For the recruitment of a Consultant in charge of developing a document of good practices on the engagement of civil society in the process of developing malaria concept notes for the GC7 Global Fund funding cycle.
I. Background
Impact Santé Afrique (ISA) is an African NGO based in Cameroon whose main objective is to contribute to the improvement of the health of the populations by setting up transformative and sustainable programs that will save lives and improve the health of our communities. (For more information, visit www.impactsante.org and contact us at the following address: contact@impactsante.org
Impact Santé Afrique (ISA) coordinates the platform of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) for the Malaria Elimination (CS4ME).
Since January 2023, CS4ME has been implementing a Technical Assistance project, aimed at supporting the significant commitment of people affected by malaria in 09 African countries: Benin, Cameroon, Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Madagascar, Niger, Nigeria, DRC, Senegal.
As part of this project, ISA intends to strengthen the capacities of civil society in the Grant Cycle 7 (GC7) process, in particular through the sharing of experiences, good practices, success stories, etc., in order to guarantee better community engagement in concept notes. It is with this in mind that a Consultant is being sought.
The main objective of this service is to design a document of good practices for civil society in the Global Fund’s GC7 processes. Indeed, it will be a question of developing a booklet for CSOs with between the pages the good practices recorded in the key countries.
Specifically, it will be a question of:
▪ collecting and documenting good practices related to the participation of CCM members Representatives of communities affected by malaria in Africa and Asia for the GC7 cycle, ▪ collecting and presenting good
practices related to the participation of CSOs active in the fight against malaria in Africa and Asia during the GC7 process, with a focus on those that have had a significant impact,
▪ collect and present good practices related to collaboration between CSOs on malaria, TB, HIV and general health in Africa in the GC7.
II. Functions and responsibilities of the consultant-trainer
Placed under the direct supervision of the Executive Director of Impact Santé Afrique (ISA), and working in collaboration with the Senior Civil Society Engagement Officer, the consultant will have to carry out the following tasks: • propose a methodology to
be validate by ISA,
• propose a detailed plan of the document to be validated by ISA,
• participate in work meetings with the ISA team, CS4ME secretariat,
• develop the detailed content of the document whose design will be carried out by ISA,
• develop a PowerPoint presentation of the document,
• participate in the webinar organized by ISA to present the document,
• participate in the webinar to present the document to civil society. Main expected deliverables:
1. A document containing good practices of civil society during the GC7 process is developed, reviewed and validated;
2. During a webinar, CSO members of CS4ME are edified on the content of the document for better community engagement in the GC7 process;
3. An end of mission report is drafted and submitted to the NGO ISA.
1. Period of the expert mission
This consultation mission will take place from April 15 to May 10, 2023.
2. Profile of the candidate
The desired expertise will relate to the recruitment of a consultant whose qualifications and skills are presented as follows:
o Diploma in one or more of the following fields: Master’s degree in Public Health/Community Health, studies in social sciences, development sciences or specialization equivalent;
o Extensive experience in public health document development, community engagement and CSO capacity building;
o Familiarity with Global Fund processes; o Ability to read and speak English and French; o Good writing, analysis and synthesis skills; o Familiarity with remote meeting and conferencing applications.
3. Application file
– A dated and signed CV, including 3 professional references;
– A technical sheet presenting the methodology used and the chronogram of the activities (2 pages maximum);
– A financial offer (1 page maximum).
4. Evaluation of the offers
The evaluation of the offers received will be based in particular on the following criteria:
(i) The experience of the candidate in the conduct of missions similar to those specified in these terms of reference;
(ii) Understanding the expectations of the mission and the proposed intervention methodology;
(iii) The proposed financial offer.
5. Submission of the offer
The offer including the documents mentioned in section 3 must be sent to the following address:
| Subject of the email: Consultant in charge of developing a document of good practices for civil society in the Global Fund’s GC7 process.
The deadline for submission is April 14, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. (GMT+1). Offers received after this date will not be considered.
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