Reference terms
I. Context and justification
The NGO Affirmative Action constitutes today a major front-line player among social workers, alongside the Health Districts, the GTR/AIDS, the GTR/Tuberculosis, the Regional Delegations of Public Health and other partners who offer communities in general, Key and Vulnerable Populations, the opportunity to have innovative experiences of access to care, with the aim of strengthening their knowledge of HIV and other STIs and contributing to the fight against stigma and discrimination with the support of its technical and financial partners.
The Organization’s operational plan for the period 2022-2025 clearly shows that numerous efforts will need to be made to:
Amplify the participation and voice of key and vulnerable population communities in political and decision-making forums and in the governance and management of responses to AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria;
Strengthen the influence of the most vulnerable populations affected by HIV/Tuberculosis/Malaria on the design and implementation of national strategies and costed plans, so that they adequately reflect and respond to the realities and associated needs human rights, gender, community responses and community systems strengthening Empower populations most vulnerable and affected by HIV/tuberculosis/malaria to generate and use data to monitor program coverage and quality and national commitments to end the three epidemics and to use the evidence generated for advocacy and programmatic action.
Affirmative Action (ACT), sub-recipient of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Project in charge of MSM/TG-UD/UDI targets, relies on four pillars for effective and efficient implementation of its actions: Pillar 1: An Expert Organization; Pillar 2: Vibrant and more autonomous communities; Pillar 3: Continuous access to quality services; Pillar 4: A safer and more secure environment.
Based on criteria involving needs, opportunities, capacities and partnerships, the organization acquired a new Executive Management in January 2021. The essential missions of the new team were: monitoring projects with regard to their technical and operational aspects; the design and implementation of programs and projects; quality assurance, expertise and technical monitoring of the organization’s interventions; regular monitoring of expenses, as well as the scheduling of payments and collections of the organization. The declination of the main orientations mentioned above into actions was done through the adoption and validation of an operational plan developed each year after evaluation of the previous one by the staff of the organization during the planning workshops for the years 2021 and 2022.
A few months before the end of 2023 which also marks the end of the grant with CARE Cameroon, the main donor of the organization, there is a need to evaluate the Executive Director and revise if necessary the position to take into account the overall context of implementation of the organization’s interventions, but also our evolution on issues related to organizational development and the achievement of the objectives of the operational plan.
In order to ensure the evaluation process of the Executive Management, the recruitment of a national consultant who will work in collaboration with the Board of Directors is planned.
These TOR aim to mobilize the necessary resources for the recruitment of the national consultant.
II. Objectives of the consultation:
Rely on the financial and accounting administrative procedures manual of the organization, the statutes and the Internal Regulations, the employment contract, the job description of the Executive Director, the code of ethics and good conduct, the conflicts of interest management manual, the 2021-2023 activity reports, the 2021-2023 operational plans, the various evaluation reports of the global fund, CHILL and any other document necessary to evaluate the Executive Director Affirmative Action on the following points:
a) Its sense of integrity;
b) His spirit of initiative;
c) His sense of cooperation and collaboration;
d) His dedication to work;
e) His appearance and punctuality;
f) His sense of responsibility;
g) Its qualitative performance (ability to carry out the work requested);
h) Its quantitative output (Volume of work produced under normal conditions);
i) His sense of human relations.
III. Expected results
The Executive Director of Affirmative Action is evaluated on the following points:
a) Integrity;
b) The spirit of initiative;
c) The sense of cooperation and collaboration;
d) Dedication to work,
e) Behavior and punctuality;
f) Sense of responsibility;
g) Qualitative performance (ability to carry out the work requested);
h) Quantitative output (Volume of work produced under normal conditions);
i) Human relations.
Documentary review;
Presentation of a methodology and a work plan to obtain the expected results;
Collaborative work with the Chairman of the Board of Directors;
Discussion meeting with the Executive Director;
Individual interviews;
Restitution and validation meeting with the Board of Directors aimed at refining and verifying the consistency, reliability, and quality of the proposed actions as well as the final report.
V. Profile of the Consultant
The consultant must have good knowledge of Human Resources Management and the context of the fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis and malaria, in Cameroon and in the world. He/she must have the following skills and experience:
A. Qualifications and skills:
Holder of a second cycle university degree, Human Resources Management profile or equivalent experience;
Specialization/Skill in the public health sector and the fight against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. Experience on issues related to access to care for disadvantaged people and vulnerable groups would be an asset;
Excellent qualities/abilities of:
Communication; v/ Teamwork; v/ Transmission of knowledge;
Analysis and resolution of problems;
Decision-making and initiative;
Excellent command of French/English (written/oral);
B. General professional experience
Professional experience of at least 05 years on the themes of Human Resources Management;
VI. Composition of the file
Interested candidates must submit a complete file consisting of:
A- A technical offer including:
l. A cover letter addressed to the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the NGO Affirmative Action;
2. A CV highlighting the qualification and professional experience of the interested party
3. A photocopy of the valid national identity card;
4. A methodological note (five pages maximum) accompanied by an execution schedule;
B- A financial offer including:
a) A financial proposal including the number of working days with the daily rate.
VII. Location, Duration and Methods of execution Implementation period: Quarter IV 2023;
Start date: November 10, 2023;
End date ; November 19, 2023;
Effective consultancy duration: 10 days
VIII. Deliverables
a. A final report of the consultation covering the methodology used and the stages of the process;
b. A plan for monitoring and evaluating the recommendations.
IX. Mission report
A mission report for the consultant must be submitted within 05 days after the end of the mission;
Report language: French or English.
X. Budget
Designation Number of ersonns Number of days unit cost CHPTER TOTAL
CONSULTURE 01 10 50,000 FCFA 500,000 FCFA
Total 500,000 FCFA
This budget is stopped at the sum of five hundred thousand CFA francs (500,000) from FCFA.
XII. Payment conditions
For payment of his services, the consultant transmits:
i) A request for an advance of costs concerning the service to the Board of Directors of Affirmative Action, up to 60% of the total amount of the budget validated for the mission. The advance request may be made upon signature of the mission budget approval document; ii) An invoice corresponding to the balance of the service within Five (05) days from the date of signing the minutes of validation of the final report of the mission.
Payment will be made directly by the Board of Directors to the consultant’s bank account in view of:
a. From the initial advance fee request;
b. Of the final invoice after receipt of the technical document.
The application files in four (04) copies include: a CV, a cover letter with the contacts of at least 03 references, a copy of the certificates / diplomas, file will be submitted no later than November 1, 2023 by email to the address and contact the numbers 699 25 06 85/ 678 630797 to submit the physical files in a closed envelope with the mention “Application file for the recruitment of a national consultant for the evaluation of the Executive Director of the NGO Affirmative Action-To be opened only in session”
NB: female applications as well as those from key populations are encouraged
Chairman of the Board of Directors
President Affirmative Action
Order No 000058/A/MINA secretariat@affì Tel: OO 693 31/222 21 57 S 14
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