Recruitment Notice: Civil/Agricultural Engineer

Recruitment Notice: Civil/Agricultural Engineer

 Job Description  
Position Civil/Rural Engineer for buildings and shelters and all other infrastructure works
Grade D1 B
Department & Location Program
Location: Douala Date ASAP
Duration 36 Months
Technically reports to (position): Plan International Engineer in charge of works infrastructure/DRM
Purpose: (How does this position support Plan’s strategy and mission? Illustrate how it fits into the overall strategy).
Working in 50 developing countries across Africa, Asia and the Americas, Plan International aims to reach as many children as possible, especially those who are excluded or marginalized with high quality programs that deliver lasting benefits. increasing their income, working in partnership with other key stakeholders. Plan International is committed to providing a response to the problems of children and more particularly young girls in emergency situations in our countries of intervention.
Given the humanitarian crisis facing Cameroon in general and the English-speaking area in particular, Plan International is committed to providing humanitarian aid to those affected, in particular IDPs and Refugees. Its operations are implemented in the key sectors of protection (child protection and sexual and sexual violence), education, food aid and nutrition, livelihoods, hygiene and sanitation, and NFI in coordination with all other humanitarian organizations.
In order to contribute to the humanitarian response mentioned above and thanks to new funding, Plan International Cameroon will implement from August 04, 2022 the “Education Cannot Wait” project in the North-West regions. , Coast and West.
One of the main objectives of this project is to build or rehabilitate school infrastructure in order to contribute to improving access to education for vulnerable children affected by the socio-political conflict in the North-West and South West.
As part of this project, the incumbent will be responsible for the daily monitoring and technical control of school infrastructure construction works for IDPs in the Littoral and West Cameroon regions.
Under the technical supervision of the Plan International Cameroon Engineer, the Engineer recruited under this project will be responsible for ensuring the proper implementation of the construction activities of shelters and infrastructure according to the rules of the art.
Key responsibilities of the position:
Under the direct supervision of the plan engineer, the incumbent will have as main tasks to:
– Supervise and manage the implementation of infrastructures by ensuring that quality and technical standards are taken into account account and respected during the implementation
– Design, develop the cost estimate of the infrastructures (buildings, shelters, latrines…) and prepare the tender document for the recruitment of a company or a service provider for the execution of the works,


Help provide technical advice and ensure the monitoring and technical control of construction/rehabilitation activities according to the rules of the art. This includes the formulation of recommendations on the following points: the acquisition of construction materials, equipment and tools necessary to ensure a good implementation of the works,
– Help to provide technical advice and supervision according to the technical standards in the matter and following Plan International’s procedures and policies on child protection,
– Design all infrastructure and shelters taking into account gender aspects (for example separate latrine blocks, etc.) and access for disabled people (provide access ramps for disabled people),
– Produce on a monthly basis and submit to the Plan Engineer technical reports relating to the monitoring and technical control of infrastructure construction/rehabilitation works,
– Participate in project coordination meetings where infrastructure and shelter construction/rehabilitation activities are implemented,
– Carry out technical acceptance of the work performed and preparing the payment file for the service provider,
– Identify all the difficulties encountered during the implementation of the works in a site book and share it with the Plan Engineer with proposed solutions,
– Ensure the revisions, planning and precise budgetary forecasts of the infrastructure component within the framework
– Forecast monthly cash requirements for the infrastructure component and submit them to the Project Coordinator –
Contribute to the drafting of external reports on the progress of the infrastructure component of the project, ensuring the quality and accuracy of technical information provided
– Contribute to the mobilization of resources for infrastructure construction activities in the areas of education, protection and Water-Hygiene-Sanitation through the collection of data for the development of concept notes,
– Perform any other task of his competence, not specified above, which could be requested of him by the Project Coordinator or his technical hierarchy.
Key end results and main responsibilities:
“Works” done (what) and “reasons” (why), but not “actions” or “how” (how); include indicators of success.

