Recruitment notice: Consultant for project reference study

Recruitment notice: Consultant for project reference study

Consultant for project baseline study
The World Wide Fund For Nature (WWF) Cameroon is looking for a Consultant for baseline study for the project “

capacity building, technological support for smallholders and
improvement of sustainability in the oil sector in
Cameroon »



About WWF
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1961 which works in the field of nature protection. Its mission is to conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth. Our vision is to build a future in which people live in harmony with nature. Thus, it seeks to: save the planet by balancing the needs of human beings with those of other species that share the Earth, practice human conservation in the broadest sense, instill in people, everywhere, a quiet respect , but not concealed, of nature and to balance this respect with a deep belief in human possibilities, to inspire to




1. Context:
Palm oil is in great demand for cooking and in the cosmetics, food and fuel industries. Faced with global demand, forests in tropical regions of Asia, Africa and Latin America are in decline to meet the growing production needs of palm oil. Yet these forests are essential habitats for many endangered species and are also a source of income for many communities. Similarly, the expansion of palm oil plantations has often come at the expense of the rights and interests of local communities and indigenous peoples. Apart from this, the increase in areas for the production of palm oil is also responsible for the destruction of freshwater ecosystems, peatlands as well as soil erosion. This leads to air pollution and climate change through the release of C02. Cameroon is not on the sidelines of the growing demand and the deforestation orchestrated by the production of palm oil. The production deficit would exceed 50%. The attraction of this production sector could lead to the conversion of more forests and habitats with a risk for High Conservation Values ​​and resource-dependent populations.


WWF believes that palm oil production does not have to be destructive and can be produced responsibly within the framework of sustainable development. WWF’s vision is for the production, trade and consumption of palm oil to be responsible, to protect and restore landscapes, and to benefit both people and nature. Responsible palm oil must be produced without causing deforestation, conversion of natural ecosystems, environmental degradation or harm to wildlife. It must also be produced in a way that treats workers fairly, respects the rights of local communities and indigenous peoples, and incentivizes and empowers producers,

The project “Capacity building, technological support for smallholders and improvement of sustainability in the palm oil sector in Cameroon” has a duration of three years from 2023. It is based on the observation that 70% of land currently occupied by smallholders produces only 50% of national palm oil production. This situation is partly due to low productivity, lack of technical capacity and poor plantation management practices on the part of small producers. Thus, if agricultural and environmental management practices as well as yields of fresh fruit bunches are improved, as well as if post-harvest losses are reduced, farmers will be able to reduce forest conversion rates. In addition to that,

2. Objectives of the consultation

Overall objective
Conduct the study Baseline study for the implementation of the project “Capacity building, technological support for smallholders and improvement of sustainability in the palm oil sector in Cameroon” in the commune of Ngwei, department of Sanaga-Maritime, Littoral region.

Specific objectives
• Support and justify the choice of two project intervention localities (including one to carry out the activities, and the other as a control locality);
• Update data on yields of fresh fruit bunches, post-harvest losses as well as income during high and low season;
• Update data on palm oil extraction rates based on methods used by small producers;
• Evaluate the access of small producers to motorized presses;
• Estimate in the two localities, the rate and the reasons for membership or non-membership of producers in cooperatives;
• Evaluate access to quality inputs, training and financing by producers as well as the level of knowledge and management practices of palm oil plantations.

3. Methodological Approach

After the publication of the offer the candidates will submit a technical and financial proposal. The technical proposal will include the methodological approach for conducting the study. Subsequently, a scoping meeting will be organized to clarify the objectives of the service and the terms of operation. The consultant will provide after signature of the contract the detailed methodology which must be approved before the start of field activities. In his approach, the consultant will focus on the specific objectives. It will favor a participatory and inclusive work approach based on knowledge of the study area. It will prioritize a scientific work approach using rapid information collection methods. He will ensure the triangulation of the information collected. After the field work, the consultant will provide a summary report of the study as well as the annexes. In the presentation of the results, he will ensure a work of synthesis to present the data as a priority in the form of tables and graphs.

4. Report of the consultation and other deliverables

N° Deliverables Details Deadline
1 Initial report or
(word and pdf) It will define the approaches and tools, the data collection sheets, the timetable and the work plan to be used to carry out successfully the mission. The methodology should be detailed by objective. 02 weeks after the start of the signing of the contract.
2 Final report or study report
(word and pdf) Including the expected results following the order of the specific objectives or combined with prior agreement. They will include:
• the justified choice of the locality of intervention of the project and the control zone;
• yields of smallholder fresh fruit bunches, post-harvest losses as well as incomes during high and low season;
• palm oil extraction rates according to the methods used by small producers; • the rate of access of small farmers to motorized presses;
• access to quality inputs, training and financing by producers as well as the level of knowledge and management practices of palm oil plantations;
• The membership and non-membership rate of
producers in cooperatives and the reasons;
Etc 07 weeks after signing the contract.
3 Appendices For the appendices which require it, they will also be treated and presented in a synthetic way
• Minutes of the meetings with the administrative and traditional authorities;
• Attendance lists of meetings, contacts of farmers, cooperatives, agro-industries and other actors met;
•The list of local civil society organizations and their areas of expertise;
•Etc. 07 weeks after signing the contract.

5. Duration and implementation schedule
The study will take place during the following period: March – April 2023

N° Activity Deadline Manager
1 Scoping meeting 1 day after signature of the WWF contract
2 Submission of initial report 2 weeks after signature of the Consultant contract
3 Validation of the initial report 3 weeks after signature of the WWF contract
4 Submission of the final report 7 weeks after signature of the Consultant contract
5 Validation of the final report 8 weeks after signature of the WWF contract

6. Profile of the consultant
– Have a BAC+5 in Agronomy, Geography, socio-economics, environmental sciences or any relevant discipline;
– Have already conducted similar studies;
– At least two years of experience in farm management, food processing, particularly oil palm;
– At least two years of experience in methods for estimating agricultural yields;
– Experience in organizing and conducting surveys, meeting and diverse stakeholders and smallholder farmers;
– Be methodical, organized and have a sense of respect for deadlines;
– Good knowledge of the biophysical environment and the socio-economic context of the study area would be an asset;
– Demonstrate very good communication skills, both written and oral, including
– Ability to prepare quality reports;
– Demonstrate strong analytical skills;
– Be free of any commitment during the consultation period.

7. Appendices
The technical proposal includes the following documents:
• CV
• Brief description (half a page) of the reasons why you consider yourself the person best suited to fulfill this mission
• Description of the methodological approach based on the indications provided by the rdt (5 pages maximum)
• Work plan and proposed timetable

Financial proposal in local currency

The travel, accommodation and subsistence costs foreseen must be indicated separately. They will be reimbursed on presentation of the corresponding invoices and proof of payment.

Tender evaluation criteria

Responsive proposals will be evaluated based on full and open competition, strictly adhering to the combined score method, where qualifications, experience and proposed methodology will be weighted at 90%, and combined with the offer. of price, which will be weighted at 10%.
Technical Proposal 90 points
Duration of the mission 10 points
Understanding of the TOR 20 points
General quality of the proposal 10 points
Experience in conducting similar missions 15 points
Methodological approach 35 points
Only candidates who have obtained a minimum of 60% of points in the technical evaluation will be considered for the financial proposal.
Financial Proposal Max. 10% points
Amount of the budget 10 points

Interested candidates must submit their application no later than February 6, 2023 to the address:, with the subject GSM consultant.

WWF is an equal opportunity employer committed to a diverse workforce





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