Job Opportunity: Programs Influencing & Implementation Area Manager

JOB OFFER at PLAN International Cameroon – NGO, : Programs Influencing & Implementation Area Manager, Bertoua

Location:  Bertoua, Cameroon

Company:  Plan International

The Organization



Plan International is an independent development and humanitarian organization that advances children’s rights and equality for girls.


We believe in the power and potential of every child. But this is often suppressed by poverty, violence, exclusion and discrimination. And it’s girls who are most affected.




Working together with children, young people, our supporters and partners, we strive for a just world, tackling the root causes of the challenges facing girls and all vulnerable children.


We support children’s rights from birth until they reach adulthood. And we enable children to prepare for – and respond to – crises and adversity. We drive changes in practice and policy at local, national and global levels using our reach, experience and knowledge.


We have been building powerful partnerships for children for over 85 years, and are now active in more than 80 countries.



Title Programs Influencing & Implementation Area Manager
Functional Area Programs
Reports to Program Implementation Manager
Location Bertoua Area Travel required Frequent
Effective Date FY24 Grade D2

The Program Influencing & Implementation Area Manager (PIIAM) will act as Plan International most senior representative for the Program Area. He/ She is responsible to lead the strategic direction in the Program Area in accordance with Plan’s strategic program framework and retains final accountability for timely and quality delivery of all Plan’s operations in the area and in line with the approved Country Strategy (CS).
The PIIAM also provides overall strategic leadership, direction and support to the program area team to ensure timely and effective utilization of Plan’s resources for the benefit of targeted beneficiaries in the area. The post holder serves as Plan International Cameroon’s liaison with the state government and stakeholders, to establish a good working relationship, influence decision makers on issues affecting children’s and girls and excel Plan’s visibility.

• The PIIAM will Act as the senior representative for Plan International in the Bertoua Region and directly manage the entire Program Area Programs and operations.
• Supervisor of a team of Project Managers and Coordinators, Finance, Admin, Logistics Coordinators located in Bertoua or in sub-offices as required.
• S/He is member of the Country Leadership Team (CLT)
• Have delegated financial authority for expenditures up to 15,000 EUR.

Program Quality Management
• Team up with the Head of Programs and relevant team to develop the relevant strategies and working processes ensuring that the design and implementation of the relevant interventions are taking place in a holistic and sustainable way and aligned with approved global policies /frameworks.
• Provide strategic leadership and guidance to the relevant staff within the Program Area ensuring that the global program quality framework, ten commitment of sponsorship and other relevant policies (eg Safeguarding, security and gender equality policies) are embedded within the office day to day operations and staffs are competent, committed to move forward with their implementation.
• Lead and support the annual planning process for the program area and provide strategic, leadership, management and development of the Program Area (PA) team, in full compliance with local law and Plan International Cameroon policies and procedures.
• Team up with the Extended Country Management Team (e-CMT) in developing the relevant policies and strategies ensuring that Plan Cameroon is nationally and internationally recognized as one of the highly performing child rights organizations.
• Ensure that Plan Cameroon’s is well positioned at the governorates level through promoting its program approach, values ​​and commitment to change the lives of marginalized children.
• Provide leadership and management support to the Program Coordinators (PC) / Managers and ensuring implementation of Plan’s program and influence quality Policy and procedures in all projects within the area.
• Provide guidance and support to the Program Coordinators/ Program Managers (PM) and relevant staff within the PA and ensuring quality implementation of Plan International Cameroon cost recovery policy.
• Coach and guide the PCs and PMs to ensure that the National level partnerships and strategies are implemented with the maximum level of quality and significantly contributing to the achievement of Plan International Cameroon’s CS objectives.
• Champion the testing and roll out of new innovations to programming and lead key advocacy initiatives at both East region and national levels.
• Ensure that the Youth Advisory Groups at the PA level are provided with safe and enabling spaces to inform Plan Cameroon while designing and implementing the relevant projects/Programmes.
• Oversees our work with partners and ensures selection and capacity building plans are implemented as per Building Better Partnership framework for Cameroon.
• Build innovations from Plan’s work with councils to advance children’s rights & girls equality.
• Manage the disaster preparedness, resilience and responses strategies; and provide aid and protection for affected communities.

Sponsorship Program Management
• Oversees all the enrolment/phase-out processes to ensure proper implementation of all Plan policies and procedures regarding enrolment/phase-out/phase-in in cooperation with the Country Sponsorship Manager and the relevant managers.
• Ensure sponsorship communications are produced (SPAR, PAO, PAU, SCU, etc.) at the required level of performance
• Make sure the PA/PU meets sponsorship commitments for Programs and communications in order to improve our accountability towards SC and sponsors.
• Design and pilot innovative ideas for re-engineering our sponsorship towards improved performance.

