Recruitment notice: 02 National consultants, Revision of the action plan

Recruitment notice: 02 National consultants, Revision of the action plan


Project “Scale up of HIV prevention to contribute to the reduction of HIV related morbidity and mortality by 2023”

Activity: Recruitment of two national consultants for the revision of the five-year action plan (2020-2024) for a global response to human rights-related obstacles that hinder access to services to combat HIV and Tuberculosis in Cameroon

Terms of reference

I. Context and rationale

Since the adoption of its strategy for the period 2017-2022 entitled “Investing to end epidemics”, the Global Fund has joined the efforts of national stakeholders, technical partners and other donors to increase investments in programs aimed at removing human rights-related barriers that hinder national responses to HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Although the Global Fund is assisting all countries to scale up these programs, it is providing intensive support to 20 countries to enable them to implement comprehensive programs aimed at reducing human rights barriers.



Based on criteria involving needs, opportunities, capacities and partnerships in the country, Cameroon and nineteen other countries were selected for intensive support. A baseline assessment was conducted in 2017 with the aim of providing the country with the data and analysis needed to identify, finance and implement comprehensive programs to remove human rights-related barriers to access to health services. fight against HIV and Tuberculosis. In this approach, the National Coordination Body (ICN) organized, in collaboration with CAMNAFAW on June 26 and 27, 2019, at the DJEUGA PALACE in Yaoundé, two days of multi-stakeholder consultations for the development and adoption of a comprehensive response to the human rights-related obstacles that hinder access to HIV and tuberculosis services in Cameroon. As part of the translation of the main orientations of the aforementioned reference evaluation into actions and the results of the work of the multi-stakeholder workshop, a five-year action plan was developed by interested national sectoral actors.
After its development, the five-year plan experienced difficult implementation due to various constraints (the appearance of COVID 19, the difficulties of the former PR, etc.). One year from its end, there is a need to evaluate and revise it to take into account developments in human rights issues linked to HIV and TB and malaria, but also the overall context of implementation of related interventions.
In order to ensure the revision process of the said five-year plan, the recruitment of two national consultants is planned who will work in collaboration with a team of volunteer experts identified by the Core Group of the National Coordinating Body. These TORs aim to mobilize the necessary resources for the recruitment of national consultants.


II. Objectives of the consultation:
Based on the report of the baseline evaluation which was conducted in 2017, the results of the work of the multi-stakeholder consultation of July 26 and 27, 2018 in Yaoundé, the results of the country dialogue resulting from the preparation of GC7, the strategic plans of the various programs (HIV, TB, Malaria) and other key documents of the health response, the evaluation reports of the global fund and any other document necessary to: • Identify and harmonize strategies,

interventions and key activities necessary and adapted to the national context to eliminate human rights-related obstacles that hinder access to services to combat HIV, Tuberculosis and malaria over the next 5 years;
• Revise the five-year action plan (2020-2024) for a global response to human rights-related obstacles that hinder access to HIV and Tuberculosis services in Cameroon on the points below: o Reduce
stigma and discrimination, including in health facilities;
o Protection of key and vulnerable populations, including adolescents and young people, women and girls;
o Raising awareness among legislators and law enforcement forces;
o Raising awareness among the general population “know your rights”;
o Community monitoring of human rights violations and strengthening access to justice;
o Capacity building of healthcare providers on human rights and medical ethics;
o Humanitarian and health response (TB and HIV) in regions of the country in a humanitarian context;
o Offer and access to Tuberculosis services;
o Integration of malaria, papillomavirus and cervical cancer in the response to the barriers that hinder the provision of services;
o Mobilization of national and international resources;
• Collaborate closely with the group of national volunteer experts set up by the ICN;
• Lead the five-year plan evaluation workshop;
• Facilitate the national pre-validation workshop of the five-year comprehensive response plan to human rights-related obstacles that hinder access to services to combat HIV and Tuberculosis, malaria, papillomavirus and cervical cancer. uterus in Cameroon;
• Lead the national workshop to validate the revised five-year plan for a global response to human rights-related obstacles that hinder access to services to combat HIV, Tuberculosis, malaria, papillomavirus and cervical cancer. uterus in Cameroon.



