*MEDICAL DOCTOR – MINSANTE – Ministry of Public Health Cameroon*

MEDICAL DOCTOR – MINSANTE – Ministry of Public Health Cameroon


> Number of position: One (01)
> Place of assignment: GTC/PNLT headquartered in Yaoundé
Placed under the authority of the Head of Unit in charge of TB -MR and under the supervision of the Permanent Secretary, the Referent Doctor and/or TBMR Data Manager will have the mission:

     To organize the systematic and exhaustive investigation of contacts of TBMR patients across the national territory with the establishment of a data archiving system;
  Establish on a daily basis the list of RR cases diagnosed in the various reference laboratories while monitoring their initiation on treatment depending on the care center
  Initiate and]or facilitate the initiation of outpatient care for MRTB patients clinically stable with regular monitoring by medical personnel at home;
     Supervise MRTB treatment centers quarterly with monitoring of indicators for good therapeutic coverage;
     Ensure the documentation of side effects of TBMR patients across the various care sites • Place particular emphasis on monitoring TBMR patients in prison;
     Facilitate a therapeutic decision as quickly as possible for difficult clinical cases and/or Pre-XDR/XDR with advice from an external consultant;
     Check the availability of second-line medications
     Carry out any other task that may be entrusted to him by the hierarchy.
Job profile:
     Be of Cameroonian nationality;
     Be a Doctor and or holder of a Master 2 in Public Health;
     Have relevant experience in the production and management of statistical data;
     Have good communication skills with people;
     Have rigor in the work, a sense of responsibility, organization in the work,
     Have a sense of discretion and be able to maintain professional secrecy;
     Have good dispositions for working in a team and under pressure;
     Enjoy all your intellectual faculties;
     Know how to read and write French and/or English.

Application files placed in a single closed envelope (a sealed envelope) must include:
a. a cover letter including the position requested to be sent to the Minister of Public Health
b. a detailed Curriculum Vitae stating the qualification and professional experience of the candidate signed and dated;
    vs. a certified copy of the birth certificate;
d. A certified photocopy of the valid National Identity Card; certified copies of the required diplomas, signed by the competent administrative authority; a certificate of presentation of the original diplomas;
g. a 4×4 ID photo;
h. an extract from the criminal record bulletin no. 3 dating from less than three (03) months; a medical certificate issued by a doctor working in a public health facility;
j. proof of the candidate’s professional experience (employment contracts, work certificates, end of internship certificate, etc.);
k. two (02) addresses of reference persons.
NB: The following are not authorized to apply:
         Minors under the age of 18;

         Adults who have reached the retirement age limit (60 years);
     State Agents (Civil Servants and Administrative Contractors, with an active registration number or in the process of integration),     People who have already occupied one of these positions within the former STBP-FM, from I UCS-FMP, one of the three programs co-financed by the Fund. Mondial whose departures resulted in a history in these programs,  People who have been the subject of resignation at the ex-STBP-FM, at the UCS-FMP, or one of the three programs (CNLS, PNLP , PNLT);Furthermore, candidates cannot apply for more than one position at a time. Those who submit two or more applications for different positions will be purely and simply disqualified, without any form of procedure. Incomplete files, regardless of the missing document, will not be considered. 

IV. SELECTION PROCEDURES The main selection methods for candidates are as follows:     Study of the application file;     Interview and with the jury and possibly practical test. V. SUBMISSION OF APPLICATIONS Each application file written in French or English must be received no later than April 19, 2024 at 3:30 p.m., local time, in a closed, non-identifiable envelope and against registration and discharge in a register,in five (05) copies including one (01) original and four (04) copies:1. In the Regional Technical Groups for the Fight against AIDS (GTR/SIDA) of the 10 regional capitals; or 2- to the Secretariat of the Grant Coordination Unit of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, located after the Cameroonian Red Cross in Yaoundé. The cover (envelope) must bear the words: “NOTICE OF CALL FOR APPLICATION  IAAC/MlNSANTE/CAB/UCS-FMP/2023 DUE FOR THE RECRUITMENT OF PERSONNEL FOR THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE TO FIGHT AGAINST AIDS, THE NATIONAL FIGHT PROGRAM AGAINST TUBERCULOSIS AND THE NATIONAL PROGRAM TO FIGHT AGAINST MALARIA POINT     TARGETED: (TO BE SPECIFIED)

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