Business Development and Portfolio Management
• Supports Grant Manager and Head of Programs in exploring funding opportunities.
• Lead the process of proposal development for new projects, as well as thematic/impact area’s and output budgets across Garoua Area; this to be carried out in close relations with sector leads, project managers, other Program area managers as well as the support team.
• Develop high quality concept notes and proposals using an evidence-based results framework, incorporating best practices and lessons learn developing appropriate project indicators, monitoring processes and tools, and monitoring budget cost estimates.
• Ensures that all major institutional donors compliance requirements are fully adhered to.
• To ensure regular program budget and activities review meetings are conducted to discuss progress as per plans, review and approve plans and budget requirements for the next period.
• Oversees all sponsorship funds and grant budgets in the area and monitors resource mobilization towards the annual plans and CS targets.
• Budget management responsibility at area level according to annual plan; consolidating and analyzing all Learn-Lead-Decide-Thrive-Humanitarian related project budgets outputs and advice project managers of achievements and issues on monthly basis.
• Ensures all partners’ advance liquidations are completed on time with quality documentation.

Programs Monitoring and Reporting
• Ensures regular monitoring and periodic evaluations of major program interventions to promote learning and improvement in all major areas of Plan’s strategic programming approach.
• Produce quality monthly, Quarterly and annual reports and ensure updates are used effectively for PA management.
• Conduct monthly meetings where project progress and budget vs actuals are discussed and shared with Program Implementation Manager and Head of Programmes.
• Ensure projects/grants reports are of high quality and submitted on time to relevant departments and donors.
• Ensure the appropriate resource mobilization at Area level and build strategic partnership at local, state and national level.

Safeguarding Children and Youth Participation
• To ensure the Children & Youth Safeguarding Policy and local procedures are made widely available to all staff, associates, visitors, children and communities in a manner which means they are readily understood by everyone.
• To make sure Plan staff, associates and visitors understand appropriate behavior towards children, what is expected of them in terms of their interaction with children and ensure that children are protected from abuse.
• Create opportunities and platforms for the Children and Youth Advisory Boards at the PA levels to contribute to the internal decision-making processes of Plan Cameroon’s and local government as well.
• Ensure that the Youth Advisory Panels & community-based CP networks at the PA level are provided with safe and enabling spaces to inform Plan Cameroon while designing and implementing the relevant projects/Programmes.
• To ensure that all CP concerns within the organization are reported through the management reporting line and responded to in a timely fashion and in a manner, which safeguards the best interests of the child.
• To ensure we are keeping children safe when organizing and inviting children to participate in projects, events, activities, research and online social networking. We also protect children visiting Plan offices.

Representation and Networking
• Establish and support the development of collaborative relationships with a network of a range of partners and stakeholders to strengthen Plan International Cameroon’s voice with key external stakeholders, including within the Cameroon government at state level.
• Participate in the area networks for influencing policy, learning and sharing good practices to improve program quality and ensure participation and contribution to national policy development that have direct involvement in the well-being of children.
• Coach and guide the PCs and PMs to ensure that the National level partnerships and strategies are implemented with the maximum level of quality and significantly contributing to the achievement of Plan International Cameroon’s CS objectives.
• Promote and protect plan image and reputation in the PA.

People, Culture & Organizational Development
• Create a conducive working environment in which people are motivated, respected, valued and managed well so as to realize their potential and development.
• Provide necessary training and development opportunities to Area staff that will result in professional growth and equip them with knowledge and skills to enable them improve program quality.
• Develop the relevant working processes to support and promote learning amongst the people in the program area as well as amongst the PAs and ensuring that Plan Cameroon’s staff and partners are updated and committed to contribute to the change journey within the organization.
• Ensure best practices are documented and shared in the Area for the purpose of Plan’s visibility and positioning as a development and humanitarian organization.
• Develop the necessary strategies and take the appropriate measures ensuring that PA’s staff are motivated and capacitated to contribute to the overall goal of the organization through possessing the right attitudes and the adequate levels of skills& knowledge.
• Establish a culture of accountability, responsibility and mutual respect according to our values ​​and behaviours.
• Implement all HROD initiatives related to staff capacity building, rewards, succession, work force, promotion, and retention and manage staff performance in line with approved Plan Employee Appraisal standards and guidelines.
• Take active role in staff recruitment for the area according to needs and resources.

