Recruitment Notice: Individual Consultant at The Bank of Central African States or BEAC,

N° 006_/BEAC/SG/DOP/AMFUAC/BVMAC/2023-MI of_May 16, 2023______
(Consulting services)

For the recruitment of an Individual Consultant in charge of carrying out
a preliminary study with a view to improving the financial infrastructure of
the Central African Stock Exchange (BVMAC)
Sector: Economic and Financial Governance





1. The Banque des Etats de l’Afrique Centrale (BEAC) has received financing from the
African Development Bank (AfDB) from the resources of the Technical Assistance Fund for
Middle-Income Countries (the “TAF-MIC”), in order to to cover the cost of the Support Project for the
Start-up of the Unified Financial Market in Central Africa (AMFUAC), and intends to use
part of the sums granted under this Grant to finance the service contract for
Individual Consultants (IC), for carrying out a diagnostic study prior to the work
to improve the financial infrastructure of the Central African Stock Exchange




2. The services provided for under this contract include, among others :  Carrying out a general diagnosis in terms of security needs of the
production environment, deployment of a backup site and improvement of the
existing quotation information system;  The development of project specifications for the implementation of the proposed solutions.
This mission must cover all the functions of the quotation information system (all
physical aspects, software, etc.) including carrying out a cost assessment for new
technologies. The mission must also identify the strengths and weaknesses of the
existing rating information system, as well as the corrective measures to be taken in order of
priority, and accompanied by a timetable.
The services are provided for a maximum duration of four (04) calendar months. 3. The CEMAC Financial Institutions Reform Management Unit (UGRIF-BEAC),




the project’s Executing Agency, invites Consultants to apply to
provide the services described above. Interested consultants should produce the information on
their abilities and experience demonstrating that they are qualified for the services (documentation,
reference of similar services, experience in comparable missions, availability of
qualified personnel, etc.). Bank of Central
African States ——————— General Secretariat ——————- — Organization and Projects Department B VMAC COSUMAF CIMA CRCT BEAC COBAC PROJECT TO SUPPORT THE START-UP OF THE UNIFIED FINANCIAL MARKET IN CENTRAL AFRICA (AMFUAC) / P-Z1-H00-072 / DON – FAT-PRI N° 5500155013701 CEMAC Regional Financial Institutions Reform Management Unit (UGRIF)


BEAC Central Services
Avenue Monseigneur Vogt, PO Box 1917 – Yaoundé – Republic of Cameroon
Tel. (237) 222 23 40 30/60 Fax: (237) 222 23 33 29
For more details, the complete terms of reference (TORs) of the mission can be
consulted on the BEAC websites (www.beac. int) and BVMAC (
4- The eligibility criteria, the establishment of the shortlist and the selection procedure will be
in accordance with the “Procurement policies for operations financed by the Group
of the African Development Bank”, October 2015 edition, and entered into force on January 1, 2016, which is available on the Bank’s website at the address: The selection method used in this consultation is the Selection of
Individual Consultants (IC). 5- Interested consultants can obtain additional information at the address mentioned
below, during the following office hours: 10 am to 2 pm, Monday to
2. 6. Expressions of interest must be sent by e-mail or deposited at the address mentioned below, or transmitted by e-mail, no later than June 06, 2023 at 2 p.m. and expressly bear the
mention “Notice of Expression of Interest No. 006_/BEAC/SG/DOP/UGRIF/AMFUAC/BVMAC/
2023-MI of _16/05/2023_, for the recruitment of an individual consultant responsible for carrying out
a study diagnosis prior to work to improve the
financial infrastructure of the Central African Stock Exchange (BVMAC)”. 7. Address for contact and submission of Expressions of Interest:


Coordinator of UGRIF – BEAC
Avenue Monseigneur Vogt, PO Box 1917 – Yaoundé – Republic of Cameroon
Tel. (237) 222 23 40 30; Fax: (237) 222 23 33 29
Email: with copies to and


