Job Opportunity : PROGRAM MANAGER
Action Against Hunger – Cameroon
Action Against Hunger is an International Non Governmental Organization (NGO), apolitical, non denominational and non-profit. For our operations in Cameroon, we are looking for:
Base: Buea (south west region)
Number of positions : 1
Contract duration: 10 Months
start date: 1st March 2023
supervised by: Field Cordinator
Location : Buea South West Region
Mission 1: Establish and supervise activities in the framework of nutritional projects
The Nutrition and Health Programme Manager is responsible for:
Ø Management of the project cycle in nutrition and health
Ø Meeting the objectives of Action Against Hunger in the centres dealing with malnutrition
Ø The quality of the programme for which he/she is responsible
Example of task:
– Sharing his/her analysis of the needs in the area with the Field Coordinator and the Head of Nutrition and Health Department
– Providing relevant inputs to Field Coordinator for the design of proposals with a view to developing shared and integrated approaches include when appropriate advocacy goals
– Insuring the deployment of basic medical and nutritional packages, including those related to HIV, tuberculosis, malaria and health care practice
– Promoting and supervising activities related to health care practice and organise mother-child play sessions and discussion group
– Promoting and supervising high quality care for clients of the centre
– Putting in place and monitoring the system of data collection concerning the treatment of malnutrition as a basis for the evaluation and furtherance of the programme
– Preparing requisitions, monitoring and controlling consumption
– Participating in the preparation and execution of nutrition surveys (provide information to those conducting the survey : local geographical, economic, social and anthropological data)
– Creating and developing a network for the detection and recording of clients, notably by the use of community mobilisation techniques
– In keeping with the policy of Action Against Hunger as a learning organisation, contributing to building on good practice, experience, and assessments
Mission 2: Organise staff development programmes for the AAH teams
The Nutrition and Health Programme Manager is responsible for:
Ø Evaluation of the technical skill level of the Action Against Hunger teams
Ø Identification of training needs
Ø Skills development for Action Against Hunger staff in his/her program
Ø Ensuring the quality and pertinence of training programmes established for the Action Against Hunger teams
Example of task:
– Taking part in the recruitment of staff in collaboration with the HR Manager in the base and the Field Coordinator
– Identifying the teams’ training needs on the basis of assessments and in situ observation
– Organising and carrying out training sessions for his/her teams taking into consideration their profiles and the cultural context
– Arranging joint training sessions for centre staff covering :
o protocols and the medical and nutritional service offered,
o the logistical organisation and material aspects of the programme,
o monitoring and reporting indicators
o evaluation of the needs revealed by enquiries undertaken (nutritional surveys, rapid assessment, screening)
o care practices and the reception of the beneficiaries and those accompanying them
o integrating nutrition into the basic health care package
– Dealing with complications (tuberculosis, HIV, malaria…..)
Mission 3: Training and managing the program team
The Nutrition and Health Program Manager is responsible for:
Ø The twice yearly assessment of the skills and performance of the Action Against Hunger teams in his/her program
Ø The management of his/her teams (leadership, monitoring, motivation….)
Example of task:
– Organising and leading meetings with the team and individual staff members, on both a regular and ad hoc basis
– Creating and supervising action plans for individual team members
– Managing overall planning and the division and coordination of work in collaboration with his/her deputy
– Establishing a programme of staff assessment interviews and organising follow up in collaboration with Human Resources
– Lending support to teams in the organisation and coordination of their work
– Resolving problems arising in the teams with the support of team supervisors and, when necessary, in consultation with the HR Manager in the base
– Assisting with the team members’ routine questions (on technical matters relating to malnutrition)
Mission 4: Develop and direct operations
The Nutrition and Health Program Manager is responsible for:
Ø Proposing a strategy for addressing the problem of malnutrition which is adapted to the local context
Ø Timely and high quality implementation of planned activities within his/her programme and alerting the Field Coordinator to any delays or excessive or under-use of resources
Ø Timely and high quality reporting, both internal and external, of the activities of his/her programme, together with a critical analysis
Ø Identifying and proposing the development of new programmes
Ø Writing the nutritional and medical sections of proposals for new activities in his/her zone
Ø Contributing to the design and implementation of sectoral advocacy activities in collaboration with the Nutrition and Health HOD
Example of task:
– Proposing an operational strategy adapted to the local situation
– Contributing to the preparation of new projects together with the Field Coordinator
– Presenting the programme to partners (the authorities, funding agencies etc)
– Monitoring the budget and targets achieved with reference to the project proposal, and making any necessary adjustments in consultation with the Finance Manager in the base and the Field Coordinator
– Sharing information on a regular basis with the Field Coordinator and the Program Managers in charge of Mental Health and Care Practices, Food Security and Livelihood and Water Sanitation and Hygiene in order to promote the development of an integrated approach
– Reporting :
o Identify reporting indicators relevant to the programme
o Collect statistical data from the treatment centres
o Compile a regular summary of indicators for his/her programme (APR etc.), produce an analysis and prepare necessary reports for the Field Coordinator, Head of Nutrition and Health Department and partners
Mission 5: Represent Action Against Hunger and develop local partnerships
The Nutrition and Health Programme Manager is responsible for:
Ø The professional standing of Action Against Hunger in his/her geographical area
Ø The distribution to partners of information collected locally
Ø Respect for the principles and values of Action Against Hunger in its relations with partners
Ø The quality of relations with partners
Example of task:
– Representing nutritional issues at the level of the programme and the geographical area of intervention in regional coordination meetings, meetings with the authorities and visits by funding bodies and partners
– Implement advocacy actions according to the mission strategy
– Identifying partners and other agencies in the area
– Developing a framework for communication with local representatives (regular meetings, identification of key local actors and development of collaboration with them) in order to facilitate harmonious and productive relations
– Adhering to the terms of agreements signed off with partners working in the same field and referring to them regularly to ensure that collaboration follows the lines intended
– Ensuring that the relationship established with partners respects the principles and values of the AAH partnership policy (currently being developed: trust, respect, common purpose, complementarily, transparency, mutual dependency and shared learning…)
– Consolidating and building on experience to ensure the long term maintenance of activities and the spread of good practice
– You hold a degree in nursing, or general medicine, with two years or more of professional experience in a similar Health and Nutrition program management role, with at least a year of experience in an emergency context.
– Experience with Action Against Hunger and in the same position would be an advantage.
REQUIRED SKILLS : -Applied project management knowledge (organisational capacity/planning) in the implementation of the minimum package of activities of 1st contact health centres or in direct implementation via mobile clinics
-Excellent interpersonal and representation skills -Interpersonal skills (team management, autonomy, communication, pedagogy) -Good knowledge of the Office Pack (Word, Excel, Power point)
GENDER APPROACH: Commit to respect and apply Action Against Hungers gender policy.
-Mainstream gender approach in all activities
– Contribute to a working environment that takes into account each other’s specificities and avoids discrimination.
Our recruitment procedure has 3 key steps :
1. A pre-selection on the basis of the files submitted (only canidates whose skills and experience matches with the profile are selected for the test) ;
2. Written test
3. Oral Interview
For each step, only selected candidates are contacted.
Applications (including a CV, a letter of motivation, and references) must be submitted ONLY through the LINK
Only selected candidates will be selected for tests and interview.
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