Recruitment notice: of a technical assistant for the development of an image box and the illustration in images of the practical training guide for Community Agents for the Active Search of Tuberculosis cases on the collection

Recruitment notice: of a technical assistant for the development of an image box and the illustration in images of the practical training guide for Community Agents for the Active Search of Tuberculosis cases on the collection

Background and rationale

Cameroon is a beneficiary of the Global Fund grant for the New Funding Model III (NMF III) of the Global Fund project.

CARE International in Cameroon has been selected by the Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) as the Civil Society Principal Recipient for the period from October 01, 2022 to December 31, 2023, in order to ensure the implementation of the activities of the above mentioned project.





In its capacity as Sub-Recipient of CARE Intl in Cameroon, the NGO FEMMES-SANTE-DEVELOPPEMENT (FESADE), is in charge of the implementation of community interventions for the prevention of Tuberculosis.

It is in this perspective that FESADE/SR TB, in collaboration with CARE INTL, is recruiting a national technical assistant for the illustration in pictures of the practical training guide for Community Agents for the Active Search of cases of Tuberculosis on the collection and conveyance of sputum and the development of a picture box.

  1. Purpose of recruitment

Recruit a technical assistant for the development of a picture box and the illustration in pictures of the practical training guide for Community Agents for the Active Search of Tuberculosis cases on the collection and transport of spitting .

  1.  Specific objectives
  • Recruit a technical assistant for the illustration in images of the themes of the guide and the development of an image box;
  • Produce and adjust the images to the different themes of the guide;
  • Integrate the images into the practical guide;
  • Develop an image box with messages addressing the themes of the guide.



III.            Expected results

  • A technical assistant has been recruited;
  • The images produced are related to the different themes of the guide;
  • The images are integrated into the practical guide;
  • An image box with messages addressing the themes of the guide has been developed.
  1.  Methodology of work

st step: publish a call for demonstrations, organize a review of the application files, select the assistant, sign a contract with the technical assistant selected.

nd step: Validate the consultation start-up report proposed by the selected technical assistant.

rd step: Pre-validate the image box with messages as well as the images adjusted by theme in the guide.

th step: Validation of the image box and the version of the illustrated guide.

  1. Period of the realization of the consultancy

Technical assistance will be implemented for 14 days. The dates will be determined according to the start of the consultancy.





  1.  Qualifications of consultant

The candidate must provide proof of:

Good         knowledge of community interventions for TB and HIV;

  • Excellent ability in scriptural and visual communication for learning;
  • Excellent drawing skills;
  • Good computer skills;
  • Ability to work under pressure.

VII.          Selection criteria

  • Have a great capacity for illustration in images of educational documents;
  • Provide evidence of similar work;

VIII.         Composition of the file

  • A letter of motivation addressed to the Executive Coordinator of FESADE signed and dated;
  • Proof of work, certificates/diplomas and documents proving his expertise;
  • A Curriculum vitae (CV) detailing his experience;
  • A copy of the national identity card and/or passport signed three times;
  • An explanatory document explaining the consultancy and the related costs;
  • Any other document deemed useful would be an asset.

NB: Any non-compliant or incomplete file will result in the pure and simple elimination of the person concerned. Any false statement will result in the rejection of the candidate’s file.

  1.  Selection procedure

Applications will be evaluated by a selection committee.

Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted. ;

Unselected candidates will be able to withdraw, on their request, the documents provided in support of their application.

  1. Deliverables

The deliverables of this consultancy are as follows:

  • An administrative file of the consultant (selection report, signed contract, letter of appointment of the consultant);
  • A start-up report from the consultant explaining the work to be carried out and the proposed timetable for their completion, which must be validated by the technical team of the SR;
  • A technical assistance performance report;
  • An illustrated guide model in soft version;
  • An image box model with messages in soft version.

An         invoice from the consultancy

  1.  Date and place of submission of files

Applications written in French or English must be submitted in a single sealed envelope against discharge, to the Secretariat of the Management / Executive Coordination of the SR TB FESADE, located in the Etoug-Ebe district at a place called Maison ronde, Rue 7104, at most late Wednesday, September 6, 2023, at 3:30 p.m. sharp, and must bear the following mention on the envelope:

”  Recruitment of a technical assistant for the development of an image box and the illustration in images of the themes covered in the practical training guide for Community Agents for the Active Search of Tuberculosis cases on collecting and conveying sputum. “.

XII.           Coordination/Supervision

This process will be carried out under the supervision of the Executive Coordinator and the coordination of the National Coordinator of the Global Fund Tuberculosis project.

XIII.         Further information

In order to prepare the application files, applicants are invited to collect the ToRs relating to this recruitment free of charge from the Secretariat of the Management / Executive Coordination of the SR TB FESADE, on working days and hours or on request by email to .

XIV.         Payment Terms

For the payment of his/her services, the consultant must send:

  • A first payment of 40% of the total amount of the budget validated for the consultancy will be made available upon request of the consultant.   after validation of the chronogram.
  • The 2 nd payment of 60% will be made available after validation of the deliverables and carried out 10 days after the term of consultancy.
  • Taxes and duties provided for by Cameroonian legislation will be deducted from the total amount of the consultation.

NB: the successful candidate must provide the financial department of FESADE with an identification statement of his bank account.







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