Notice of special direct recruitment of 100 Personnel in the body of civil servants of the Translation and Interpretation Services, 2023 session

Notice of special direct recruitment of 100 Personnel in the body of civil servants of the Translation and Interpretation Services, 2023 session


Order opening a direct competition for the special recruitment of one hundred (100) personnel in the corps of Translation and Interpretation Services civil servants, 2023 session

Considering the Constitution;
 Having regard to decree 110 75/770 of December 18, 1975 on the special status of the body of civil servants in the Translation and Interpretation Services;




Having regard to decree 11 094/199 of October 7, 1994 on the General Statute of the State Public Service, amended and supplemented by decree 110 2000/287 of October 12, 2000;
Having regard to decree 110 2011/408 of December 9, 2011 on the organization of the Government, amended and supplemented by decree 110 2018/190 of March 2, 2018;
Considering decree 110 2012/537 of November 19, 2012 on the organization of the Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform;



Considering decree no. 2018/191 of March 02, 2018 on the reorganization of the Government;
Considering the decree 110 2000/696/PM of September 13, 2000 fixing the General Regime of Administrative Competitions;
Having regard to Order 11001 1713/MINFOPRA of December 30, 2019 establishing the ad hoc Commission responsible for the special recruitment of five hundred (500) Translators and Translator-Interpreters during the 2020 to 2025 financial years | © 
Having regard to decree 110040/PM of May 19, 2022 setting the procedures for granting the age exemption to people with disabilities during administrative competitions and recruitments in the State Civil Service ; having regard to letter No. O B355/SG/PR of 20 November 2019 authorizing the recr
(500) Translators and Translators-Interpreters during the five (0 from



Article – (l) A direct competition for the specific recruitment of officials of the Translation and Interpretation Services is open for the account of the 2023 financial year. (2)
The places offered in the said competition are distributed as well as it follows:
seventy-five (75) Principal Translators, category “A” second grade of the Public Service, including English A/French B • 40 and French A/English B: 35 twenty (20) Translators, category “A” first grade of the Public Service, including English A/ French B: 10 and French A/ English B: 10 • five (05) Principal Translators-Interpreters, category “A” second grade of the Public Service, including English A/French B: 03 and French A/ English B: 02
Article 2.- Persons fulfilling the following conditions may apply:
a) be of Cameroonian nationality;
h) be seventeen (17) years old at least and forty (40) years old at most on January 1, 2023 (be born between 01/01/1983 and 01/01/2006), c)
However , disabled persons holding a National Disability Card issued by the competent authorities, benefit from an age exemption for a ceiling of five (05) years maximum, above the age limit fixed below. above, in accordance with Order No. 0040/PM of 19
d) hold both:
for Principal Translators: a higher education degree or a diploma recognized as equivalent and a translator’s diploma or any title recognized as equivalent issued by a national training establishment or by a foreign or international school appearing on a list fixed by order of the Prime Minister; for Translators: a secondary education baccalaureate, or the General Certificate of Education Advanced Level (GCE-A/L) obtained in at least two subjects, apart from the subject “religious knowledge”, or an equivalent recognized diploma and a translator’s diploma or any title recognized as equivalent issued by a national training establishment or by a foreign or international school appearing on a list fixed by order of the Prime Minister;
e) provide evidence of physical aptitude and a state of health enabling him to effectively carry out the duties of Translator or Translator-Interpreter;
f) enjoy their civic rights;
g) not to have suffered convictions appearing in the bulletin n03 of the criminal record incompatible with the exercise of the functions of Translators or Translators-Interpreters.


Article 3.- Files can be submitted online at the address: or deposited against receipt directly with the Regional Delegations of the Ministry of the Public Service and Administrative Reform no later than Friday, April 28, 2023 , deadline and must imperatively include the following documents:

 a registration form stamped at one thousand five hundred (1,500) CFA francs, duly completed and signed by the candidate, the form of which is available in the Regional Delegations of the Public Service and can be downloaded from the website: http://www; a receipt for payment of the sum of fifteen thousand (15,000) CFA francs issued by a person in charge of the EXPRESS UNION counter of the place of deposit of the application file; certified copies of the required diplomas, signed by a competent civil authority; certificates of presentation of the original diplomas signed by a competent civil authority; a certified copy of the
     In the event of absence of candidatures or of quorum not atte places reserved or missing with the latter is versed has of the same executive having registered the greatest number of candidatures;
  Government employee applicants subject to the Labor Code and fulfilling the conditions set out in Article 2 must provide a copy of their employment contract or decision to hire.

     Any file that is incomplete, late or whose documents are signed in a police station will not be accepted.
     Documents legalized by an administrative, municipal or judicial authority must be dated less than three (03) months from the date of submission of the files.
     candidates who submit their files online are exempted from the formalities of filing physical files. However, said files must imperatively be submitted to the Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform for candidates declared definitively admitted.
     Candidates wishing to be accompanied free of charge in the online registration procedure can approach the branches of the National Youth Observatory (ONJ) ​​housed within the Multifunctional Centers for the Promotion of Young People (CMPJ).
Article 4.- (l) The composition programs are those of the study cycles delivering the diplomas required to apply.
(2) The technical tests will essentially relate to questions of a general and/or purely technical nature and will consist of the translation: of a text from English into French; of a text from French to English. 
(3) The written admissibility tests, which will take place in one of the examination centers (Bamenda, Buea, Garoua and Yaoundé) chosen by the candidate, will take place on the dates and hours below:
Dates Tests Times
     Duration Coef. Note
May 13, 2023 General Knowledge 08h00 – 12h00 3 05/20
    Technical Test no 1 13h00 – 17h00 5 05/20
May 14, 2023 Technical Test n 0 2 08h00 – 12h00 4 05/20
    Text summary 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. 3h 3 05/20
(4) The time limit for admission to the rooms is set at 7:00 a.m. for the morning exams and at 12:30 p.m. for the afternoon exams.
Article 5. – A press release from the Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform will specify the dates and times for passing the oral tests for final admission.
Dates Type of tests Coef. Schedules
To be determined Grand oral 1 From 08:00
    Oral language 1   
Article 6.- The final results of this competition will be published by order of the Minister of Public Service and Administrative Reform.
Section 7   This decree will be registered and published wherever necessary. /-





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