 Requests from Plan in terms of designing plans, developing and estimating bills of quantities and estimates for the tender documents are made,
 The monitoring and technical control of shelters and other infrastructure under construction are ensured and the works performed according to the terms of the contract and the rules of the trade,
 Any necessary advice on shelters and other infrastructure is provided to Plan with the aim of improving or providing a response to a need for shelter or any other infrastructure ,
 Write and submit for approval at least one activity report per month,
 The works are provisionally accepted within the planned deadlines and the provisional acceptance report drawn up and signed by the stakeholders,
 Carry out any other task entrusted to him by the hierarchy,
 Etc.

Manage problems:
Application of the knowledge required for the position, complexity of the problems managed and the degree of investigation, analysis and creative thinking required to solve them.
The major difficulty will be to ensure the appropriation of child protection policies and humanitarian principles in terms of protection, community mobilization, the fight against VBGS, education and health. To do this, the Engineer in charge of the works in his role will demonstrate:
 A great ability to listen in exchanges with the beneficiaries taking into account their vulnerability;
 proactivity resulting in a great ability to analyze and propose solutions;
 A high sense of discernment;
 Ability to work under pressure;
 Ability to respect the deadlines of the established schedule;
 Team spirit.
Communication and working relations: Working
contacts inside and outside the organization; includes goal and level (high, medium, low) of contact.


Maintain high level contacts with the Emergency Response Manager, Plan International Supervising Engineer and all other colleagues in achieving project results.
– Maintain relationships with the project team, the Accountant, and all Project staff on constructive exchanges in achieving the Project’s objectives.
• Collaborate with the Parents’ Committee, traditional authorities, community leaders to facilitate the monitoring of Project beneficiaries;
Knowledge, professional experience, skills and behaviors required to achieve the objectives of the position:
• Hold at least a degree in Civil Engineering Works or Rural Engineering, Architecture or other equivalent degrees,
• Good knowledge of the MS Office pack, drawing software (AutoCAD, ArchiCAD…), Power Point, calculation software (Robot…) and other project management and database software
• Excellent command of spoken and written French
• Knowledge of of the English language
• Have a team spirit,
• Able to work in an environment where the question of security is worrying,
• Have a good knowledge of the computer tool and enjoy a good aptitude for reporting,
• Good meaning in the organization,
• Accepting an environment under pressure.
• Familiarity with texts relating to Plan International’s policy on child protection, gender, the fight against VBGS, education and health would be an additional asset.
Female candidates are strongly encouraged.
Plan International promotes gender equality and is committed to protecting children. Thus, the successful candidate must comply with Plan’s policy on the protection of children.    
• Great capacity for planning and organization;
• Influence and persuasion;
• Strong analytical and problem solving skills;
• Excellent writing skills (French or English);
• Have a great ability to work in a team;
• Have the ability to work independently and under pressure;

Professional experience
• Have at least 3 years of experience in design work, calculation and estimation of bills of quantities and estimates and monitoring and technical control of the execution of infrastructure works (buildings, shelters, latrines, hydraulic works, etc.) ,
• Have 2 years of experience in emergency response,
• Promote the spirit of high performance;
• Be open to criticism;
• Lead by example and respect colleagues;
• Be focused on achieving good quality results with regard to the rehabilitation/construction of project infrastructure;
• Have a good approach to time and priority management;
• Be of good character;
• Be discreet and hold to professional secrecy;
• Be dedicated in your work.

Environment and physical requirements:
This may be a “typical administrative environment”; note if the position includes heavy lifting, climbing, extensive travel, etc.
• Be mature and have a personal balance to face situations of distress, be patient and optimistic,
• Be able to manage reactions of discontent on the ground during the implementation of works;
• Be available and physically fit to fully exercise his function,
• Ability to work in a multicultural environment,
• Ability to work under pressure,
• Work both in the office and in the field through frequent visits: The Engineer in charge of the monitoring and technical control of the works will spend at least 80% of his time in the field as part of the daily monitoring of the execution of the works. work,
• Ability to work in several places and on the move.
Level of contact with children:
High interaction with the children of the target communities. Ensure strict compliance with Plan’s policy on the protection and safeguarding of children.

Application Procedures:
Candidates wishing to apply for this position must send:
– A cover letter
– an updated CV
– A copy of the most relevant diploma(s) and training certificates.


Location: Douala

Closing Date: 07-09-22

 All applications must be submitted ONLINE at:




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