Recruitment of a Consultant for the training of 15 beneficiaries in
beekeeping and the implementation of beekeeping systems in the communities of
Tête d’elephant, Lom 1 and Liguim located in the District of Bétaré
Oya, Department of Lom and Djerem, Eastern Region of Cameroon.
PROJECT: Optimization of the conservation of Deng Deng National Park through
capacity building of local neighboring communities in
agroecological practices. Abstract project oc Deng Deng.
January 2024
The content of these terms of reference is the sole responsibility of SAILD and can in no way be
considered to reflect the position of the European Union or the ACP Group of countries
Taking into account the livelihood needs of increasingly growing linked to an increase in
population and production deficits due to climate change, it is becoming difficult to
reconcile the well-being of communities and the preservation of forest resources. The PNDD is facing
progressive deforestation due to the expansion of agricultural operations in
neighboring communities. Initiatives put in place so far aimed at reducing or ending the
agricultural activities of communities within the PNDD have not resulted in much change. Investigations
carried out in the neighboring villages and within the PNDD have demonstrated that the
agricultural activities of the populations are going well within this protected area. There is
also the problem of the reduction in the living space of communities linked to the construction
of the Lom Pangar hydroelectric dam and the creation of the Deng Deng National Park. The need was
demonstrated to provide the communities bordering this protected area with alternatives
to improve their livelihoods, but also to improve their sources of income by
implementing income-generating activities.
As part of the implementation of the project “optimization of the conservation of
Deng Deng National Park through capacity building of local communities on
agroecological practices”, financed by the EU through the BIOPAMA action fund, Beekeeping is one
of the Income Generating Activities (IGA) targeted to improve the livelihoods of
communities bordering the PNDD and also reduce pressure on the PNDD where communities
go there more often in search of honey.
After identifying farmers who have agricultural operations within the PNDD,
the project supports the creation of a consultation framework between communities and the
PNDD conservation service to discuss compromises in favor of the PNDD. Then after having
diagnosed with the communities their activities of collection of non-wood forest products
and assess their commitment to beekeeping activity, it is appropriate to support community training
in beekeeping and the installation of hives.
The main objective of this consultation is to train 15 beneficiaries on beekeeping.
Specifically, this will involve:
➢ Providing training for beneficiaries on beekeeping. Beneficiaries must acquire
the skills to:
– Design and manufacture their own hives and other beekeeping equipment;
– Master the operation of hives and bee stings;
– Master the management of the apiary and the enemies of the hive to obtain better
– Ensure hygiene at the hive level and during production activities;
– Manage an apiary from the installation of hives to the harvesting and conservation
of hive products;
– Analyze the economic and financial profitability of a beekeeping activity (honey and by-
➢ Supervise beneficiaries in carrying out their activities to set up
beekeeping systems;
➢ Monitor technical achievements and carry out periodic supervision in the field.
At the end of this mission:
➢ All beneficiaries have assimilated beekeeping techniques and practices;
➢ 15 hives are installed and seeded per locality concerned;
a. Service scoping meeting
A meeting between the consultant and the project team will be held in Yaoundé at the
SAILD premises. This meeting will allow the consultant to better understand the problems of the
area and the challenges of the project. Also it will be a question of discussing the terms of reference to
harmonize our understanding. For the project team, the meeting will make it possible to better analyze and
understand the methodology proposed by the consultant and to provide various directions. This will
finally be the place to prepare for the field mission.
b. Preparation of the service
This will involve preparing the training modules and equipment for setting up the
hives, and the protection equipment for the beneficiaries.
vs. Carrying out the service itself
The consultant will be accompanied in the field by the agricultural manager of the project. This is with
the aim of introducing the consultant to the beneficiaries. The training will take place in 2 phases,
a theoretical phase and a practical phase. For this purpose, training modules will be prepared
by the consultant. During the theoretical phase, each beneficiary will have 3 hives installed.
At the end of this mission two deliverables are expected
– A training manual
– A mission report covering the progress of the theoretical and practical training
and integrating photos, images and testimonies from the beneficiaries of the training.
The duration of the service is estimated at 30 hours/day spread over a period of 2 months. The intervention will
take place in 3 communities Lom1, Tête d’Espagne and Liguim located in the District of
Betaré Oya, Department of Lom and Djerem, Eastern Region of Cameroon.
Activities Month 1 Month 2
S1 S2 S3 S4 S1 S2 S3 S4
Development of the methodology by the consultant
Scoping meeting
Purchase of installation equipment
Field trip and training
Report writing
a. Qualification of the consultant
The Consultant must have the following qualifications:
– University Diploma BACC+2 level in agronomy or equivalent;
– Have at least five (05) years of experience in beekeeping;
– have at least one similar service experience;
– Good knowledge of the project intervention area would be an asset;
– Perfect command of the French language.
b. Creation of the file
The service file must consist of:
– A technical offer;
– A financial proposal and
– A Curriculum Vitae of the consultant.
vs. Sending the proposal
The offer must be sent no later than January 16, 2024 to the following addresses: secretariat@saild.org,
with a copy to petitnyamsi@gmail.com
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