Recruitment Notice: National Logistics Consultant

Recruitment Notice: National Logistics Consultant

National Logistics Consultant for support to the project to strengthen the national blood transfusion system  – ( 2305270 )

Grade No grade

Contractual Arrangement Special Services Agreement (SSA)

Contract Duration (Years, Months, Days) 7 months




Job Posting

 Jun 23, 2023, 7:53:51 AM

Closing date

 Jul 7, 2023, 10:59:00 PM

Primary Location



 AF_CMR Cameroon


 Full time

IMPORTANT NOTICE:  Please note that the deadline for receipt of applications indicated above reflects your personal device’s system settings.

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Purpose: Recruitment of a national logistics consultant to support the WHO in the preparation and execution of activities related to the equipment of national and regional blood transfusion centers as well as district blood banks. 




 Context :

As part of the strengthening of the National Blood Transfusion Program in Cameroon, WHO and the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) signed a memorandum of understanding whose perspective is to contribute to the reduction of mortality and morbidity related to the absence of safe blood, through the improvement of universal access and the use of good quality blood as well as the promotion of a social environment favorable to blood transfusion.

To this end, the WHO received funding from the IDB to define and supervise the modalities for the execution and implementation of the project through the following actions: (1) Strengthening of the institutional framework for a blood transfusion system effective blood supply, (2) Establishment of a recruitment system for voluntary blood donors, (3) Establishment of operational Blood Transfusion structures.



As part of the implementation of the third modality, the WHO must support the MINSANTE in equipping the national and regional blood transfusion centers as well as the district blood depots.

  1. General objective of the consultation:

The objective of this consultation is to assist the WHO in the verification of the technical specifications of the medical-technical equipment and the rolling stock shared by the MINSANTE, the support for the elaboration of the budget, the preparation of the appeal files tenders for local purchases and expertise during the selection of suppliers, assistance during receptions and installation as well as user training.

  1. Tasks of the consultant:


Exploit          existing technical documents, reports made available by the WHO and the Ministry of Public Health

Support          the MINSANTE in identifying equipment needs

  • Support activities relating to the maintenance of biomedical equipment of the Ministry of Public Health;
  • Review the technical specifications before launching the purchasing process;
  • Assist the Procurement Manager in establishing and/or updating the procurement plan;
  • Prepare tender documents and conduct technical discussions with Ministry of Public Health experts as needed before validation of the specifications;
  • Assist the purchasing committee in the selection of suppliers;
  • Upon receipt, ensure that all compartments, accessories and spare parts of the device are available and have not been damaged;
  • Follow the installation and commissioning according to the manufacturer’s recommendations;
  • Provide support for the development of staff training curricula in the use and preventive maintenance of equipment;
  • Assist the Ministry in setting up a mechanism for securing accessories and spare parts for future use.
  • Produce a weekly activity implementation report.


  1. Expected results at the end of the mission


ü   The equipment needs of the national and regional centers as well as their characteristics are known;

ü   A budgeted purchase plan for blood bank equipment is available and up to date;

ü   The tender documents drawn up by consensus with the experts from the Ministry of Public Health are available for the selection of suppliers;

ü   Expertise during the selection of service providers is provided;

ü   A technical report is available after each reception;

ü   All equipment is installed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations and functional;

ü   Curricula for staff training in the use and preventive maintenance of equipment are available;

ü   A plan for securing accessories and spare parts is available;

ü   A report is continuously shared with all stakeholders.


  1. Approach and duration:


This work will be carried out by a national consultant at grade G5 for a cumulative duration of 07 working months, spread over the different stages of the Project.


  1. Profiles of the consultant:
  •  Training:  BAC+ diploma, training as a biomedical technician, health logistician or any other equivalent diploma .
  • Professional experience of at least  Five (5) years in the field of equipment management;
  • Proven experience in the management of medical-technical equipment is desired.


  1. Language skills


–        Thorough knowledge (spoken and written) of English or French and a working knowledge of the other.


  1. Mandatory skills

 –        Work in a team

–        Respect and promote individual and cultural differences

–        Have good communication skills

–        Build and promote partnerships across the organization and beyond

–        Ensure efficient use of resources

–        Be available to work in the districts of the North West and South West Regions

–        Be able to work in a multicultural environment.








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