Recruitment notice for EUMERATORS (INTERVIEWERS), PARC project


Supervisor MEL Manager

Duration : 3 days

Intervention period : April 2024

Project: Community Resilience Support Program in Cameroon (PARC Cameroon)

Location : Logone Birni center. Dilga Mousgoum, DigaTabanga, Dilga Hemdan, Arkiss. Kawadi, Makari center and ring road. Woulki Meri center. Dogba, Mayel ibe. Maga center. Grividig. Bourha center, Tolkomania and Blabline

Job title : Enumerator ( Investigator )




FHI 360 is a global development organization with a rigorous, evidence-based approach. Our professional staff includes experts in civil society, skin building, health, nutrition, education, economic development. Environment and research. FHI 360 operates from 60 offices with 4,500 employees in the United States and around the world. Our commitment to partnerships at all levels and our multidisciplinary approach enable us to make a lasting impact on the individuals, communities and countries we serve, improving the lives of millions of people.

FHI 360 is currently recruiting twenty-three (23) enumerators (interviewers) to support the collection of Baseline data on preventing and countering violent extremism which will be conducted as part of the Community Resilience Support Program in Cameroon , financed by TUSAID for phase II. The objective of PARC Cameroon is to empower Cameroonians to meet their needs through better access to services and advocacy capacity.

Project intervention area

Departments Districts Community Localities
Logone-et-Chari Logone Birni


Community1 Logone-Birni center
Community 2 Déga Mousgoum

Déga Tabanga

Déga Hemdan Arkist



Community 3  Arkiss


Makam Community 4 Makan center and peripherals
Community 5 Woullo
Diamare Meri Community 6 Meni center
Maroua Center Community 7  
Mayo Danay Maga Community 8 Maja center
Mayo-Tsanaga Bourha Community 9 Bourta center
Mayo Sava Mora Community 10 Tolkomarie





The enumerators/interviewers will work in pairs and will be distributed among the target localities. The pair of enumerator/investigator agents will collect data through interviews and in-depth interviews and will use the Kobocollect tools installed in the (Tablets, or Smartphones) and the collection sheets if applicable.

Enumerators/interviewers will be responsible for collecting data according to protocol guidelines (depending on training that will be provided), liaising with the research supervisor, drawing households, conducting interviews, recording responses, taking notes of the meeting with local leaders (traditional and/or religious) as well as other stakeholders as needed and in assigned communities

The work must be distributed fairly among each investigator without ever assigning. regularly, a more difficult workload for certain investigators.

The enumerators/investigators will be supervised by a supervisor per zone so the role will be to organize daily meetings with your team to discuss the quality of their work report errors observed during the interviews encourage the enumerators to talk about the cases they /they met in the field and which were not covered during the training sessions, control the quality of the data before synchronization on Kobocollect and write the daily reports and approve the enumerator reports at the end of the collection


Under the technical guidance and supervision of the MEL Technical Manager and the MEL Officer. the investigators’ mission is to

Objective: Collect data and information on the prevention and fight against violent extremism in the departments of Diamare, Mayo Sava, Mayo Tsanaga, Mayo Danay and Logone and Chari

  •  Participate in preparation and training sessions on survey methodology and data collection tools,
  •  Prepare field missions in detail following the methodology recommended by FHI 360.
  •  Collect data on the prevention and fight against violent extremism at the level of the localities of intervention through interviews with sampled targets, while using the recommended information collection tools.
  •  Complete the questionnaires and forms properly and submit them to supervisors in physical and electronic versions and
  •   Write a technical mission report by team


  •  Be from the departments of Diamare, Mayo Sava, Mayo Tsanaga, Mayo Danay and Logone and Chari
  •  Hold at least a Bac+1 diploma (copy of diplomas or certificate required) in the field of agronomy, social science or economics
  •  Have at least 2 years of experience in conducting quantitative and qualitative research and facilitating discussions (e.g. through interviews, interviews or others): Having experience in data collection in the field of social cohesion. Violent extremism, and or community reulence:
  •  Required Mastery of French and at least one of the local languages ​​of the chosen locality and therefore the candidate is a native.
  •  Knowledge of local communities and community dynamics
  •  Good knowledge of the use of digital collection tools (Kobocollect. Tablet or Smartphone):
  •  Good understanding of the ethics of a good enumerator
  •  Ability to work in a team
  •  Able and willing to travel (on foot and by motorbike) in difficult working conditions
  •  Available during the activity period.





The mission will take place during the period of April 2024 with a maximum effort of 3 paid man-days per investigator during the field collection period and between 3 and 4 days for training and the return days of the data collection areas.

For the collection of data and information on the Prevention and fight against violent extremism:

  •  Activities will begin in April 2024 and must be completed in the same period or in early May 2024
  •  The training of the selected investigators will take place in Maroua before the field mission. A pre-test of the questionnaire will be carried out in the field (Maroua district)
  •  Data collection at the locality level will be carried out in pairs (2 investigators per team) and accompanied by a guide taken in the locality
  •  Questionnaires completed on paper or on the Kobocollect Application will be given to supervisors and the approved mission report will be sent to FHI 360 no later than 48 hours after the mission

Each team of investigators should submit to FHI 360 PARC Cameroon the following deliverables a) Completed survey sheets or Smartphone Tablets containing the collected data. Must be submitted to the PARC MEL team (FHI 360) no later than 24 working hours after the field mission.

  1. b) Produce a field mission report including the difficulties encountered, challenges and lessons learned no later than 48 working hours after the field mission.

All deliverables must be submitted to FHI 360 PARC Cameroun in French, in editable electronic format and in paper format for approval.

A deliverable is considered admissible once validated by the technical supervisor. The consultant (enumerators/supervisors) must take into account the observations of FHI 360 PARC-Cameroun when finalizing these deliverables.

The time limit for validating reports produced by Supervisors. Techniques is 5 days maximum

  •  The application file must contain the following elements
  •  A cover letter duly signed and mentioning the chosen investigation department therefore the candidate is from
  •  The CV of the following candidate which must clearly indicate the university studies followed and the experiences similar to the subject of this service (3 pages Maximum).
  •  Copies of diplomas or certificates
  •  Other documents considered important

The application file will be sent in a closed envelope bearing only the reference AO- 003/PARC-MEL/2024 Recruitment Investigators Baseline Community Phase delivered to the FHI 360 Country Office Maroua Pitoare.


Or send to the email address at before March 17, 2024, 5:00 p.m., Cameroon time




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