) student-architects into the first year of the engineering
training programme at the Higher Institute for Agriculture, Forestry, Water·and Environment (HIAFWE) of
the University ofEbolowa, for the 2023-2024 academic year has been launched in the following examination
centres: Bafoussam (Dschang), Bcrtoua, Douala, Ebolowa, Maroua, Ngaoundere and Yaounde.
The table below specifies the required diplomas to qualify for the«:competitive entrance examination,


N° Options Required Baccalaureate Subjects for GCE

Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency
(REEE) – eam.o..» 4
– et»pro,go
Housing Engineering (HE)
1 Rural Engineering (GE) C, D, E, F, BT, TI
. Mathematics,
Hydraulics, Water Sciences and Technologies
Physics, GCE/AL
Meteorology and Climatology (MC) .
Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries
Science (AAHFS)
Forestry, Wood Sciences and Technologies
C, D, E, Agricultural Bac
GCE AL’ in Sciences
(FWST) and Technology
Economies, Rural Sociology and Agricultural
C, D, E, agricultural Bac
Extension (ESAE)
» C, D, E, F, BT and Bac A only for the
following options: Quality, Hygiene,
Environmental Sciences (ES)
Security and Environmental GCE AL in Sciences
Communication (QHSCE) and and Technology
Environmental Education and
Sustainable Development (2ED).
3 Architecture (ARCH)
C, D, E, F, BT (Topography, Surveyor), Mathematics,
TI Physics, GCE/AL
Article 3:
(1) Successful Civil Servants or workers contribute to the training costs, the amount ofwhich is fixed by a
specific text.
(2) Foreign candidates offered for training by their government are admitted under the same academic
conditions as above, according to the number of places available.
Article 4: The application files shall comprise the following documents:
1. An Application form duly completed online on the http://isabeeebolowa.cm/website and to be
downloaded by the candidate;
2. A clear certified photocopy ofthe national identity card;
3. A clear certified photocopy ofthe birth certificate ofnot more than three (03) months;
4. A clear ccrtificd photocopy of not much than three (03) months of Probatoire or GCE/OL and
Baccalaureate or GCE/AL transcripts;
5. A clear certified photocopy of not more than three months ofBaccalaureate or GCE/AL in science
or a certificate recognized as equivalent or a results slip ofany ofthese diploma, ifneeded be;
6. A medical certificate, ofnot more than three (03) months, issued by a public medical officer;
7. A certificate of non-conviction of not more than three months;
8. An envelope bearing a CFA 1000 Francs stamp and the candidate’s address;
9. Four (04) passport-size photographs bearing the candidate’s names and surnames at the back.
10. A receipt of twenty thousand (20 000) FCFA as examination fee issued by SCB Bank Cameroon
i. account N° 00059-90001427292-09 should be joined to the candidate’s file. These non-refundable fees
are intended to cover the expenses generated by the organization ofthe competitive examination. Any
other method of payment is cxcluded~


11. Candidates working shall justify their professional experience.
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-··– …
Holders offoreign diplomas shall submit either the equivalence or the receipt showing that they applied
for the equivalent, delivered by the Ministry of Higher Education. The final admission ofthese candidates shall
be confirmed only upon presentation, withip the deadline set by the competent authorities ofthe order granting
equivalence issued by the Minister ofHigher Education.
Article 6:
(1) Complete files should be submitted latest on October 10, 2023 at 3.30pm, at the Edµcation and
Statistics Unit of HTAFWE or at the Regional Delegation ofthe Ministry of Secondary’ Education of
9 ·
the candidate’s place ofresidence.
(2) Absence of any ofthe above mentioned documents lead to elimination for the exam. They shall bring
their national identity cards, the application receipt and the payment fee receipt of the
competitive entrance examination, which will be required ofthem.
Article 7:
(1) The competitive entrance examination inch1des:
– Three (03) written papers accounting for 75%;
– School mark accounting for 25%.
(2) This school mark will be determined based on the candidate’s age, his academic performance and the
number ofyears spent in sec.ondary education.
Article 8: The written part will take place on Friday 13/10/2023 in the examination centres above mentioned.
Article 9:
(1) The scheduling ofpapers per series is shared as follows:
Paper 1 (Coef. Paper 2 (Coef. Paper 3 (Coef.
N° Options 3) 2) 3)
(08hr – 10hr) (11hr – 12hr) (13hr – 15hr)
Renewable Energv and Energy Efficiency (REEE)
Housing Engineering (HE)
Physics –
1 Rural Engineering (GE) Mathematics
Hydraulics, Water Sciences and Technologies (HWST)
Meteorologv and Climatology (MC)
General Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Science
knowledge and
Forestry, Wood Sciences and Technologies (FWST)
Economies, Rural Sociology and Agricultural
Extension (ESAE)
Environmental Sciences (ES)
-3– Architecture (ARCH) .-•.– Mathematics Physics — –
-_ (2) The syllabus ofthe competitive entrance examination in each option is the same as in the Premiere or
–»-. sri
~~c;;·: GCE/OL and the Terminale or GCE/AL prngrams.-


3) After the written part, the jury, which composition shall be specified in a special order by the Minister
of State, Minister ofHigher Education, shall prepare the list ofsuccessful candidates by order ofmerit,
which shall be published bythe·Minister of State, Minister ofHigher Education. e-
(4) Candidates registered in the competitive entrance examination with a complete file and having at least
a mention “Very Weil” in the Baccalaureate C and E ofthe 2023 session or “five (05) subjects with A
grade” at the GCE/AL obtained only in the 2023 session or an “Excellent” mention at the
Baccalaureate D, Tl and F ofthe 2023 session, can benefit from direct admission on title.
(5) At the end ofthe 3″year, all students who have successfully met the eligibility requirementsfor

level 4 will be awarded the engineering degree.
Article 10:
The number ofplaces is distributed as follows:
N° Options Number of places
A- Engineers student
Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (REEE) 30
Housing Engineering (HE)Option Urban Planning andHousing 20
1 Rural Engineering (GE) 30
Hydraulics, Water Sciences and Technologies (HWST) 35
Meteorology and Climatology (MC) 20
Total 1 135
Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Fisheries Science (AAHFS) 65
Forestry, Wood Sciences and Technologies (FWST) 35
Economies, Rural Sociology and Agricultural Extension (ESAE) 40
Environmental Sciences (ES) 50
Total 2 190
Total 1&2 325
B- Student-Architects
3 Architecture (ARCH) 25
Total 3 25
Article 11: The Rector of the University of Ebolowa, the Director of the Department of University
Accreditations and Quality, and the Director of the Higher Iristitute for Agriculture, Forestry, Water and
Environment (HIAFWE) are responsible each in his/her own capacity, for the implementation ofthis decision
which shall be registered andpublished in English and French wherever need be.






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