Recruitment Notice: A Base Manager (Field Coordinator) (URGENT)

Recruitment Notice: A Base Manager (Field Coordinator) (URGENT)

EMPLOYMENT: The Cameroon Red Cross and the French Red Cross are recruiting
a Base Manager (Field Coordinator) in Batouri

Job information Job
Reporting line Head of Delegation
Job location Batouri, East Cameroon region
Working hours According to the service schedule
Duration of the mission 10 months
Desired arrival date 01st July 2023
Number of positions 01
Presentation of the association




The French Red Cross (CRf) and the Cameroonian Red Cross (CRC) are humanitarian associations
, auxiliary to the public authorities, which provide help and assistance to
vulnerable people.
Since 2010, the French Red Cross (CRf) has been present in Cameroon and intervenes in the
areas of health, nutrition and food security and livelihoods
(SAME) in the East and Far North regions.
Context of the recruitment
Replacement at the post.




Description of the position
I. Objective / Summary of the position.
Under the supervision of the Head of Delegation, the Head of Base is responsible for representing the CRF
with the authorities, beneficiaries and partners involved. The Head of Base guarantees the
coordination of programs, as well as the sharing of information with other
humanitarian actors and partners in the field, specifically with members of the RC/RC Movement.
He.She ensures good coordination between the various services of the Batouri base, ensures
good communication with the coordination of Yaoundé, ensures the safety of the teams on the
Batouri base, and contributes to the development of programs.



