Final evaluation of the TALK PEACE CAMEROON project

1. Description of services

The services entrusted to the service provider will be:

Completion of the final evaluation of the Talk Peace project. This final evaluation will cover the entire Project implementation period and will take into account the results of the monitoring & evaluation system collected throughout the Project.

Note: CFI has chosen to have this final evaluation carried out during the last semester of Project implementation in order to allow the Service Provider to meet the various stakeholders, in particular the direct beneficiaries during the last project activities.



Thus, the final evaluation should allow:

    1. to provide a critical and objective analysis of the design of the Project, its objectives, the activities planned and deployed, as well as its implementation over its entire period of execution;
    2. to evaluate the Project through the CAD criteria of relevance, coherence, effectiveness, efficiency, effects, impact and sustainability, by answering the evaluation questions presented in Appendix 1;
    3. to measure the level of achievement of the general and specific objectives initially set;
    4. to evaluate the results obtained in the short and medium terms of the Talk Peace project, on the different typologies of direct beneficiaries (media, CSOs, local authorities, and young people from civil society):
    5. to evaluate, as far as possible, the results obtained in the short and medium terms on a sample of the final beneficiaries of certain media supported by the Talk Peace project;
    6. to assess the needs of all the stakeholders affected by the project (Partners, Service Providers, CSOs, journalists and members of the administration, etc.) but who were not covered by the Project in order to draw lessons for the future;
      1. to draw lessons and propose to the various project steering bodies (COPIL, CFI, CDCS) strategic and operational recommendations (particularly in terms of objectives, operating methods and fields of intervention) with a view to capitalizing on good practices for future support projects for the Cameroonian media on the theme of citizen dialogue and the fight against disinformation.



2. Methodology of the services

To carry out the final evaluation, the service provider will rely in particular on the Project documentation, see list in appendix 3, as well as on the documentation that it will collect by itself.

In addition to this documentary study, the service provider will apply the evaluation methodology which will have been presented in its offer and which will have been accepted by CFI; thus, he will be able to deploy the various survey tools he will have designed, face-to-face in Cameroon and remotely if necessary outside the country, namely individual or collective interviews, focus groups, online surveys via questionnaires, case studies, surveys, etc., with the various Project stakeholders, namely the donor, the implementation service providers, the experts mobilized, the personnel of the beneficiary media, a sample of representatives of civil society, local authorities, and young beneficiaries .




In addition, it will attempt, as far as possible, to analyze the results and effects of the Project with a sample of final beneficiaries.

Note: the survey tools must be deployed in French and English for each type of beneficiary.

3. Organization of the final evaluation

steering committee (the “Copil”) for the evaluation will be set up. It will be made up of a representative from the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs (CDCS or/and the French Embassy, ​​depending on their availability), and on the CFI side, the Director of the Africa Department or the Deputy Director of the Africa Department, the Project Manager and the Quality Assessment Officer.

The Copil will meet with the service provider, face-to-face or remotely (to be defined by CFI depending on the nature of the meeting) for the scoping meeting and to examine the various deliverables and make observations, in particular during the scoping of the service, at the end of each phase of the Service, as well as for the presentation of the results of the evaluation by the service provider.

The CFI Quality Assessment Officer and the Project Manager will be the service provider’s main contacts. They will ensure the organization of the meetings of the steering committee, will receive the deliverables indicated below and will ensure their distribution to the members of the Copil.

All meetings with stakeholders will be organized by the Service Provider, individually or in groups, according to the methodology which will be detailed in its offer and which will have been accepted by CFI. All of the survey tools will be designed, drafted and administered by the service provider in accordance with the methodologies detailed in its offer, and will be subject to validation by CFI.

The evaluation will take place in four phases:

Phase 1 – Scoping of the study : this phase, which will begin with a scoping meeting organized by CFI in person or remotely (to be defined by CFI), will begin with a Powerpoint presentation of the service provider’s offer and will be intended for an exchange between the service provider and the Copil to provide details on:

  • the expectations of CFI, the MEAE/CDSC
  • the material given to the service provider on this occasion (documentation, list of contacts),
  • the general organization of the evaluation,
  • the provisional timetable for implementation,
  • the presentation of the expectations at the level of the various deliverables.

