Recruitment Notice: Consultant for the ProSEC Project

Call for applications
Terms of reference: Consultant for the development of scenarios within the framework of the Soil, Water and Climate Project (ProSEC)

Closing date: July 14, 2023
Deadline for delivery of deliverables: August 16 – October 16, 2023
1. Background
The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BGR) of Germany is a
German cooperation institution that implements geoscientific projects under the supervision
of the Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) of Germany.



In this context, the BGR supports the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of
Cameroon (MINADER) through a technical cooperation project with the Institute of
Geological and Mining Research (IRGM) and the Research Institute Agriculture for Development (IRAD). THE
The project is called “Development of scenarios and modeling of soil and water resources under the effect
of climate change in Cameroon” (in short ProSEC for Soil, Water and Climate Project) and targets the
North and Adamaoua regions. It is part of the joint program “Rural Development in
Cameroon” financed by the BMZ. The project emphasizes the training of staff from
partner institutions in jointly developing a model to simulate the fate of water
and soil resources in the target regions of the project under, among other things, the effect of climate change and development
. demographic.



One of the main activities of ProSEC is the development of future regional scenarios on
soil and water resources in the Adamaoua and North regions for the period 2024 to 2100
during a round table (participatory approach). The round table will be composed of relevant actors
from the target regions (among others representatives of agricultural cooperatives,
regional authorities, (inter)national cooperation institutions and partner institutions of the client).
It is planned to organize three (03) round tables, whose location will vary (Yaoundé, Garoua, Ngaoundéré),
but which will rely on each other in terms of content and will take place with the same
participants. The round table will discuss the factors and aspects that should be included in the
regional scenarios and will bring the contributions of the different areas of expertise of the
participants to develop regional scenarios. Scenarios should take into account
as many factors as possible that influence soil, groundwater and surface water resources
in the Adamaoua and North region. These include, but are not



limited to, climate change, population development,
water withdrawal behavior, and cultivation and irrigation methods.
During a kick-off event in Yaoundé, the key actors of the roundtable will be informed about the
objectives of the roundtable, as well as the idea behind the scenarios and the different approaches to the
scenario development. This presentation will be followed by a discussion among the participants
in order to reach an agreement on an approach. One possible approach to developing
regional scenarios would be to build the scenarios on the basis of
Shared Socio-Economic Pathways (SSPs). Based on the discussion at
the kick-off event and the decision on the approach, a study will then be
conceptualized to serve as the basis for the development of the scenarios at future
roundtable events.
To do this, the BGR is looking for an expert in scenario development for a
consultancy. He/she will work closely with the client, roundtable participants
and partner institutions.
Further information on the project is available on the BGR website.2
The persons in charge of the ProSEC project in Cameroon are hereinafter referred to as “the client”.
2. Specific objectives of the consultancy / Deliverables
The main objective of the consultancy is to enrich the launch event of the roundtable with
content and knowledge on the scenarios and then to design a concept for a
study / survey in the target regions of the North and Adamaoua. The study will focus
particularly on the communities of Ngaoundéré III and Ngong,
that need to be taken into account in the development of future scenarios regarding
water and soil resources (e.g. climate change,
population development, agricultural development, land use, water extraction for
irrigation and drinking water, etc.) The study/survey will serve as the basis for the development of scenarios during
subsequent roundtables and will build on the discussions of the launch event.
The specific objectives and deliverables are as follows:
1. Support for the content of the roundtable launch event: Introduction to the
concept of scenarios and presentation of the different approaches to developing
scenarios at the roundtable launch event;
2. Conceptualization of a study/survey in the target regions of Adamaoua and the North and
formulation of the respective terms of reference.
3. Activities
3.1 General aspects
The consultant implements the services defined in these terms of reference in
close collaboration with the client.
3.2 Expected Services
The services include but are not limited to the following activities: Deliverable 1 Provision of information on scenario development at the roundtable kick-off
event Activity 1.1 Familiarization with ProSEC, partner institutions, objectives and tasks

