*GOVERNMENT RECRUITMENT: Recruitment of three thousand (3,000) teachers within the framework of the sixth phase of the third program of contractualization of teachers of nursery and primary education*

Recruitment of three thousand (3,000) teachers within the framework of the sixth phase of the third program of contractualization of teachers of nursery and primary education

for the benefit of public primary schools of the Ministry of Basic Education, for the 2023 session

Having regard to the Constitution;
Having regard to Law No. 98/004 of 14 April 1998 on the Orientation of Education in Cameroon;
Having regard to Grant Agreement No. D2910 signed between the Cameroonian Government and the World Bank on 9 April 2019;
Having regard to Loan Agreement No. P62160 signed between the Cameroonian Government and the World Bank on 9 April 2019;
Having regard to Decree No. 94/199 of 7 October 1994 on the General Status of the State Civil Service, amended and supplemented by Decree 1102000/287 of 12 October 2000;
Having regard to Decree No. 2011/408 of 09 December 2011 on the organization of the Government;
Having regard to Decree 1102012/268 of 11 June 2012 on the organization of the Ministry of Basic Education,



Having regard to Decree 1002005/086 of 25 March 2005 on the organization of the Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform,
Having regard to Decree No. 2018/9387/CAB/PM of 30 November 2018 establishing the modalities for the creation, organization and operation of the Inter-ministerial and Ministerial Committees and Working Groups,
Having regard to Decree No. 2019/001 of 04 January 2019 appointing a Prime Minister, Head of Government;
Having regard to Decree No. 2019/002 of 04 January 2019 on the reorganization of the Government;
Having regard to Order No. 134/PM of 10 December 2018 establishing, organizing and operating the Cameroon Education Reform Support Program (PAREC),
Having regard to Order No. 112/B1/1464/MlNEDUB of 17 June 2021 establishing, organizing and operating the Committee responsible for organizing the selection test for Nursery and Primary School Teachers within the framework of PAREC, for the 2020 and 2021 sessions, Having regard to Decision No. 329/B1/1464/D/MlNEDUB/CAB of 23 June 2021 noting the establishment of the Committee responsible for organizing the selection test for Nursery and Primary School Teachers within the framework of PAREC, for the 2020 and 2021 sessions, Considering Letter No. B74/d-31/SG/PM of August 14, 2020 relating to the third contractualization program at MINEDUB. 2nd and 3rd phases.
Considering letter no. B70/d-31/SG/PM of November 27, 2020 relating to the examination of the recruitment procedures for MINEDUB teachers – 3rd program

Article 1.- (1) This order opens a selection test for the recruitment of three thousand (3,000) nursery and primary school teachers for public primary schools in Cameroon.
(2) The written tests of said test will take place on Saturday, November 23, 2024, in all regional capitals.

Article 2.- (1) The call for applications for this test is indexed to the needs of the needy schools (job posting). Each candidate chooses a school in which he wishes to work and composes in the regional composition center which houses the area which was the subject of his choice.
(2) However, in the event that the quota allocated to a school is reached, the Ministry of Basic Education may be required to assign the selected candidates to another needy school in the same region, which has not registered any applicants.



Article 3.- The distribution of places as well as quotas by Region and by department are based on the needs expressed by the target schools mentioned in Article 2.

Article 4.- The list of schools in need mentioned above will be published in advance by the Ministry of Basic Education and each candidate must specify, in a cover letter included in the file, the school for which he will take the test.

Cameroonians of both sexes who meet the following conditions may apply:
a) Be 40 years of age or less on 31 December 2024.
b) Hold a CAPIEMP or Grade 1 Certificate issued no later than 2019.
Article 6.- The selection test is open to any person holding the 2019 CAPIEMP and to all holders of previous CAPIEMPs, whether or not they took part in the previous phases of the third recruitment programme. Interested parties are required to submit an application file, the composition of which is set out in Article 7.

(1) The application files that will be received complete in the Regional Delegations of Basic Education no later than October 25, 2024, deadline , will include the following documents:
a) A stamped application addressed to the Minister of Basic Education;
b) Two identity photos (4X4 format);
c) A certified copy of the birth certificate;
d) Two certified copies of the CAPIEMP or Teacher’s Grade One Certificate;
e) An unstamped photocopy of the professional diploma;
f) A certified photocopy of the National Identity Card;



g) A bulletin n 03 of the criminal record extract (dating from less than 03 months);
h) A medical examination report;
i) A civil status information sheet;
j) A candidate identification sheet, the model of which will be collected from the services of each Regional Delegation of the Ministry of Basic Education;
k) A sworn statement to serve in their assigned post for 5 years; 1) A cover letter from candidates specifying the school in need chosen;
m) A certified copy of a marriage certificate (if applicable).
n) A certificate of residence in the region applied for.
o) An A4 envelope, stamped with the candidate’s address.
(2) Any incomplete or late application will be rejected;

(3) Candidates must submit their applications exclusively to the and whose main town must be their composition center;
(4) All composition centers are bilingual.

Article 8.- The written tests of the selection test will take place on
Nature of the tests Duration Coefficient Time
1 General Knowledge 02 hours 3 8 a.m. – 10 a.m.
2 Technical test 04 hours 5 10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
3 Language test: English for French speakers and French for English speakers 02 hours 2 3 p.m. – 5 p.m.



Article 9.- The results of the selection test will be published by joint decree of the Minister in charge of Basic Education and the Minister of Civil Service and Administrative Reform.
Article 10.- This decree will be registered and then published wherever necessary. /2024

the Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform,
the Minister of Basic Education,


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