With a view to drafting the framework note, to complete its understanding of the expectations of the sponsors, the service provider will conduct during this phase the first interviews, remotely or face-to-face, with the CFI project manager, CFI’s geographical management, the Implementation Partner (ADISI Cameroon) and the donor.

After the scoping meeting and the study of the main documents, the service provider will submit the scoping note (approximately 10/12 pages, excluding annexes) to the Quality Assessment Officer and the Project Manager.

The framework note will be presented by the service provider, in the form of a Powerpoint document, during a meeting with the Copil, which will validate it and formulate its observations. In the event of a request for modifications from the Copil, the service provider will have four (4) calendar days to send the modifying version of the framework note.

Phase 2 – Documentary study, remote or face-to-face interviews with CFI, the MEAE (CDCS and French Embassy) and the main Project stakeholders and design of the survey tools: the service provider will study the documents submitted by CFI during phase 1, as well as those which could be submitted to it during the interviews in phase 2. It will be able to analyze and consolidate the narrative and financial reports, the activity reports and the evaluation questionnaires of the direct beneficiaries of the project . He will continue the remote or face-to-face interviews from the list of contacts that will be given to him as soon as the contract is notified to the ADISI Cameroon Partner, the main service provider Fondation Conseil Jeunes and the experts mobilized.

Survey tools, in particular the different types of questionnaire for face-to-face or online surveys, individual or group interviews or focus groups, case studies, etc. will be proposed by the service provider and must be validated by the Copil, at the latest ten (10) days before the start of phase 3.

NB: Some of the stakeholders are English-speaking. The Service Provider must therefore be bilingual French-English and provide a French version and an English version of each survey tool it produces.

On CFI’s initiative, a debriefing meeting between the service provider and the Copil will be organised, in order to validate phase 2 and decide on the launch date for phase 3.

Phase 3 – Field survey : during this phase, the service provider will meet the local Project stakeholders in Cameroon, namely the representatives of the French Embassy, ​​the leaders of the ten beneficiary media of the Project as well as the editorial managers, journalists and technical staff who participated in the Project activities. In addition, the service provider will meet a representative sample of officials from CSOs and public authorities, as well as thirty young people from Cameroonian civil society who participated in the Project.

The Service Provider will thus collect information, using survey tools validated by the steering committee, from the direct beneficiaries of the Project and other Project stakeholders.

It will analyze the results and effects of the Project with direct beneficiaries and, as far as possible, with a sample of final beneficiaries.

CFI and the firm will endeavor to make the field survey coincide with one or more project activities planned during the month of January 2024 in a city in northern Cameroon.

For benchmarking purposes, the Service Provider will endeavor to interview other donors involved in the media sector in Cameroon in order to identify their areas of intervention and their complementarity with the Project.

At the end of its field survey and prior to writing the evaluation report (phase 4), a phase 3 debriefing meeting will be organized between the service provider and the Copil, during which the service provider will present its first analyses, in Powerpoint format.

Phase 4 – Drafting of the evaluation reports : this phase will be broken down into two stages, the drafting of the provisional evaluation report and its finalization.

1 – The provisional report will be presented to the Copil by means of a Powerpoint presentation of the various points of interest and the conclusions of the evaluation. The Copil will share its observations, which the service provider must take into account when drafting the final report for it to be validated.

2 – The final report will be presented to the CFI management committee, at the MEAE (CDCS / French Embassy) by means of a Powerpoint presentation of the various points of interest and the conclusions of the evaluation, taking into account the comments of the Copil on the provisional report.

3 – The main lessons will be shared as far as possible with the beneficiaries of the Project during a seminar organized within the framework of the activities of the Project and which will bring together the editorial managers of the beneficiary media of the Project in Yaoundé, Cameroon. NB: this presentation, addressed to the beneficiaries of the project, must be made in French and English and will require the production of a presentation support in the 2 languages.

4. Provisional timetable

Phase 1: Scoping the evaluation

  • At the latest seven (7) calendar days after the signing of the contract for the final evaluation: scoping meeting between the steering committee and the service provider, and submission of documentary elements.
  • No later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the scoping meeting: submission of the scoping note by the service provider.
  • No later than fifteen (15) calendar days after receipt of the framework note: validation of the framework note by CFI, during a discussion meeting on the framework note with the service provider.