Attachment: ToRs of the mission
Recruitment of an individual consultant to carry out a study prior to
improving the financial infrastructure of the
Central African Stock Exchange (BVMAC)
———– ———–
The Central African Stock Exchange (BVMAC) is a public limited company with a
Board of Directors, constituted for the purpose of fulfilling, as exclusive, the public service mission
of organization, animation and management of the financial market of Central Africa bringing together the
six countries: Cameroon, Central African Republic, Congo, Gabon, Equatorial Guinea, Chad.
In addition, the BVMAC is responsible for:  listing securities;  publicize the negotiations;  disseminate stock market information;  promote the stock market;  develop stock market culture.
In July 2019, BVMAC absorbed Douala Stock Exchange (DSX), Cameroon’s stock exchange
, following the decision of CEMAC Heads of State to merge the
CEMAC financial markets. Despite the happy outcome of this merger, it is clear
that the regional financial market is still characterized by:  A plethora of brokerage firms (currently 22) which contrasts with low activity,
on the primary market as well as on the secondary market , with only 06 companies
listed and about ten bond lines;  Issuers with little awareness of the opportunities provided by the financial market;  A weak investor base.
In this context, the BVMAC must promote the regional financial market,
stock market and financial culture to create, preserve and sustain significant growth in the volume
of financing through the financial market and stock market transactions, a lever for the
development and liquidity of the Central African financial market.
In addition, the revitalization of the Regional Financial Market has three sub-objectives: i)
to promote the supply of securities on the market through the proactive action of the States as an electroshock of
departure ; ii) encourage demand for securities on the market by developing long-term savings, consolidating
the investor base and diversifying the product offering; iii) strengthen
the integration of the financial systems of the CEMAC States.
Consequently, the BVMAC is promised a future characterized by a dynamic of activities which
requires for it to have an efficient and
available tool infrastructure (information system) to support the anticipated increase in load of its activities.
This objective also passes for the BVMAC, to set up an environment of replication of
its current platform of quotation the NSC V900 having been provided by Euronext.
 Carry out the general diagnosis in terms of security needs of the production environment , deployment of a fallback site and improvement of the existing quotation
information system .
 Development of specifications for the project to implement the proposed solutions.
This mission must cover all the functions of the quotation information system (all
physical aspects, software, etc.).
The mission should identify the strengths and weaknesses of the
existing rating information system as well as the corrective measures to be taken with an order of priority accompanied by a
Expected results
The study mission, the subject of this consultation, will cover all the functions of the
BVMAC quotation information system.
This mission will therefore have to target all aspects relating to the information system and communication networks conveying this information, as well as all existing
computer applications (NSC V, etc.). The mission must be carried out in accordance with the international standards in force. And it must also allow the BVMAC to know the strengths and weaknesses of the existing quotation information system as well as the corrective measures to be taken. Documentation

Candidates must provide: – A working file containing the complete procedures for deploying and commissioning
their solution, while specifying the deadlines for completion, integrating the
integration diagrams on paper and electronic support into our IS .
Diagnosis  Visit the BVMAC and carry out a study and a diagnosis.  Establish a report on the current state  Develop a detailed report indicating future orientations and
technical recommendations
The Consultant will also have to carry out a study of the existing situation in order to propose the solution best
suited to our IS for backup and replication financial infrastructure.
Development of the Specifications
• Establish scenarios for the improvement of the system indicating the
necessary hardware, software and licenses (characteristics and financial estimate). • Establish scenarios for the proposal of a security strategy to be implemented in the
information system.
• Development of specifications for the acquisition of the equipment and licenses necessary for
the implementation of the improvements.
Architecture studies (BACKUP section)
Studies on the architecture and technical organization of backup and replication solutions
will respond, at least, to the following points: – Integration of the solutions into the existing IT infrastructure; – Establish the prerequisites for the implementation of the solution; – Integration of the backup and replication solution with our virtualization environment
, the NSC V900 quotation platform and the BVMAC IS.
This study will be carried out in collaboration with the BVMAC technical team in order to integrate
the functionalities of this environment into the information system (SI-BVMAC).
Technical guidelines:
Tap into cutting-edge technologies at lower cost
The offer is open to a sub-regional Expert, Individual Consultant who may be assisted by the
if necessary, by additional expertise under its responsibility.
Due to the nature of the mission, the profile sought for this mission should justify
confirmed skills, ideally at the national or/and international level:  In the field of ICT (service and computer engineering);  At the level of studies relating to information systems and storage technologies.
He will also have to justify the following qualifications:
– Hold a diploma of at least Bac+5 level of higher education in one of the
following disciplines: computer science, computer management, systems management
of information ; – Be certified and recognized in the field of ICT; – Have experience and general references in the field of actions requested.
The Consultant must provide in his technical proposal a working methodology in addition to a
detailed schedule.
Methodology and planning
The Consultant must submit a project plan in which: • The project activities are well identified and defined; • The objectives to be achieved and the performance indicators are identified and defined; • The organizational and technical prerequisites are specified and detailed;
• The risks of dysfunction linked to the project are identified and their seriousness assessed; • The implementation schedule is defined and the control steps clearly identified.
The deliverables of this mission are:  The detailed planning for the execution of the mission;  A complete description and assessment of the existing information system;  A precise analysis of the organizational and technical shortcomings relating to the
procedures and communication tools adopted, including an assessment of the risks that
could result from the exploitation of the faults discovered;  The proposal of procedures and organizational solutions to be adopted
to identify the shortcomings recorded;  The orientation and recommendations report;  The minimum technical specifications for each hardware and software equipment
proposed;  The various specifications and terms of reference for the package of the
proposed solution;  The study report as well as all intermediate reports or documents must be
submitted in triplicate, including one unbound, as well as on a removable or optical medium
that can be read using the Microsoft Office office suite.
The Consultant will carry out its mission in close collaboration with BVMAC.
The BVMAC in collaboration with COSUMAF and UGRIF undertakes to provide all the assistance
required to obtain the necessary documentation available in the accomplishment of its mission.
A focal point within the BVMAC and within the other organizations if necessary, will be
designated as needed, to work in close collaboration with the Consultant.
The Client also guarantees the issuance of the letters of introduction and facilitation of contacts
essential to the successful completion of the mission.
At the start of the mission, and upon notification of the Contract, the Client will make available to the Consultant
all the useful documentation requested and available.
The mission is scheduled for a period of (04) four months from the date of signature of the
contract by the service provider. The consultant is expected to provide a timetable of activities spread over the duration
of the service.






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