Supervision sector: Education sector (ED)
Duty station: Yaounde
Job category: Education
Type of contract: Middle Consultant
Duration of contract: 3 months
Recruitment open to: Nationals of Cameroon
Closing date for applications (midnight Paris time): 19 July 2023
Core values of UNESCO: Commitment to the Organization, integrity, respect for diversity, professionalism
The protracted crisis in the predominantly English-speaking North West and South West regions of Cameroon is having a major impact on the education sector, leaving more than 700,000 children out of school in 2021. The number of displaced people from the North -West and South-West in the Littoral and West regions continues to increase. In 2022, there are 537,000 displaced people from the North West and South West regions of Cameroon affected by the crisis (OCHA, Sitrep March 2022). In host communities, the continued influx of thousands of displaced families seeking refuge in safer neighboring towns is having a direct impact on the living conditions of host communities with increasing pressure on resources, potential sources of conflict. .
UNESCO and UNOPS have obtained, with the support of the Cameroonian authorities, new funding from the United Nations Peacebuilding Fund (PBF) to implement the project entitled: “Strengthening the role of young people in the promotion of living together and multiculturalism through secondary education and non-formal and informal learning centers in Cameroon”.
The general objective of the project is to contribute to the prevention of the appearance of violent conflicts and the alleviation of existing tensions between the displaced persons and the host communities of the crisis in the regions of the North-West and South- West, by strengthening the role of young people in promoting living together and multiculturalism in educational and community settings.
The main results expected from this project are:
The creation of functional, gender-sensitive formal, non-formal and informal (community) learning spaces in which a series of designed innovations will be applied (facilitation guide, infrastructure and pedagogical) to reinforce the transmission of the values of bilingualism and multiculturalism; and
The conduct of community activities for the expression of cultural diversity as a tool for social transformation with a view to better social cohesion and lasting peace.
The project will be implemented in the departments of Moungo, Sanaga Maritime (Littoral Region) and the departments of Noun, Mifi and Bamboutos (Western Region).
The main objective of the consultant’s mission is to facilitate the design of an educational framework for post- and extracurricular programs for the operationalization of the guiding principles of cultural diversity with teachers and young people (in accordance with the 2005 Convention of the on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions and the 2001 UNESCO Declaration on Cultural Diversity). This repository will be for use by teachers in formal (schools), non-formal (CMPJ and CPFF) and informal (youth associations) education frameworks.
The main activities to be carried out by the consultant within the framework of this mission are:
Activity 1: Conduct consultations with the key actors of the project in the municipalities of implementation of the project on aspects related to the potential, interactions and opportunities to the challenges related to multiculturalism and multilingualism in educational activities in the formal environment; non-formal and informal;
Activity 2: Produce based on the results of the consultations and in close collaboration with the technical services of the ministries of secondary education, youth and civic education, the promotion of women and the family, and the ministry des arts et de la culture, a collection of socio-cultural, artistic and cultural educational activities to strengthen living together, conflict prevention in a multicultural and multilingual context intended for learners in high schools, multifunctional youth and animation centers, and centers promotion of women and the family.
Activity 3: Facilitate train-the-trainer sessions on the use of the repository
The consultant will also have to take part in the validation workshops of the repository as a resource person, and manage the production of the French or English version of the repository depending on the language of the basic document.
Organizational environment and partnerships:
Under the general authority of the Director of the UNESCO Regional Office for Central Africa in Yaoundé, the consultant will work under the direct supervision of the Head of Education Sector and in close collaboration with the Education and Culture teams, as well as the PBF Multiculturalism project team.
The methodological guidance note on the conduct of the study with a detailed schedule and incorporating the questionnaire for conducting field consultations in the project implementation areas;
The national reference documentation analysis report;
The reference document validated in English and French;
The training modules for trainers in the use of the reference system in English and French;
The report of the training of trainers, together with an assessment of the individual skills of the trainers and a cascade training plan;
The report of the mission, including an inventory with recommendations for the integration of multiculturalism in education activities in formal, non-formal and informal settings.
The various deliverables will be the property of UNESCO, which in its capacity as sponsor reserves the right to use them free of charge.
SKILLS (Fundamental / Managerial)
Responsibility (F)
Communication (F)
Innovation (F)
Knowledge sharing and constant desire for improvement (F)
Planning and organization (F)
Culture of results (F)
Teamwork (F)
Professionalism ( F)
For more information, please consult the UNESCO Competency Framework.
Advanced university degree (Masters or equivalent) in the field of education sciences, social sciences or socio-cultural animation.
At least 4 years of relevant professional experience in the field of artistic and cultural education, socio-cultural animation, youth and animation, arts, heritage or any other related field;
Having carried out or participated in at least one similar service in a similar context in the field of post and extracurricular activities would be an asset;
Have relevant experience in the design and development of training modules, course materials and teaching materials;
Proven experience in the formal, non-formal and informal educational environment in Cameroon;
Proven experience in the development of projects/initiatives highlighting cultural diversity in an educational environment;
Professional experience with the United Nations system and/or in the field of culture, international relations and diplomacy, multilateral cooperation and development.
Excellent project management and coordination skills;
Excellent knowledge of the educational system of Cameroon;
Excellent knowledge of cultural and educational approaches in post-crisis recovery;
Knowledge of UNESCO’s normative programs and instruments in the field of culture and education;
Ability to establish, maintain and strengthen effective working relationships with national/local authorities, cultural institutions and relevant intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations;
Excellent analytical, written and oral communication skills, in particular the ability to collect, synthesize and analyze information from various sources and, on this basis, to draft working and information documents in a clear and concise manner;
Excellent interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively in a team and in a multicultural environment;
Excellent knowledge of computer tools (MS Word, Excel, Outlook etc.).
Excellent knowledge of English and/or French (written and spoken) and very good knowledge of the other language;
A good command of the local languages spoken in the Littoral and Western regions would be an asset.
Please note that all applicants must complete an online application and provide complete and accurate information. To apply, please visit:
Candidate assessment is based on the criteria in the vacancy announcement and may include tests and/or assessments, as well as a competency-based interview.
UNESCO uses communication technologies such as video or teleconferencing, e-mail correspondence, etc. for the evaluation of candidates.
Please note that only selected candidates will be contacted and applicants in the final selection stage will be subject to reference checks based on the information provided.
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