Phase 2: Desk study, interviews with key stakeholders & design of survey tools

  • No later than thirty (30) calendar days after validation of the framework note : sending of the matrices of the methodological tools, in particular the survey questionnaires to CFI.
  • No later than seven (7) calendar days after the date of validation of the survey questionnaire matrices by CFI : Phase 2 debriefing meeting and launch of phase 3.

Phase 3: Field survey (as far as possible in January 2024 during one or more Project activities)

  • No later than forty-five (45) calendar days after the date of the Phase 2 debriefing meeting : Phase 3 debriefing meeting.

Phase 4: Writing the report

  • No later than thirty (30) calendar days after the date of the phase 3 debriefing meeting: submission of the draft report.
  • No later than seven (7) calendar days after the date of submission of the provisional report: meeting to present the provisional report to the steering committee (in the form of a Power Point presentation).
  • No later than seven (7) calendar days after the date of submission of comments on the interim report: submission of the final report and summary.
  • No later than seven (7) days after the date of submission of the final report: presentation of the final report to the CFI management committee and to the MEAE (in the form of a Power Point presentation).
  • No later than fifteen (15) days after the date of submission of the final report: presentation of the final report to all or part of the beneficiaries of the Project (in the form of a Power Point presentation).

5. Estimated deliverables and deadlines



Framework note in French

No later than fifteen (15) calendar days after the scoping meeting

Matrix of survey questionnaires in French and English

No later than thirty (30) calendar days after validation of the framework note

Interim report in French

No later than thirty (30) calendar days after the Phase 3 debriefing meeting

PPT presentation of the provisional report to the Copil in French

No later than seven (7) calendar days after the date of submission of the interim report

Final report in French and summary in French

No later than seven (7) days after submission of comments on the draft report

PPT presentation of the final report to CODIR and MEAE in French

No later than seven (7) days after the date of submission of the final report

PPT presentation of the final report to beneficiaries in French and English

No later than fifteen (15) days after the date of submission of the final report

Summary of the final report in English

At the latest fifteen (15) days after the validation of the final report

The deliverables must be written in French and English, in accordance with the indications provided above. The survey tools and the document presenting the main results and lessons of the Project evaluation will be written in French and English and presented by the Service Provider in these two languages.

The language of communication used within the framework of this Service, for the meetings and all the deliverables to the COPIL, CODIR and the MEAE will be French.

Any deliverable not written in the language requested above will be refused by CFI, the Service Provider must make the modifications in order to comply with the language imposed within a time limit which will be transmitted to it by CFI without this being the subject of remuneration or compensation of any kind or amount whatsoever.


The duration of the future Contract will be nine (9) months from the date of signature by the last of the two parties.

The future contract may be subject to one (1) renewal for two (2) months under the terms defined in this article. The maximum total duration of the contract, including renewal, may not exceed eleven (11) months. Renewal is tacit.

In the event of absence of renewal, no compensation or indemnity of any kind may be requested by the Service Provider.


The services will mainly be performed in France, or in the service provider’s usual place of practice, as well as in Cameroon for the field mission. Meetings of the steering, working and discussion committee with CFI may be organized by videoconference or at CFI’s headquarters (Issy-les-Moulineaux), at CFI’s request.


3.1. Amount and form of prizes

The maximum financial envelope allocated to the performance of the services under the contract is twenty thousand euros excluding tax (€20,000 excluding tax).

The services of the contract are regulated by an overall fixed price fixed in the estimated estimate dated and signed by the applicant company (including in particular all mission costs, administrative costs and any subcontracting costs).

3.2. Price in case of subcontracting

In the event of subcontracting, the prices of the contract are deemed to cover the costs of coordination and control, by the service provider, of its subcontractors as well as the consequences of their possible failures.

APPENDIX 1: Evaluation questions (non-exhaustive list)

This list is not exhaustive and may be subject to subsequent modifications by CFI. It may also be subject to addition(s) by the service provider.

As part of the performance of the services, the service provider will provide answers to each of these questions, in accordance with article “2.2 services entrusted to the service provider” of this document.

