Recruitment notice: Head of Internal Control Department

Intitulé du poste Chef de Département du Contrôle Interne
Rattachement hiérarchique Directeur Général
Localisation du poste Direction Générale FIDEV Yaoundé
Horaires de travail Selon le planning de travail d’amplitude variable
Date de prise de fonction 01 Novembre 2023
Nombre de postes 01
Date       limite       de       dépôt       de  candidature Vendredi 27 Octobre 2023 à 17H30mn
Présentation de l’Entreprise
Limited Company with Board of Directors with capital of 500,000,000 FCFA, FINANCE POUR LE DEVELOPMENT – CAMEROUN S.A. (FIDEV CAMEROUN S.A.), is a 2nd category microfinance establishment, whose head office is located in Yaoundé. It is deployed as an Agency and its missions consist of the facilitation and provision of savings, credit, and transfers to natural and legal persons in Cameroon.
Recruitment context _
Ensure the implementation of permanent control through the systematization of self-control and hierarchical control in order to regulate the risks linked to microfinance activity.
Presentation of the Position




            I.             Objectives / Position summary:  


·         Ensure risk prevention and vigilance regarding compliance with microfinance sector regulations and the quality of products and services sold to customers.

·         Ensure compliance with existing legal control and supervision provisions within microfinance;

·         Ensure compliance of operations with internal policies, procedures and instructions;

·         Ensure the implementation and monitoring of the permanent risk management system;

·         Provide reasonable assurance on the degree of control of activities by ensuring the systematic implementation of self-control and hierarchical control in the operations carried out daily within the organization;

·         Organize and supervise internal control activities.

                 II.             Responsibilities


As head of internal control he must:


·         Define, based on the guidelines of the governing bodies, the organization of the internal control system;

·         Provide an internal control framework and operating procedures;

·         Raise awareness among general management of best control practices;

·         Contribute to the harmonization of practices by disseminating a common culture, particularly in terms of integrity and attitude towards risks;




·         Lead the network of internal control facilitators;

·         Manage the internal control self-assessment program and provide assistance with its implementation by operational and functional management;

·         Manage the monitoring system on its perimeter;

·         Ensure that procedures impacted by legal and regulatory developments are updated;

·         Manage non-compliance risk mapping work and identify risk management systems and action plans to put in place;

·         Report to General Management.


               III.             ACTIVITIES 


·         Identify and monitor the compliance scope;

·         Administer the internal control tool (database including the internal control framework, good practices for identifying and controlling risks, monitoring indicators, etc.).

·         Identify incidents linked to non-compliance risks;

·         Carry out a map of non-compliance risks in order to identify risk management systems and action plans to put in place;

·         Carry out the transposition of regulatory provisions related to compliance into the bank’s internal tools and procedures;

·         Implement a control plan specific to non-compliance risks;

·         Implement controls on risky process steps;

·         Carry out control missions;

·         Organize training for bank employees in order to raise their awareness of current issues, such as customer protection and the fight against money laundering;

·         Ensure the monitoring of the controls put in place and the procedures for processing banking transactions via an alert reporting system with indicators such as the error rate, deadlines, etc.;

·         Analyze, evaluate exposure to risks and propose improvement plans;

·         Coordinate its work program with other risk management functions in order to avoid stacking effects which harm the clarity and credibility of the risk management system;

·         Organize and coordinate activity reporting, monitoring and prevention tools for the compliance system.





Age / Gender: Not specified

Diploma / Level of study :


Holder of a BAC + 4 university degree in accounting, auditing, banking and finance, management or law;

Experience in conducting audits in the banking sector (internally or through a firm) and good knowledge of auditing techniques and standards.

Expected skills:


Have knowledge of financial accounting and risk analysis

· Know the legal and tax regulations relating to your activity

· Manage compliance issues

· Have a transversal business vision

· Have expertise in the legal field;

· Master banking and microfinance regulations;

· Knowledge of banking professions/products/services;

· Know how to adapt;

· To be reactive;

· Know how to convince;

· Demonstrate pedagogy;

· Supervise/lead a team;

· Demonstrate relational and communication skills;

·        Know how to analyze and synthesize;

·        Know how to respect the confidentiality of information;

·        Know how to plan and organize your workload;

·        Demonstrate method and rigor;

·        Know how to work in a team;

·        Know how to control stress.


Skills and experiences  :

·        Mastery of PCEMF;

·        Good command of IT tools;

·        Sense of responsibility and organization;

·        Good writing and communication skills;

·        Good command of office and management software

·        Be bilingual (English/French)

Application files must contain : _

a     ) An updated CV

b)     A cover letter

c)      A photocopy of the diploma

d)     A photocopy of the CNI

e)     Brief summary of similar mandates prior to the position (Maximum 01 page)


Two representatives who can be contacted


Application files must be addressed to Mr. Director General , FIDEV CAMEROUN SA, and can be submitted in closed envelopes bearing the title “ Head of the Internal Control Department  to the mail service of the FIDEV CAMEROUN SA headquarters located at the Montée Ane Rouge BP: 2485 Yaoundé or sent to


Candidates pre-selected on file will be summoned for a written test in the premises of the FIDEV SA headquarters. Files not selected will not be returned to the candidates and will enter the FIDEV SA database.




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