Recruitment notice: Consultant to facilitate Team Building staff. FHI 360 is a North Carolina-based nonprofit human development organization.

Terms of reference
Recruitment of a consultant to facilitate the FHI360 Team Building staff of PARC-Cameroon in Garoua.





1. Context and justification:
The rise of violent extremism faced by Cameroon for nearly ten years, particularly in its northern part, has greatly weakened the balance of the country. The Far North region is particularly affected by this phenomenon with the incursions of the Islamic sect Boko Haram which further contribute to the precariousness of the local populations who are already crumbling under the weight of the inadequacy of basic social services and the extreme poverty. The government’s efforts, although perceptible, are still very insufficient in view of the magnitude of the task to be accomplished.




To contribute to the building of a synergy of actions, the Support Program for Community Resilience in Cameroon (PARC Cameroon), funded by USAID, is committed to building the capacities of organizations in the civil society in the Far North region so that they can better represent and serve their communities. This goal can only be achieved in an environment of social cohesion and resilience. Environment that PARC Cameroon promotes both in collaboration with its strategic partners and within its staff.




And, to ensure the success that results in the achievement of the vision and objectives of PRAC-Cameroon, on the eve of phase 2 of the program, it is essential to organize a team building to clarify the lines of conduct, the vision and the culture of the organization but above all to anticipate the possible risks of demotivation, poor performance and disorganization within the team.
It is in this vein that a Team Building workshop dedicated to the fifteen (15) staff members of PARC-Cameroon will be organized from May 29 to June 03, 2023 in Garoua.
2. Overall objective of the service: 
The recruitment of a consultant to facilitate PARC-Cameroon’s team building in Garoua has the main objective of strengthening the cohesion of the group around common values, principles and objectives.
3. Expected results of the service: 
If the ultimate objective is to solidify the links between employees and to appropriate the values ​​and principles of FHI360, the expected results of the service will present methodologies making it possible to
: spirit of belonging to the group/organization through collective challenges, common experiences, sensations, emotions experienced in a group, sensational videos stimulating emotion and recognition of the values, cultures and mission of PARC- Cameroon.
• Develop collective intelligence allowing everyone to express themselves individually, but at the service of the group/organization.
• Integrate new employees to make them efficient and comfortable within the organization.
• Defuse conflicts by tackling things in a fun way or through role-playing, while getting to know each other outside of hierarchical positions and functional relationships to promote not only dialogue but also an offbeat perspective and free communication. Putting yourself in the other person’s shoes induces a better understanding of the person as such and thus appropriate behavior and better communication.
• Boost individual and collective motivation through challenges, everyone will have to surpass themselves and put their personal motivation at the service of that of the group/team.
• Communicate differently. Shared activities outside the organization – or at least outside the usual environment – induce a different communication: more hierarchy, the human as such is placed at the center of attention. Moreover, this can also be, for the organization, the means of communicating its values, its culture to its employees in a more subtle way, but just as effective – even more if the team building is relevant!
4. Methodology:
In general, a Team building session revolves around 3 essential moments. It is up to the consultant to propose activities to achieve the expected results above. The framework below can be considered as a reference but not exhaustive:
• Exercises, games, role-playing: this is the moment during which, through the game or the exercises to be carried out collectively, any malfunctions or blockages will appear ” naturally” to help anticipate.
• Sharing, co-occurrence and listening: everyone exposes their points of view as to possible blockages and other uncomfortable situations, their experiences, their doubts, but also their expectations – sometimes shared when we think the opposite, …. The goal is to speak and listen actively without judging.
• Openness: a moment of the unexpected where everyone can discover or highlight a potential, a talent hitherto more or less dormant. This is about surprising, jostling, destabilizing to push the collective to think differently and innovate.
To better articulate the team building methodology or activities with the expectations, the service provider is called upon to refer to the various documents provided by PARC-Cameroun. This is FHI360’s country strategy document, the organization’s vision, values, policies and cultures.
Thus, preliminary work with the service provider will be organized to ensure the relevance of the activities proposed for the achievement of the results and the objective.
5. Deliverables:
At the end of the service, the consultant is expected to:
– The team building report including the progress of the team building, the activities carried out, the constraints and difficulties, the good practices and the recommendations to be sent to PARC-Cameroun for the points key and activities or mechanism to be put in place to guarantee the cohesion of the team and their motivation;
– The photos taken in particular on the activities carried out;
6. Service:
– The service is 06 days from the signing of the contract. Overall, the service will take place as follows:
➢ 1 day of technical preparation (meeting with PARC-Cameroon technical and finance team to define/clarify the consultant’s technical proposal/offer in Maroua
➢ 01 days for travel and preparation at the place of activity (Garoua)
➢ 02 days for team building with a maximum of 15 people
02 days for travel and preparation of the activity report.
7. Submission of Bids – Bids in electronic version only must be submitted to the email address: before Thursday, May 25, 2023 at 12 p.m.
– The technical bid will detail the activities and methodology for each of the results expected with a variety/diversity of methodology.
– The financial offer in the name of “PARC-Cameroun” is to be detailed by heading and line. It will detail all the material/supply/equipment needs of the service except the transport/travel of the consultant and certain standard office supplies as well as catering during the day of the activity which will be provided by PARC-Cameroon.
– The date and time of sending will justify its admissibility or not – A presentation sheet of your company with the list of similar services already carried out can be sent with your offer – The
amount that PARC-Cameroun of FHI360 will pay on this purchase will be the amount including VAT.

8- Evaluation Criteria

Technical Evaluation Evaluation
Criteria Points
Activities and methodology for each of the expected results with a variety/diversity of methodology 3
list of materials/supplies/equipment to be used during the service 2
Administrative documents (registration certificate, not up-to-date tax fee, bank domiciliation certificate If Consultant individual add a piece of identification and a CV 3 02 Proof of
similar experience already carried out 2
TOTAL 10 Detailed Proforma
Financial Evaluation incl . 23 May 30 and 31, 2023 June 01 to 02, 2023

1 Orientation and technical preparation sessions with the technical and
Admin/finance team of PARC-Cameroon in Maroua
2 Travel and organizational preparation to the place of activity
3 Realization of the team building
4 Travel and development of the consultancy report

In keeping with its values, PARC-Cameroon in Maroua reserves the right to exclude any supplier who incites its agents by fraudulent means to provide information leading to unfair competition.
No commission whatsoever is permitted and the supplier is invited to formulate them in the form of a discount on the invoices.






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