  1. In terms of relevance:
  2. Did the Project meet the capacity building needs of the Cameroonian media, particularly journalists, in terms of verifying information in sensitive contexts?
  3. The Project as it was designed, through its intervention logic in 3 components, as well as all the activities deployed, was it relevant to achieve the main and specific objectives pursued, namely:
      • General objective : To contribute to stability, peace and social cohesion in Cameroon, particularly in regions affected by crises, by strengthening the capacity of the media to produce pluralistic, reliable and inclusive information and by developing the digital citizenship of young people. – Specific Objective 1 : Strengthen the capacity of the media to produce objective, verified and inclusive information, particularly in crisis areas, and to develop a media offer encouraging dialogue, consultation and citizen participation, in particular that of women, in a peaceful public debate. – Specific Objective 2: Consolidate the role of young people and civil society as a bulwark, alongside the media, against the production and circulation of false information and hate speech, thus contributing to the animation of social dialogue and the consolidation of peace.
  4. Was the choice of the geographical perimeter (Yaoundé, Far North, North, South-West and North-West) relevant to achieve the Project objectives?
  5. Was the choice of Project beneficiaries, media, journalists, technicians, CSOs, public authorities, and thirty young people from civil society relevant to achieving the main and specific objectives pursued?
  6. Was the choice of implementing partners and intervening experts relevant to achieving the project objectives?
  7. Were the gender awareness actions implemented as part of the project activities relevant to achieving the project objectives?
  8. Have the adaptations made during the project made it possible, if necessary, to improve its relevance?
  9. Are the objectives pursued by the Project still relevant at this stage of the Project? Does the Project still meet the expectations of the various stakeholders?
  10. Has the Project monitoring and evaluation system confirmed the relevance of the logical framework indicators? If not, has it identified other indicators that make it possible to measure more relevantly and effectively the achievement of the Project’s objectives?
  11. In terms of consistency:
  12. Were the objectives to be achieved consistent with each other, realistic and achievable? Did the planned activities make it possible to achieve the targeted operational objectives and the expected results in the planned timetable and with the human and financial resources envisaged?
  13. Was the logical structure of the Project based on strong cause and effect relationships?
  14. Has the project taken into account the projects of other donors and operators in the same field?
  15. In terms of effectiveness and efficiency:
  16. Have the activities carried out been carried out as initially planned, in the timetable and the initial conditions? If not, what were the corrective adaptations implemented and their justifications?
  17. How did the implementation of the project activities take place, with all the implementing partners, service providers and direct beneficiaries? What was the quality of the coordination between the various project stakeholders, in particular between CFI, ADISI-Cameroon, Fondation Conseil Jeunes and between CFI and the MEAE (French Embassy and CDCS)?
  18. In terms of efficiency:
  19. Are the activities carried out within the framework of the Project considered useful and of quality by the direct beneficiaries of the project? Did they achieve the expected results?
  20. Have the media and their beneficiary staff succeeded in concretely implementing the lessons, advice, recommendations provided by the experts involved in the project’s activities (training and coaching) to improve their journalistic practices and the quality of their content, particularly in terms of verifying information? Have the beneficiary media managed to produce interactive programs that promote citizen and inclusive dialogue?
  21. Have the activities, training and meetings organized face-to-face made it possible to strengthen the cohesion and involvement of the different types of direct beneficiaries around citizen dialogue?
  22. Has the project made it possible to generate effective synergies between the media, journalists, CSOs and beneficiary local authorities, leading to the production of content, in particular interactive, depolarized, reliable, inclusive programs and promoting dialogue, consultation and citizen participation, in particular women, in a peaceful public debate?
  23. Has the project enabled young beneficiaries to consolidate their role as a bulwark, alongside the media, against the production and circulation of false information and hate speech, thus contributing to the animation of social dialogue and the consolidation of peace, thanks to media education workshops?
  24. Did the adaptations made during the project improve its effectiveness?
  25. Has the consideration of gender in the project made it possible to sensitize the beneficiaries to the fight against gender stereotypes in the Cameroonian media and to increase the production of content aimed at promoting the role of women in social cohesion and public debate?
  26. In terms of effects, impact and sustainability:
  27. What are the most significant changes, the major and lasting developments, felt by the direct beneficiaries since the start of the project?
  28. Have the skills of project beneficiaries in terms of producing depolarized, reliable, inclusive journalistic content, interactive programs, and media literacy been sufficiently strengthened and sustained to contribute to stability, peace and social cohesion in Cameroon, particularly in sensitive regions?

APPENDIX 2: Non-exhaustive list of stakeholders

NB: the list and contact details of the contacts mentioned below from 1 to 5 will be provided by CFI.