Office Management & Operation Support
• Oversee and manage the administration of the PA office ensuring that the office facilities are available and properly equipped for efficient work by the program area team.
• Ensure the safety and security for the staff and Plan properties as well as properly analyze and manage the risks.
• Ensuring Plan Cameroon’s Fixed Assets, Security and procurement policies and procedures are implemented and adhered to.
• Lead the implementation of operational standards and periodically report to the CMT on the progress of Plan Cameroon within the PA.
• Manage all Plan assets in the area according to clear register and disposal plan.
• Ensure legal issues as cars & office registrations, leases/rents and contracts are seriously analyzed and comply with country laws.

1. Ensures that Plan International’s global policies for Child Protection (CPP) and Gender Equality and Inclusion (GEI) are fully embedded in accordance with the principles and requirements of the policy including relevant Implementation Standards and Guidelines as applicable to their area of ​​responsibility. This includes, but is not limited to, ensuring staff and associates are aware of and understand their responsibilities under these policies and Plan International’s Code of Conduct (CoC), their relevance to their area of ​​work, and that concerns are reported and managed in accordance with the appropriate procedures.

The post holder will demonstrate an ability to solve problems, thinking strategically while introducing innovations and creative thinking as needed. This is to meet the demands of a dynamic, challenging and sometimes unpredictable operating environment.
The post holder is expected to play a key role in optimizing Program performance and enabling high performing teams at Program Area levels.
The position involves a high degree of complexity in resolving a wide range of challenges due to management of different units within the department, encompassing a range of management lines, geographical locations, a large and diverse workforce, and a range of contractual obligations, including grant specific deliverables.
The role will be tasked with strengthening quality, accountability, planning, management, adherence to policies and procedures, and promoting a culture that aims for the consistent delivery of results and make positive impact to children, in particular for girls and their communities

Working contacts inside and outside the organization; include the purpose and level (high, medium, low) of the contact;
• A member of ECLT and CLT (as required by PIM and CD). Functions includes all departments – Programmes, finance, HR, IT and operations to ensure that program work is delivered timely with high quality
• Maintain effective internal working relationships within Plan including with National, Regional and Country Offices, and with other Regional Managers/ advisors, CMT, e-CMT members and staff in Cameroon.
• Line Managers – High level of Communication to report, sharing views to strengthen the program areas and to ensure continues support for the program.
• Regular communication with program & support department and in CO to share work progress and updates and technical follow up.
• Represents Plan in all relevant sectoral fora
• Interacts with Government institutions responsible for children and girls issues.
• Donors and other Agencies
• Local partners
• Communication with the available media at Area level if prior approved by PIM and CD
• Partners – Medium Level of communication to share and understand progress of the program.
• Business Mentors Network – High level of communication to seek support and mobilize resources for the program

Relevant knowledge and experience;

A minimum of Bachelor’s degree (3 successful years University) in Management, Social Sciences, Development Studies, Economics or other related fields. Master degree is preferable.
At least 05 years’ experience in a similar, senior management role
Demonstrated experience in the management of key programmatic areas such as health, education, livelihoods, disaster risk management and protection etc.
Knowledge of development and humanitarian donors’ rules and conditions such as DFID, EC/EU/ECHO, SIDA, UNICEF/UNHCR/UNDP or USAID/OFDA.
Knowledge of socio-cultural dynamics in the country
Minimum 07 years of progressively more responsible relevant program experience using a range of methods in performance monitoring and reporting, indicator development, data collection and analysis, data quality assessment (or equivalent combination of education and experience).
Demonstrated experience with project performance tracking systems, design and implementation. Demonstrated experience supporting proposal development efforts to ensure the use of evidence-based results frameworks leading to the design of logical implementation methodologies.
• Demonstrated commitment to issues and Programs in gender equality, educational access, livelihoods, civic engagement, leadership & capacity development;
• Experience developing cross-cutting skills in capacity development, community-led development, gender integration, governance and advocacy/influencing
• Experience in design and implementation of baseline/endline surveys and special studies among vulnerable populations
• Experience in proposal writing and project management
• At least five years’ experience working with knowledge management and learning platforms
• Extensive field experience in M&E and baseline/endline surveys.
• Demonstrable experience in grants compliance
• Knowledge and demonstrated proficiency in quantitative and qualitative methods, M&E planning, M&E system improvement; data use and data visualization.
• Strong training, coaching and facilitation skills.
• Effective communication skills (written and oral) for proposal preparation and communication with donors.
• Computer skills in institution-supported software (Microsoft Word, Excel, Access, SPSS, and PowerPoint).
• Ability to meet deadlines and manage multiple tasks; and must be a team player with good interpersonal skills.
• Demonstrated ability to independently schedule and manage work and lead M&E/knowledge management/learning platforms.
• Ability to maintain the highest ethical standards at all times
• Excellent written and spoken English and French skills
• Communication – excellent negotiation and influencing skills in multi-cultural contexts
• Strong networking skills required for building partnerships with government both locally and nationally.
• Ability to build and foster collaborative working relationships with diverse stakeholders including project staff, local government representatives, local donor representatives, etc.
• Ability to monitor project results and expenditures against work plans
• Analytical, report writing and editing skills
• Strong facilitation skills
• Strong negotiating, facilitating and influencing skills.
• Budgeting, financial management, and foreign exchange risk management skills.
• Proven leadership and people management skills: develops, motivates, coaches and promotes high performance by teambuilding.
• Solid understanding of compliance requirements of institutional and corporate donors.
• Experience in managing large grants in a partnership setting and using a multi-stakeholder approach.
• Ability to analyze information, evaluate options and to think and plan strategically
• Skills in conducting RNA as well as feasibility studies or market analysis and cash-base transfer

