2023 DIRECT RECRUITMENT COMPETITION: ENAM – National School of Administration and Magistracy
Peace – Work – Homeland
Peace – Work – Fatherland
ORDER N° 0 0 3 5 8 8 /MINFOPRA / of June 12, 2023
Carrying opening of a
competition for the recruitment of sixty (60) students in cycle “A” of the Administrative Division of the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM), for the academic year 2023/2024.
CONSIDERING the Constitution,
CONSIDERING Law No. 2017/010 of July 12, 2017 on the General Statute of Public Establishments; Decree No. 75/774 of December 18, 1975 on the special status of the bodies of General Administration officials; Decree No. 75/788 of December 18, 1975 on the special status of the bodies of Public Health and Social Affairs officials;
MINDFUL of Decree No. 75/791 of December 18, 1975 on the special status of the corps of Labor and Social Welfare civil servants, amended and supplemented by Decree No. 77/243 of July 15, 1977;
MINDFUL of Decree No. 94/199 of October 7, 1994 on the General Statute of the Public Service of the State, together with the subsequent amending texts,
Decree No. 02011/408 of December 9, 2011 on the organization of the Government, amended and supplemented by Decree n 0 20.18/190 of March 02, 2018; Decree No. 2012/537 of November 19, 2012 on the organization of the Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform
MINDFUL of Decree No. 2018/191 of March 02, 2018 on the reorganization of the Government,
MINDFUL of Decree No. 2018/240 of April 09 2018 reorganizing the National School of Administration and Magistracy (ENAM);
CONSIDERING Decree No. 2000/696/PM of September 13, 2000 setting the general rules for administrative competitions, Order No. 040/PM of May 19, 2022 setting the terms and conditions for granting exemption from AGC to persons with disabilities during administrative competitions and recruitments in the State Public Service;
CONSIDERING Order No. 00004831/MlNFOPRA of October 10, 2012 on the study and schooling system in the Administrative and Financial Divisions of the Judiciary (ENAM);
MINDFUL of Order No. 00000490/MlNFl of December 21, 2022 specifying the costs of administrative competitions,
Article 1: (1) A competition for the recruitment of Sixty
Administrative Division of IENAM, is open on behalf of the 2023/2024 academic year.
(2) The places available are distributed as follows
SECTIONS Number of laces
External candidates Internal candidates TOTAL
General Administration Twenty-five (25) Five (05) 30
Labor Administration Seventeen (17) Three (03) 20
Administration of Social Affairs Eight (08) Two (02) 10
TOTAL Fifty (50) Ten (10) 60
(3) The relevant program is appended.
(4) The choice of sections will be made by the candidates when submitting the files.
Article 2: Persons fulfilling the following conditions may apply
(a) For external candidates:
– meet the general conditions required for access to public employment
– hold a General Higher Education License or a Professional License in Legal Sciences, Economics, Sciences Social (in relation to the requested Section) and in Management or an equivalent diploma recognized by the Minister in charge of higher education;
– be at least seventeen (17) years old, and thirty-two (32) years old at most, on January 1, 2023; – however, disabled persons holding a National Disability Card issued by the competent authorities, may benefit from an age exemption for a ceiling of five (05) years maximum, above the age limit set above, in accordance with Order No. 0 040/PM of 19 May 2022 referred to above.
NB: Permanent civil servants of any category whatsoever are not authorized to compete as external candidates.
(b) For internal candidates:
– be a category “B” civil servant in the bodies of General Administration, Labor Administration and Social Affairs Administration, Weights and Measures Prices, Materials Accounting and Financial Administration, justifying a seniority of
at least 05 years in the grade on January 1, 2023
– be forty-five (45) years old at most, on January 1, 2023.
Article 3: (1) The registration forms can be downloaded from the IENAM website (www.enam.cm).
(2) The registration fees for the competition amount to twenty-five thousand (25,000) CFA francs for all candidates (external and internal).