of the round table, the target regions, and the development of scenarios within the framework
of the project on the basis of the documents made available by the client and
personal initiative;
Activity 1.2 Participation in the ProSEC operational planning workshop (August 30 and 31, 2023);
Activity 1.3 Preparation of content for the roundtable kick-off event, including
but not limited to defining key talking points, an
overview of the objectives of the roundtable and different approaches to
developing scenarios;
Activity 1.4 Participate in a planning meeting with the client and present the content
prepared for the launch event (see activity 1.3) during these meetings;
Activity 1.5 Active participation in the roundtable kick-off event, including presenting
the prepared content (see activity 1.3) and contributing to the discussion
that follows;3
Activity 1.6 Writing a short report in collaboration with the moderator the roundtable
on the results of the discussion of the launch event of the roundtable (5
pages maximum);
The roundtable kick-off event is scheduled for the week of September 18, 2023.
Deliverable 2 Conceptualization of a study/survey in the target regions
Activity 2.
the roundtable launch event. Depending on the
scenario building approach, important factors/information that are relevant
to the scenario building should be obtained/collected. The study should be
carried out mainly in the communities of Ngong (North) and Ngaoundéré III
(Adamaoua) so that the local authorities and the rural population are consulted;
Activity 2.2 Preparation of terms of reference for the study/survey tender to
a local consultant.
The draft terms of reference must be submitted to the client before October 1, 2023. The client
will provide feedback within one week,
reference is submitted no later than October 16, 2023.
4. Organization
If he/she is not based in Yaoundé, the consultant is required to organize his/her own
travels in Cameroon. This includes taking care of all the necessary travel documents
, hotel accommodation, flights, etc.
All expenses (transport to Yaoundé, food, communication, equipment, etc.) must be
included in the financial offer.
5. Financing of the service
The consultant will receive 50% of the payment upon acceptance of deliverable 1 and 50% of the payment upon
acceptance of deliverable 2.
Deliverable 1: Provision of information on the development of
scenarios at the roundtable kick-off event
50% of the contract value
Deliverable 2: Conceptualization of a study/survey in the
target regions
50% of the contract value
6. Duration and location
Activities will start in August 2023 and will extend over a total period of approximately eight (08)
weeks according to the current schedule. Meetings and events will take place in Yaoundé.
The schedule below is indicative and will be revised upon finalization of the contract between the client and
the consultant.
Deliverables and deadlines
Activity Deadline / Date4 Activity 1.2: Participation in the ProSEC
operational planning workshop 30 – 31 August 2023

Activity 1.4: Participation in a planning meeting with the
client and presentation of the content prepared for the launch event
during these meetings
Day to be determined with the client between September
11 and 15 , 2023 Activity 1.5: Active participation in the roundtable kick-off event , including presenting prepared content and contributing to the discussion that follows TBD (Week: 18-22 September 2023) roundtable on the results of the discussion of the roundtable launch event (5 pages maximum) Two days after the event

of launch
Activity 2.2: Preparation of the terms of reference for the call
for tenders of the study / the survey to a local consultant Draft
ToR: October 1, 2023
Final ToR: October 16, 2023
7 Profile of the consultant
The consultant must have the following minimum skills and expertise:
– Master’s degree or diploma in environmental sciences, social sciences or any
other discipline making it possible to analyze aspects of natural and social sciences and
to develop scenarios;
– At least 6 years of professional experience in conducting research and providing
technical advice on future development scenarios, e.g.
effects of climate change, demographic changes and
socio-economic developments;
– In-depth knowledge of Cameroonian or global development scenarios
, including climate change projections, is considered
a strong asset;
– Professional experience in designing and/or carrying out socio-
economic or environmental studies, ideally in rural areas of Cameroon;
– Professional experience in northern Cameroon (North, Adamaoua) is
considered an asset;
– Excellent command of French and English; Fulfulde is considered an asset.

8. Application and contact
The deadline for submitting the offer is 14 July 2023 (GMT +1). Tenders must
include a technical proposal with a description of the working methodology to be used
for the performance of this service, indication of references and proof of experience, the CV of the
person concerned and a financial proposal.
Offers should be sent by e-mail to Ms. Julia Prenzel with the subject “Application as a consultant in
script development”. For any request for clarification, please contact Ms. Julia Prenzel.
9. Commitment of the consultant
The consultant understands that he/she is responsible for life insurance, health insurance and
accident insurance. The consultant is also responsible for the taxes to be paid.







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