1. CFI (4 people): The Africa Director, the Project Manager, the Manager of the co-financing management unit and the Management Officer.

2. MEAE (4 people)

  • at the Centrale: the Project Manager at the Democratic Governance Mission
  • CDCS (1 person): the Stabilization / Central, Eastern and Southern Africa Editor
  • French Embassy in Cameroon (2 people): the Humanitarian and Health Officer and the Governance, Development and Humanitarian Cooperation Attaché.

3. Main implementing partners and service providers :

    • ADISI Cameroon (3 people) – Youth Council Foundation (3 people)
  1. Experts and speakers (5 people) and trainers trained under the project (6 people)
  2. Direct beneficiaries :

5.1. Beneficiary media (10 media – 2 journalists and 2 editorial managers per media, i.e. 40 beneficiaries in total) [1]





English media

Media 1

Written press

Yaounde (Center)

Component 1

Media 2


Buea (Southwest)

Component 1

Media 3


Buea (Southwest)

Components 1 & 2

Media 4


Bamenda (Northwest)

Components 1 & 2

Francophone media

Media 5

Written press

Yaounde (Center)

Component 1

Media 6

Written press

Yaounde (Center)

Component 1

Media 7


Kousseri (Far North)

Components 1 & 2

Media 8


Yaounde (Center)

Components 1 & 2

Media 9


Coastline (west)

Component 1

Media 10



Components 1 & 2

    1. The 30 young people from Cameroonian civil society who participated in component 3

5.3 Public authorities and CSOs that participated in component 2 (22 to date).

Civil Society Organizations and Local Administrations

City / Region

Name of organizations


National Communication Council


Ministry of Communication

Access Digital






Association of Cultural Journalists


Youth Council Foundation


SNJC: The National Union of Journalists of Cameroon

Camasej: The National Bureau of the Cameroon Association of English-speaking Journalists

COMMINSUD: Community Initiative for Sustainable Development





ANPPCAN Cameroon




List of organizations being selected


List of organizations being selected

APPENDIX 3: Non-exhaustive list of Project documents

  1. The presentation note of the Project;
  2. The logical framework of the Project;
  3. The timeline of the Project to date;
  4. The financing agreement between the CDCS and CFI;
  5. The funding repayment agreement between CFI and ADISI Cameroon;
  6. All project reporting documents
  7. CFI’s gender strategy and France’s international strategy for equality between women and men;
  8. For each of the activities implemented within the framework of the project, the objectives and content of the activity, the mission reports of the experts involved, the list of beneficiaries and the evaluation sheets of the beneficiaries, the report of the activity;
  9. The monitoring-evaluation system as well as the data collected;
  10. The media application file with the comments of the selection panel and the summary document of all applications;
  11. The list of productions by journalists from the beneficiary media, which have been monitored by our experts;
  12. The non-exhaustive list of the contact details of the people to be interviewed (see appendix 2).

[1] The leaders of the ten beneficiary media may be interviewed, although they are not always personally direct beneficiaries of the Project.

How to apply

DEADLINE AND TIME FOR SUBMISSION OF QUOTES: Monday, September 4, 2023 at 12:00 (CET Paris, Brussels, Copenhagen, Madrid)

Send by e-mail to the following address:

with imperatively in subject “Evaluation Talk Peace”


1.1. Content of the proposals

Any incomplete proposal will be refused by CFI without the applicant company having the opportunity to complete it.

Each candidate company must produce a complete proposal including all the documents and information listed below, under penalty of being eliminated by CFI:

  1. A technical proposal (approximately 20 A4-sided pages excluding appendices) describing the proposed methodology for carrying out the services, in particular with regard to the own experience of the team or the person dedicated to the contract within the applicant company (detail of experiences in connection with the contract); The candidate∙ey will outline their understanding of the expected assessment. He or she will share his or her own experience on how to approach the evaluation of projects that allow the media and African youth, especially Cameroonians:
    • to strengthen their ability to verify information, particularly in a sensitive context;
    • to strengthen their ability to produce and disseminate reliable, depolarized and nuanced information, particularly in sensitive contexts;
    • to strengthen their capacity to work in a network, to implement and promote interactive programs (for the media) and media literacy initiatives (for young people from civil society) or other initiatives in favor of citizen dialogue, particularly in sensitive contexts, and the fight against disinformation.