The post holders is expected to work as a team player, supportive, Decisive, Action Oriented and co-operate closely with staff at different levels in ways that promotes learning and sharing; Able to Prioritize Work Effectively; Promotes Innovation and Learning; Results Focused; Works as part of a team; Respect, Integrity, Commitment to Excellence, Adaptability, Able to Perform Under Stress and Communicate Effectively with the field staff and partners at different levels and assist them in achieving good quality programming.
• Strongly drives performance forward in area of ​​the business for which they are responsible together with the team: balances future vision with practical delivery
• Develops mutual trusting relationships with complex partnerships that have excellent business outcomes; working in a participatory community approach.
• Sets a strong learning culture in their part of the organization
• Aware of impact on others and adjusting own behavior accordingly
• Tolerant of difference – cultural sensitivity in relation to its impact on reaching children
• Creative, solution-focused decision making
• Forward thinking, creative and looking for a challenge, flexible approach to dealing with ambiguity/changes in priorities.
• Ability to work comfortably and sensitively across cultures
o Creates strong sense of purpose within the organization and among team and as well as with stakeholders
o Holds self and others to account to deliver on agreed goals and standards of behavior
Strategic thinking and delivery
o Sees contribution of own part of the organization in wider Plan and external context
o Balances future vision with practical delivery
Decision making
o Sound judgment and decision-making in complex situations
o Can reach out and influence large groups of people
Effective team builder
o Creates highly motivated team of unified purpose
o Modifies own view to get best outcome for organization
o Supports learning in diverse teams
o Remains calm and positive under pressure and in difficult situations
o Aware of impact on others and adjusting own behavior accordingly
o Ability to act as part of multi-cultural and multi-disciplinary team.

We are open and accountable
1. Promotes a culture of openness and transparency, including with sponsors and donors.
2. Holds self and others accountable to achieve the highest standards of integrity.
3. Consistent and fair in the treatment of people.
4. Open about mistakes and keen to learn from them.
5. Accountable for ensuring we are a safe organization for all children, girls & young people
We strive for lasting impact
1. Articulates a clear purpose for staff and sets high expectations.
2. Creates a climate of continuous improvement, open to challenge and new ideas.
3. Focuses resources to drive change and maximize long-term impact, responsive to changed priorities or crises.
4. Evidence-based and evaluates effectiveness.
We work well together
1. Seeks constructive outcomes, listens to others, willing to compromise when appropriate.
2. Builds constructive relationships across Plan International to support our shared goals.
3. Develops trusting and ‘win-win’ relationships with funders, partners and communities.
4. Engages and works well with others outside the organization to build a better world for girls and all children.

We are inclusive and empowering

5. Seeks constructive outcomes, listens to others, willing to compromise when appropriate.
6. Builds constructive relationships across Plan International to support our shared goals.
7. Develop trusting and ‘win-win’ relationships with funders, partners and communities.
8. Engages and works well with others outside the organization to build a better world for girls and all children.
This post is based in Bertoua with approximately 50% travels to the field.
Mid contact: Medium interaction with children during field visits, events and campaigns.



Location: Bertoua

Closing Date: 08/08/23



All applications must be submitted ONLINE at:






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