malaria mapping consultant
Call for consultancy!
Africa Health Impact: Non-governmental organization
Title: National Consultant responsible for carrying out a Mapping of Malaria Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in Cameroon
Section: High impact programs
Location: Cameroon.
I. Context
Impact Santé Afrique (ISA) is a non-governmental organization based in Cameroon whose main objective is to contribute to improving the health of populations by implementing transformative and sustainable programs (for more information, visit ). As part of the “Equity Access to Malaria” project funded by the Initiative over a period of 3 years, which aims to increase the involvement of civil society and communities in the implementation of the national strategic plan to combat malaria in Cameroon at the national and community levels, it is necessary to know the civil society organizations active in the fight against malaria in Cameroon as well as their types of activities in the context of malaria.
It is for this purpose that ISA is recruiting a National Consultant who will be responsible for mapping malaria CSOs (activities, experience, geographical coverage, targeted populations, partners, access to malaria data, member of different taskforces, interaction with the Ministry of Health). Health and local authorities and leaders, number of people covered, impact/effect of actions, year of creation, gender data etc.).
II. General objective
Produce a complete directory of Civil Society Organizations involved in the fight against malaria in Cameroon, as well as a geo-referenced file of their geographical positions on the national territory.
III. Specific objectives
Specifically, this involves:
– Identifying and drawing up a list of CSOs that intervene in the fight against malaria in Cameroon;
– Describe these CSOs from the point of view of the following elements: activities, experience, geographical coverage, membership of networks or a Task Force, targeted populations, partners, access to malaria data and frequency, involvement or not in community malaria monitoring, interaction with the Ministry of Health and other local authorities and leaders, involvement with vulnerable people, number of people covered, impact/effect of actions, year of creation, gender data etc. ;
– Represent geographically (Region, District, Health Areas etc.) these CSOs on the map of Cameroon, as well as their coverage areas in terms of intervention zones.
IV. Responsibilities of the National Consultant
The National Consultant will have the following responsibilities:
– Design and develop the protocol, as well as the methodology and tools appropriate for carrying out this mapping, while taking into account the specific needs of each region, as well as those of the different project implementation partners;
– Contribute to the training of CSOs and other teams involved in data collection;
– Contribute to supervising data collection;
– Design and collect elements allowing the geolocation of malaria CSOs in Cameroon;
– Establish a data quality assurance procedure which includes the training of collection agents to the production of mapping results;
– Produce the expected mapping results, according to the terms of the validated protocol and taking into account the observations of the ISA MEL team and the other project implementation partners;
– Present the preliminary results of the mapping to ISA and the PNLP OSCS Palu Task Force at the national level and obtain validation.
V. Qualifications of the National Consultant
– Minimum Master’s level in public health, Biostatistics, Social Sciences, Project Management in Statistics or any other equivalent diploma;
– Ability to work in a multicultural environment, and with public institutions;
– At least 7 years of experience in the field;
– Solid experience in carrying out studies and data collection in the health field, preferably on malaria;
– Proven skills in questionnaire design and development of data collection, analysis and interpretation tools;
– Experience in training and supervising teams in the field;
– Excellent command of French and good written and verbal communication skills and excellent mastery of communication and presentation techniques;
– Knowledge of the local context and regional specificities would be an asset.
– In-depth knowledge of quantitative and qualitative data collection methods;
– A demonstrated ability to train and strengthen the capacities of civil society actors.
VI. Deliverables
– A descriptive and detailed directory of CSOs intervening in the field of malaria in Cameroon;
– Sets of cards representative of these CSOs across the national territory;
– A final report of this mapping.
VII. Duration of the mission
The duration of the National Consultant’s mission will be 30 calendar days from the date of signature of the contract included in the period from 01/12/2023 to 01/03/2024, according to the timetable.
How to apply
VIII. Terms of submission of applications
Interested candidates are invited to submit their application including:
1. A detailed CV including references of experience in terms of carrying out mapping
2. A cover letter
3. Three professional references.
4. A methodological proposal
5. A detailed financial proposal
NB: Applications will be evaluated based on their relevance to the required qualifications and professional references. The feminine candidacies are deeply encouraged. Applications will be submitted only by email to Applications must be submitted within 20 days after publication of this offer, i.e. on November 29, 2023 at 11:59 p.m.
Subject of the email: palu cartography consultant O386/EFR/2023
IX. Confidentiality
All information and data collected as part of this study must be treated confidentially and used only for study-related purposes. The National Consultant must sign a confidentiality agreement before the start of his mission.
Publication date: November 7, 2023
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