(3) Candidates pay their registration fees in cash against a receipt at the BICEC agencies.
(4) Applicants may submit their applications against receipt directly to ENAM or to the Regional Delegations for the Civil Service and Administrative Reform, with the exception of that of the Centre.
(5) Applications must reach ENAM, or the Regional Delegations for the Civil Service and Administrative Reform no later than Friday, August 4, 2023, the strict deadline.
(6) The application files referred to in paragraph (5) above include the following documents
– an envelope stamped at one thousand (1,000) CFA francs,
– a registration form stamped at one thousand five hundred (1,500) francs on the ENAM website (www.enam.cm);
– a certified copy of the required diploma
– a certificate of presentation of the original of the diploma signed by the Governor of the Region, the Prefect or the Sub-Prefect;
– a certificate of presentation of the original of the Baccalaureate or any other diploma having allowed access to higher education signed by the Governor of the Region, the Prefect or the Sub-Prefect;
– a receipt for payment of the entry fees for the competition issued by BICEC;
– a bulletin N 0 3 of the criminal record dating from less than three (03) months on the date of submission of the file, issued by the competent judicial authorities, – a medical certificate dating from less than
three (03) months on the date of filing of the file, signed by a doctor from the Administration,
– a certified copy of the birth certificate, handwritten or typed signed by an administrative or municipal authority • –
a copy of the act of integration and an authorization to compete issued on the right date by the Minister in charge of the Public Service , for internal candidates.
NB: Any file that is incomplete or contains documents deemed to be false or falsified will be rejected.
(7) The lists of candidates authorized to compete will be published by posting at ENAM no later than Wednesday, August 30, 2023.
NB: The publication of these lists takes the place of an individual invitation.
Article 4: (1) The written eligibility tests, which will take place at the single center in Yaoundé, will take place on the dates and times below
a) Tests common to all sections.
General Culture date: Saturday September 2, 2023, from 7:30 a.m. to 11 a.m. duration: 4 hours, coeff. 04
Constitutional Law date: Saturday, September 2, 2023, from 1 p.m. duration: 4 hours, coeff. 03,
General Economy:
date: Sunday, September 3, 2023, from 7:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
duration: 4 hours, coeff. 02
b) Specialty Tests:
date: Sunday, September 3, 2023, from 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. duration: 4 hours, coeff 5
General Administration Section: Administrative Law Test.
Labor Administration Section
• Labor Law Examination
• Social Affairs Administration Section
• Psychology Examination
(2) The time limit for access to the halls is set at 7.00 a.m. for the morning tests, and at 12.30 p.m. for the afternoon tests.
Article 5: The oral admission tests will take place in Yaoundé (ENAM). They include:
– a large oral: coeff. 1
– an oral language: coeff. 1
Article 6: Receipts for applications for national identity cards dated less than three (03) months from the closing date for competition entries will not be accepted.
Article 7: Any fraud observed before, during or after the running of the competition will be penalized in accordance with the laws and regulations in force.
Article 8: This decree will be recorded and published wherever necessary. /-
YAOUNDE, JUNE 12, 2023
Literature, philosophy, contemporary history;
Scientific and technological evolution,
Arts and culture
Gender and development; Regional integration;
Geopolitics, Geostrategy.
1- Constitutional law and political institutions
Electoral systems
Political parties and systems
2- Administrative law and administrative institutions a- Administrative functions / administrative and political organization of the State
Administrative police (authorities, goals, control of police measures); b- Administrative justice
3- Public Finances
1- Microeconomics a- Principles of microeconomics
Market study: supply and demand
Consumer behavior,
Producer behavior and production theory,
Short and long term costs
Function of production
The theory of prices in a situation of pure and perfect competition: short and long term equilibrium
The theory of prices in a situation of pure monopoly: short and long term equilibrium Monopolistic competition Oligopoly markets.
b- Applied microeconomics
Industrial and commercial enterprises in Cameroon: specific management problems,
Tax levies and consequences in a branch in a situation of pure and perfect competition: short and long term effects. Consequences in a monopoly situation,
Problems raised by the institution of price and quantity controls in competitive and monopoly situations • Sectoral policies.