III. Expected results

• Key strategies, interventions and activities needed and adapted to the national context to address human rights-related barriers to access to services to combat HIV, Tuberculosis, malaria, papillomavirus and cervical cancer uterus over the next 05 years are identified and harmonised;

• A revised five-year plan (2020-2024) for a comprehensive response to human rights-related obstacles that hinder access to services to combat HIV, Tuberculosis, malaria, papillomavirus and cervical cancer in Cameroon is available on the points below:
o Reduce stigma and discrimination, including in health facilities;
o Protection of key and vulnerable populations, including women and girls;
o Raising awareness among legislators and law enforcement forces;
o Raising awareness among the general population “know your rights”;
o Community monitoring of human rights violations and strengthening access to justice;
o Capacity building of healthcare providers on human rights and medical ethics;
o Humanitarian and health response (TB and HIV) in the North-West and South-West regions;
o Integration of malaria, papillomavirus and cervical cancer in the response to the barriers that hinder the provision of services;
o Mobilization of national and international resources;
o Offer and access to Tuberculosis services
o Mobilization of national and international resources

• A five-year plan evaluation workshop is organized;
• A national workshop to pre-validate the five-year plan for a comprehensive response to human rights-related obstacles that hinder access to services to combat HIV, Tuberculosis, malaria, papillomavirus and cervical cancer in Cameroon is organized and the revised plan is validated;
• A national workshop to validate the revised five-year plan for a global response to human rights-related obstacles that hinder access to services to combat HIV, Tuberculosis, malaria, papillomavirus and cervical cancer in Cameroon is organized;


• Documentary review;
• Presentation of a methodology and a work plan to obtain the expected results;
• Collaborative work with National Volunteer Experts and the Core Group chaired by the ICN;
• Discussion meeting with civil society actors, administrative and health authorities including various development partners, the private sector and national stakeholders;
• Individual interviews and focus groups if necessary;
• Multi-party validation workshop aimed at refining and verifying the consistency, reliability, and quality of the proposed actions.

V. Profile of Consultants
Expert in Human Rights and Gender
The Human Rights and Gender expert must have good knowledge of the context of the fight against HIV, TB, malaria, papillomavirus and cancer of the cervix in Cameroon and around the world. He must have the following skills and experience:

A. Qualifications and skills:
Holder of a 2nd cycle university degree in Gender Studies, Human Rights profile or equivalent experience;

Specialization/Skill in the public health sector and the fight against Malaria, HIV, and TB. Experience on issues related to access to care for disadvantaged people and vulnerable groups would be an asset;
Excellent qualities/abilities of:
• Communication;
• Team work ;
• Transmission of knowledge;
• Analysis and resolution of problems;
• Decision-making and initiative;
Excellent command of French/English (written/oral);

B. General professional experience
• Professional experience of at least 10 years on human rights and gender issues;
• Professional experience in the fight against HIV/AIDS/Tuberculosis of at least 5 years in public or private organizations;
• Experience(s) of human rights integration actions in previous missions and/or projects.

C. Specific professional experience
Proven skills on the new Global Fund financing model (cf. NFM3 cycle):
• Ideally, Experience in the implementation of FM grants on gender-related topics;
• Have good knowledge and experience on Human Rights issues in Cameroon;
• An experience on the prevention and treatment of papillomavirus and cervical cancer
• Follow-up of webinars on the Human Rights and Gender approach of the Global Fund;
• Good knowledge of the health system in Cameroon is desired.

VI. Composition of the file
Interested candidates must submit a complete file consisting of:
A- A technical offer including:
o A cover letter addressed to the Executive Management of CHP;
o A CV highlighting the qualification and professional experience of the interested party;
o A photocopy of the valid national identity card;
o A methodological note (five pages maximum) accompanied by an execution schedule;
B- A financial offer including:
o A financial proposal including the number of days of work with the daily rate.

VII. Location, Duration and Methods of execution

• Period of implementation: Quarter 4 of the year 2023
• Start date: November 1, 2023
• End date: December 10, 2023
• Effective consultancy duration: 30 days

VIII. Deliverables

• A final report of the consultation covering the methodology used and the stages of the process;
• A revised five-year plan of key strategies, interventions and activities relating to the overall response to human rights-related obstacles that hinder access to HIV and Tuberculosis services in Cameroon validated.
• A monitoring and evaluation plan for the five-year plan or an operational plan

IX. Mission report

• A mission report for the consultant must be submitted within 10 days after the end of the mission.
• Report language: French or English.

X. Budget Designation No.
of people No. of days Unit cost Total cost the sum of twelve million (12,000,000) FCFA. XII. Payment conditions For payment of their services, the consultant transmits:

• A request for an advance of costs concerning the service to CHP, up to 60% of the total amount of the budget validated for the mission. The advance request may be made upon signature of the mission budget approval document;
• An invoice corresponding to the balance of the service within ten (10) days from the date of signature of the validation report of the final report of the mission.
Payment will be made directly by CHP to the consultant’s bank account in view of:
• The initial fee advance request;
• The final invoice after receipt of the technical document.

The application files include: a CV, a cover letter with the contacts of at least 03 references, a copy of the certificates / diplomas, file which will be submitted no later than October 25, 2023 to our offices located behind the Regional Tax Center of the Center, facing Omnisport stadium or send by email to

NB: female applications as well as those from key populations are encouraged

The Executive Director





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