He or she will propose an evaluation matrix, detailing the evaluation questions to answer this call for quotes and the evaluation questions presented in appendix 1, and will give useful indications on the proposed methodologies (types of surveys, stakeholders interviewed, etc.).

The candidate∙ey will present a provisional timetable for the evaluation and will indicate their availability over the period covering the evaluation until the submission of their final report.

The distribution of days/expert per phase of the evaluation and per member of the team will be indicated. The names of the experts and their specific functions within the framework of this evaluation will be specified. A summary table will show the name(s) of the expert(s), the main work to be carried out and the corresponding number of days/expert. The total number of days/expert foreseen will also be taken into account.

  1. The CV of each member of the team or the person in charge of the performance of the services within the applicant company; The candidate’s references must be detailed in terms of evaluations of similar projects, in particular on the themes of citizen dialogue, journalism in sensitive contexts and the fight against disinformation, in Africa and in particular in Cameroon. Female candidates are welcome.
  2. A financial proposal , indicating the overall and fixed price excluding tax (HT). In this proposal, the candidate company indicates the global and fixed amount that it proposes under its offer. This amount has contractual value.

All of these documents must be drafted in French by the applicant company, otherwise its proposal will be eliminated by CFI.

1.2. Conditions for sending proposals

The applicant company must submit its proposal to the following e-mail address: , indicated on the cover page of this Call for quotes.

Complete proposals must imperatively reach CFI before the deadline indicated on the cover page of this Call for Quotations.

Only proposals will be received that have been received no later than the deadline date and time mentioned on the cover page of this Call for Quotes. Proposals received or submitted after this date and time will not be considered.

Once selected, the service provider must provide CFI with additional documents [1] .

1.3. Period of validity of proposals

The period of validity of the proposals is set at sixty (60) calendar days from the deadline for submission of offers.

By responding to this Request for Proposals, the candidate company has unreservedly accepted the conditions. His candidacy and his offer commit him for the entire duration provided for in this article.

The candidate company cannot withdraw before the expiry of this period.


2.1. Qualifications and skills expected of the team in charge of providing the services

The team or the person dedicated to the future contract within the candidate company in charge of the performance of the services must have an experience of at least 3 (three) years in the evaluations of development projects in French-speaking and English-speaking Africa, a good knowledge of the national and local media in Cameroon, as well as the issues of disinformation in a sensitive context, and in terms of building citizen dialogue and media and information education among young people. “Gender” expertise in Africa and particularly in Cameroon will be appreciated.

Some Project stakeholders are English-speaking. The Service Provider must therefore provide a bilingual Franco-English team and design in particular a French version and an English version of each survey tool it produces (see description of deliverables above).

2.2. Proposal Selection Criteria



Criterion 1

Technical value


Sub-criterion 1.1

Understanding of the objectives, challenges and expectations of the service for CFI and its donors.


Sub-criterion 1.2

Knowledge of the Cameroonian media, political and societal contexts (in particular of the regions crossed by crises including the Far North and the English-speaking regions); understanding of the challenges of disinformation and its use in crisis contexts and the challenges of building a citizen dialogue, depolarized, nuanced and serene and of media literacy to consolidate stability, peace and social cohesion.


Sub-criterion 1.3

Qualification of the evaluation team in relation to the service, experience of similar evaluations in Cameroon or in other African countries whose population speaks two Western languages ​​including French.


Sub-criterion 1.4

Quality of the methodology presented in the offer, relevance of the tools offered, of the phasing of the service and the methods of reporting to the Copil and quality of the presentation and drafting of the offer.


Criterion 2

Prize value




[1] Once selected, the Service Provider must provide CFI with the following documents:

    • A certificate of tax regularity or equivalent, dating from less than six months, attesting to the subscription of the declarations and the payments corresponding to income tax, corporate tax and value added tax. This certificate is issued by the tax administration responsible for the applicant; – A certificate of social regularity or equivalent , dating from less than six months, attesting that the candidate company is up to date with its social declarations and the payment of contributions and social security contributions (in France, this certificate is issued online on the Urssaf website); – For companies domiciled abroad:A document issued by the authorities holding the professional register or an equivalent document certifying this registration or a document mentioning its name, its corporate name, the full address and the nature of the registration in the professional register; – Official RIB of the bank with the company name of the Service Provider appearing in the contract and the currency of the account





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