Recruitment notice: Consultant SOCOCAM-COOPCA. The World Wide Fund for Nature, Cameroon

The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Cameroon is recruiting a Consultant for the
proposal and the realization of a technological design of a cocoa post-harvest processing unit


and support for the appropriation of the management of the infrastructure by the
SOCOCAM-COOPCA cooperative in Mintom in Southern Cameroon

Want to make a positive difference for the future of people and our
common home, Earth? Working with WWF could be the opportunity of your lifetime.
People all over the world are waking up to the growing crisis of nature loss.
They increasingly realize that nature is our survival system. No one will be
spared the consequences of his disappearance. At WWF, we are helping to meet this
enormous global challenge.



Our people come from a wide variety of backgrounds and possess a variety of skills,
ranging from human resources and finance to advocacy and conservation science
. We welcome applications from anyone who thinks they can help us.
to create a better future for people and wildlife.



What we do:
We are an independent conservation organization, working to preserve the
natural world for the benefit of people and wildlife. Whether it’s individuals,
communities, businesses or governments, we’re part of a
growing coalition calling on world leaders to put nature on a path to
restoration by 2030. Together, we seek to protect and restore
natural habitats, halt the mass extinction of wild fauna and flora, and ensure
that our production and consumption patterns are sustainable.
As part of the “Green Commodity Landscape Program (GCLP)”, WWF is looking for
a Consultant for the proposal of a technological design unit for
cocoa post-harvest processing, the construction of the infrastructure and support for
the appropriation of infrastructure management by the SOCOCAM-COOPCA cooperative
located in Mintom in the South region of Cameroon.
1. Background
The Green Commodity Landscape Program (GCLP) has two main goals. On the one hand
, by 2030, that at least 50,000 ha of communal forests and 20,000 ha of forests
Green Commodity Landscape Program (GCLP)
Strategy 1: Green cocoa production – Deforestation-Free Cocoa
Activity Provide support to cooperatives/associations in the field of first postharvest cocoa processing (fermentation and drying) and storage
Location Mintom, South-Cameroon
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) Cameroon is recruiting a Consultant for the
proposal and the realization of a technological design of a cocoa post-harvest processing unit
and support for the ownership of infrastructure management by the
SOCOCAM-COOPCA cooperative in Mintom in southern Cameroon2
communities in the communes of Mintom and Djoum in the TRIDOM landscape
are protected from deforestation and degradation and are subject to improved management
compared to the 2020 baseline. On the other hand, by 2030, it also targets that at
least 1000 households in the communes of Mintom and Djoum in the TRIDOM landscape
have improved their livelihoods thanks to the sustainable cocoa and NWFP production/harvesting
and income diversification from the 2022 baseline.
Its Goal 1 is that by 2026, the rate of conversion of natural forest for cocoa
and other products in the municipalities of Mintom and Djoum, in the
TRIDOM landscape is reduced annually by at least 20% compared to the reference of 2022. Its
objective 2 likewise is that by 2026, 50% of households use best practices for
improve the productivity of at least 1500 ha of cocoa plots relative to the same
reference year.
The present activity is that of support for the establishment of a
cocoa post-harvest processing unit within the SOCOCAM-COOPCA cooperative. The establishment
of this processing unit will make it possible to solve the problems linked to the poor
quality of cocoa in the area as well as to lighten the workload relating to the
preparation of quality cocoa. This intervention will also make it possible to support the
producer members of the cooperative to implement practices and techniques that
sustainably improve the post-harvest treatment of cocoa towards better quality.
2. Objectives of the service
Main objective To make a proposal for a technological design of a cocoa
post-harvest processing unitSOCOCAM-COOPCA cooperative located in Mintom, region of South Cameroon. Specific objectivesThe need for intervention of this call for consultants revolves around three mainobjectives:cocoaprocessing unit- A block for the cocoa fermentationA wooden room/shed with 14 blocks of cascading fermentation tanks with a capacityof 180 to 250 kg each;

– A block for drying:
It will be a question of building four (04) buses with a fixed roof equipped with six racks each
for a capacity of approximately one ton (1000 kg); 3
– A block for storage:
A storage warehouse with a capacity of at least 100 tonnes will be built of semi-temporary materials
that meet cocoa storage standards in Cameroon.
b) Build, sensitize and strengthen the capacities of producers on
the use, management and monitoring of the infrastructure put in place;
c) Monitor and evaluate the activity to ensure that the infrastructure is adopted,
appropriate and used according to standards.
3. Methodological approach
After the publication of the offer the candidates will submit a technical and
financial proposal. The technical proposal will include the approach for carrying out the service.
In his proposal, the consultant will endeavor to take into account the deadlines for the provision
of this unit before the end of the next harvest (mid-August 2023). It will also describe
the approach it will use to ensure ownership of the use, management and monitoring
of the infrastructure by the cooperative’s producers. The implementation approach
therefore comprises two parts: on the one hand, the theoretical part which will consist in the training of the members of
the cooperative on the use, management and monitoring of the infrastructure and the practical approach which
will consist of setting up and monitoring and evaluating the infrastructure.
4. Duration and implementation schedule
The duration for the performance of the service is left to the Consultant’s convenience but
cannot however exceed six (06) months until November 2023. However, the construction of
the post-harvest processing unit must be completed before the next
cocoa harvest campaign (mid-September 2023).
5. Deliverables
N° Deliverables Deadlines
1 Activity start-up report 2 weeks after the start of the
2 The post-harvest processing unit is built in
respecting technical specifications and standards in Cameroon and delivered with storage
pallets By Mid-September 2023 at the latest 3 List of at least 50% of the members of the cooperative who take ownership of the use, management and monitoring of the infrastructure To be proposed by the consultant 4 Samples of the first grade 1 cocoa beans produced thanks to the infrastructure To be proposed by the consultant 6. Profile of the Consultant – Have a complete team capable of taking charge of carrying out the service in both theoretical and practical aspects;4

– Have a good experience in the realization of similar services (ability to
carry out the infrastructures and the trainings);
– Have a good experience with village communities;
– Having worked in the locality will be an asset.
7. Appendices
The technical proposal includes the following documents:
– Motivation letter: Brief description (one page max) of the reasons why
you consider yourself to be the most suitable Consultant to fulfill this mission;
– Experience in the realization of similar services (photo in support);
– Description of the processing unit taking into account the needs formulated in
the specific objectives;
– Description of the approach that will be used to ensure ownership of the use,
management and monitoring of the infrastructure by the members of the cooperative;
– Schedule for the performance of the service;
– Follow-up plan.
Bid Evaluation Criteria
Responsive proposals will be evaluated based on full and
open competition, strictly adhering to the combined score method, where the
proposed technical proposal will be weighted at 60%, and combined with the bid. of price, which will be weighted at 40%.
Technical Proposal 60%
Letter of motivation 10 points
Experience 10 points
Description of the method of carrying out the service 20 points
Schedule for the performance of the service 10 points
Monitoring plan 10 points
Financial proposal 40%
Budget 40 points

How to apply
Interested candidates must send their complete file by e-mail to

Please indicate in the subject of the message, ”Consultant_SOCOCAM-COOPCA
We thank you in advance for your interest in this position. Only candidates
meeting the required criteria will be contacted. If you are not contacted two (02)
weeks after the deadline, consider that your application has not been accepted.
Deadline for sending applications: 01 June 2023.





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