2- Macroeconomics
a- The income/savings/consumption triptych
Determination of national income
0 The function of national income; o The investment function; o Lo income/expenditure model,
0 The multiplier: principles and limits;
The variation of the level of income o The accelerator;
The oscillator.
b- Models of macroeconomic equilibrium and imbalance
The IS-LM model
• Principles and operation;
• Implications.
• The relationship between inflation and unemployment
• The Philip curve
• Problems posed to Keynesian and neoclassical theories
Equilibrium with rationing
• Keynesian unemployment; Classic unemployment , 0 Range of models.
• The revival of neoclassical analysis by the introduction of anticipations
• Formation of anticipations
• Conclusions of the analysis.
c- Structural adjustment programs
Theoretical foundations The search for internal and external balances Economic recovery.
3. Monetary economy
a- Currency and money supply
Definition, functions and properties of money, monetary aggregates,
money supply, composition and counterparties.
b- The supply and demand of money
The determinants of the demand for money,
The determinants of the supply of money
c- The financial institutions
The central bank,
The commercial banks
The other institutions
The treasury,
d- The money market and the financial market
Actors and mechanisms,
The interbank market and the open market;
The role of the central bank;
The players and the organization of the financial market; stock exchange,
New financial instruments.
e- Monetary policy
Objectives and instruments of monetary policy
Discount rate policy;
The open-market policy,
The reserve requirement policy,
Selectivity and credit supervision,
The limits of monetary policy in the franc zone; International financing for development, The indebtedness of developing countries.
f- Population and development
Population growth in developing countries;
Optimal population growth, Education, health and development, Democracy and development.
g- International economy
Theories of international exchange;
Labor productivity and comparative advantage: the Ricardian model
Resources and exchange: the Heckscher-Ohlin model;
Standard trade model ,
Economy of scale, imperfect competition and international trade ,
International trade policies
Free trade;
Trade policies in developing countries;
World Trade Organization and Trade Globalization;
Economic integration ,
Exchange policy
National accounts and balance of payments ,
Exchange rate regimes and determination of the exchange rate, The international monetary system; currency areas.
The objectives of labor law: o Worker protection; o Job protection; • Social peace o Social dialogue.
The place and role of International Labor Conventions;
The legal status of the Worker 0 Notion of Worker; o Labor Rights;
Worker Obligations.
Powers of the Company Manager
Management power o Regulatory power, Disciplinary power.
Execution of the employment contract. o the rights of the Worker; 0 the obligations of the Worker
0 incidents relating to the execution of the Employment contract. ola suspension of the employment contract ola modification of the employment contract.
The termination of the employment contract:
the termination of the employment contract of indefinite duration,
the termination of the employment contract of indefinite duration
the termination of the employment contract of fixed duration o at the initiative of one of the parties, o because limits set by law.
Termination of the employment contract of indefinite duration o at the initiative of one of the parties o dismissal for economic reasons
Psychology of children and development
Psychology of health and disability
Psychology of groups and personalities with specific needs
The biological, psychological and socio-cultural foundations of the family
Social environments and responsible parenthood Medical and health anthropology
Clinical theories and practice of care Psychopathology
Ontogenesis and sociogenesis of behaviors.
The sources of parliamentary law
Parliamentary procedures and practices
The role of parliament
Parliamentary institutions
Parliamentary functions and the functioning of parliament Parliament and the law
Interview with a jury whose purpose is to identify the personality of the candidate and his predisposition to be at the service of the State and the citizen.
Interview with a jury, in French for English-speaking candidates and in English for French-speaking candidates.
Joseph LE
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