II. Location of the position
This position is open to people with the required profile and the successful candidate must reside in
Batouri by his own means; it is therefore not subject to relocation. The candidate selected
at the end of the recruitment process cannot therefore claim the status of
relocated employee.
III. Responsibilities
A. Security Management:
– Monitors and assesses the security situation and political developments
relevant in the locality and region in collaboration with the
Logistics Coordinator and the Head of Delegation;
– Develops and ensures the implementation of humanitarian access strategies in its
– Establishes and maintains a network of contacts to obtain information
concerning security in the intervention area;
– Supervises and coordinates the optimal functioning of the entire security system,
plans and organizes, if necessary, the hibernation or evacuation of the staff
– Is responsible for briefing new arrivals on the security situation and
the instructions to follow in the geographical area.
B. Management of the database and support services:
– Supervises and coordinates all base support services: finance, logistics,
human resources and administration as well as security;
– Ensures that administrative, logistical and financial procedures are in
place and respected;
– Supervises and coordinates the recruitment and capacity building of
– Carries out the annual performance evaluation of all staff under his
supervision, in collaboration with the project/programme/department managers, and the
identification of the capacity development needs of his team.
C. Project management and coordination:
– Contributes to the development and adjustment of projects in line with the strategy
CRF in the areas of intervention;
– Ensures the planning and optimal use of the financial resources
of the program while ensuring strict compliance with the budget; Page 3 / 6
– Ensures that the reporting tools: Narrative, OSO, PMT, RETF for each
key activity are completed and sent on time;
– Ensures that the reports of all program/project managers and
support services are of high quality and submitted on time;
– Participates in the development of new projects in accordance with the strategy of
the FIU in Cameroon, including the drafting of project documents;
– Proposes and contributes to the organization of evaluation missions to analyze the
humanitarian needs in the base area;
– Ensures the adequacy of budgets with the objectives and activities set in
collaboration with the financial staff in the field and at headquarters;
– Controls the evolution of projects (progress, relevance and efficiency) and proposes adjustments
to his superior if necessary;
– Ensures monitoring of indicators by the program teams, and the achievement of
D. Management of resources: Supervises the base team (program, administration and
Human resources management
– Develops and regularly updates the job profiles of the personnel under his
– Implements the Individual Action Plans of its employees;
– Conduct performance appraisal interviews for staff under his
direct responsibility;
– Ensures that the conclusions of the performance appraisal interviews are taken into account
in the treatment and progression of staff;
– Ensures the monitoring of internal procedures in terms of human resources management
, in particular ensures that the coordination is informed and involved
in the processing of HR files by the administration;
– Manages and promotes group dynamics in achieving
program objectives and staff well-being, through team meetings, field visits
, etc.
– Is attentive to stress management and listening to staff;
– Ensures the promotion of the health and safety of staff through the application
of hygiene and safety instructions in the workplace as well as in
daily life;
– Referee / help to resolve team conflicts;
– Motivates individuals and helps them contribute to the achievement of
program objectives;
– Transmits and promotes the values ​​and ethics of the CRF.
Financial and budgetary management Page 4 / 6
– Supervises the development of budgets adapted to the needs of the mission and to the
various donors;
– Oversees the implementation of financial monitoring and control systems and
budgets by its teams, by carrying out regular checks;
– Follows the budget lines which concern it – encourages the involvement of all the
grassroots components in budget management in accordance with the
respective responsibilities of each;
– Promotes an ethical approach to the management of program resources;
– Supervise cash flow and budget planning and monitoring in order to anticipate
possible financial problems;
– Ensures the production of budget reports by the administrative department
in accordance with the deadlines set by headquarters and donors.
Management of technical means
– In collaboration with the logistician, supervises purchases and management of
base equipment, ensuring compliance with purchasing procedures;
– Supervise the proper maintenance and management of stocks (programs, consumables, etc.) and
the fleet;
– Guarantees respect for living spaces and equipment.
E. Communication management:
Internal communication
– Contributes to good communication with the CRF national delegation in Yaoundé;
– Supervises the development by his team, and contributes directly to the development
of monthly reports (log, admin, program, base) – ensures that they are sent
on time to the coordination;
– Makes weekly points for the head of delegation;
– Contributes to the capitalization of the organization;
– Produces a tiling report at the end of the mission to capitalize on the information;
– Organizes, animates and conducts information, coordination and collaboration meetings
within the team;
– Ensures that a fluid communication is in place and maintained between the various
services of the base;
– Encourages and promotes direct communication between the base services and
their cross-functional managers at the coordination level;
– Encourages and promotes respect for the roles and responsibilities of each member
of the team in accordance with the job descriptions.
External communication and representation
– Represents the French Red Cross in the assigned area;
– Ensures the application of the ethics, charter and mandate of the CRF as well as
the humanitarian and development policy internally and externally; Page 5 / 6
– Ensures good communication with Donors funds during
follow-up meetings and visits;
– Supervise the timely production of
interim financial and narrative reports relating to base projects, according to the formats pre-established by the
– Ensures institutional and operational relations with the National Society,
other components of the movement in the field, United Nations bodies, NGOs
, local authorities and all partners related to Red Cross projects
French in the area.
Qualification and experience
Diploma / Level of study:
– Holder of a university degree at Bac+4 level in management / commerce /
political science / master’s degree in connection with the activities of the CRF
– Previous experience in basic management – minimum 2 years ;
– Previous experience in project management – ​​minimum 1 year;
– Versatile experience in the humanitarian field, including in managing the
security of staff, partners and beneficiaries – minimum 2 years;
– Knowledge of the Eastern Region will be an asset.
Essential skills and experience:
– Strong relational and organizational skills;
– Essential previous experience in team management;
– Coordinating capacities;
– Solid experience in budget management;
– Work experience in security management;
– Writing skills and experience in project writing and
report writing;
– Good analytical and synthetic mind;
– Good knowledge of the Eastern context, in particular Kadey;
– Mastery of the computer tool (complete autonomy on Word, Excel and Power Point).
Specific knowledge:
– Ability to adapt and negotiate;
– At ease and flexible in institutional relations;
– Experience in managing staff from different cultures;
– Very good teamwork skills;
– Good knowledge or experience of the Red Cross Movement (operation,
mandates, etc.);
– Good knowledge of the security situation in the Eastern Region;
– Driver’s license
Skills and experience appreciated:
– Autonomous, versatile;
– Rigour, patience, flexibility and adaptability;
– Proactivity ;
– Strong ability to adapt.

Recruitment process
Anyone interested in this offer is requested to send their file in
PDF format by email to the address: . These are:
– An updated Curriculum Vitae (CV) with three professional references
– A cover letter (LM)

Please put in the subject of the submission email: Batouri Base Manager
Recruitment being urgent, selection and validation will be made as and when
applications are received.
Applications should be addressed to the Head of Delegation of the French Red Cross.
Given the number of applications we receive, we are unable to respond
individually to each. Therefore, if you do not hear from us within
30 days, please consider your application unsuccessful. Only candidates
pre-selected on file will be invited to a written test on the premises of the CRF.
Unselected applications will not be returned to applicants .
Anti-terrorist financing and money laundering policy: by applying for
this offer, you authorize the CRC/CRf to carry out a check to ensure
that you are not on the exclusion lists for receipt of funds from
certain governments, international organizations and donors. These
checks are carried out before you are offered the job and once a year after
you are hired; this in order to prevent risks and meet obligations in terms
of the fight against the financing of terrorism and money laundering.







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