Recruitment Notice: Regional Consultant in Social Safeguarding

Recruitment Notice: Regional Consultant in Social Safeguarding


TITLE: Regional Social Safeguard Consultant
UNIT: TRAFFIC Central Africa Program Office
LOCATION: Yaounde, Cameroon with potential travel in Central African countries (Priority to Republic of the Congo)
REPORTS TO: TRAFFIC Program Office Director- Central Africa
WORK PERCENTAGE: 100% – ASAP to November 2025
IUCN GRADE: Consultant
EXPECTED START DATE: 1 November 2022
TYPE OF CONTRACT: Fixed-term ( 20 working days in 3 months . Possible extension of 21 working days over 3 years, contingent on the satisfactory completion of previous outputs).
CLOSING DATE: 30 September 2022




TRAFFIC is the leading non-governmental organization working globally on trade in wild animals and plants in the context of both biodiversity conservation and sustainable development. TRAFFIC International is a charity and limited company registered in the UK. TRAFFIC’s head office, based in Cambridge UK, provides worldwide leadership, coordination, and cross-regional and corporate functions. TRAFFIC’s local engagement is managed through program offices operating under the auspices of the UK charity, with staff based in a hub office and at other strategic locations including in Central Africa. Program offices operate within a geographic area of ​​responsibility focused on one or multiple countries where TRAFFIC aims to help deliver priority program outcomes.
Since December 2020, TRAFFIC has been granted funding from the Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD) to implement a five years project entitled: “Leveraging legality along China’s timber supply to reduce deforestation”. Project countries include Cameroon (CM), China, the Republic of the Congo (CG), and Vietnam to leverage China’s and Vietnam’s significant market role in the timber supply chain from source countries in the Congo Basin to reduce unsustainable forestry operations and illegal timber trade . TRAFFIC’s work in the target countries will include forest governance, legality and timber trade, private sector engagement, and training for forest industry members and enforcement agencies. A priority target group is the Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLC) in Cameroon and the Republic of the Congo. Cross-cutting issues linked to behavior change, analyzing data and information on illegality, and financial crime will also be addressed. Key indicators of success for the project are improvements in the livelihoods of the IPLCs communities and that any potential risks in engagement with the IPLCs are minimized and mitigated where relevant, including through the establishment and monitoring against appropriate safeguards




The Regional Social Safeguard Consultant will support the NORAD project implementation work in
Cameroon and the Republic of the Congo, under the Supervision of the TRAFFIC Program Office
Director – Central Africa, by piloting the TRAFFIC’s Environmental & Social Safeguards Risk
Assessment Tool on the ground and providing support to the project team in ensuring relevant risks identified are minimized and mitigated throughout the project activities. He/she will also support TRAFFIC globally on reviewing and finalizing this Tool for future use.

NORAD Project Community Engagement and Social Safeguards
Engage the 10 target communities, including IPLCs, and secure their Free, Prior and Informed Consent for project activities. Conduct on-the-ground risk assessment of the 10 target communities of the project and develop corresponding risk mitigation plan, to include development of locally relevant grievance mechanism to enable communities’ reporting of complaints and concerns to TRAFFIC.
Outputs 1, 2, 3 and 4:
• Records of FPIC
• Completed risk assessment
• Risk mitigation plan with monitoring plan (supported by TRAFFIC)
• Grievance mechanism
Review and revise the risk assessment tool for wider use by TRAFFIC and provide recommendations for application Output 5:
• Revised risk assessment tool with corresponding recommendations
Support the implementation and of mitigation actions and monitoring of impact, to include support for inclusion of appropriate content and guidance in training and other engagement-related materials (eg on Gender or Human Rights). Revisit communities every six months (to be reconsidered after the first year) to update risk assessment and monitor the implementation and impact of the mitigation actions Outputs 6 and 7:
• Reports of community visits and status of mitigation actions and impact
• Appropriate materials as necessary for inclusion in project outputs/activities
NORAD Project Indicators
Develop and conduct surveys of the 10 target communities to ascertain their levels of income from participation in local timber harvesting and trade as well as from harvesting and trade of non-timber forest products to support TRAFFIC’s monitoring of impact. Repeat the survey mid-project and at project end.
Outputs 8 and 9:
• Survey methodology and questionnaire
• Survey reports (x3) with corresponding data and analysis
Support the tailoring and application of the Transparency International National Integrity System methodology for assessment of the timber industry in Cameroon and Congo Outputs 10 and 11:
• Assessment methodology
• Assessment report
Accompanying Excel sheet for details of tasks and expected timelines is attached.



✓ A university degree in Social Sciences and Economics or any equivalent degree (PhD or Master).
✓ At least 10 years of experience and expertise in social safeguards evaluation and assessments; knowledge of social sciences and economics, forest governance, timber trade and sustainable development issues, preferably with an international Non-Governmental Organization (NGO), Inter-Governmental Organization (IGO) or training institutions/universities is an advantage.
✓ Strong working knowledge with marginalized groups (Women, young people, IPLCs, etc.) in Central Africa.
✓ Strong working knowledge of social safeguards assessments of marginalized groups (Women, young people, IPLCs, etc.) in Central Africa.
✓ Strong research, analytical and practical skills and an ability to articulate complex issues clearly.
✓ Strong networking skills and communication skills, and ability to work in different cultural contexts.
✓ Fluency in spoken and written French, with skills in English an advantage.
✓ A willingness and ability to travel widely and frequently and to work under pressure within Central African countries.
✓ Familiarity with standard word processing, spreadsheet, presentation and database software, and with electronic communication technology.

No supervision role.

Please send in your CV, technical and Financial Offers to:

copy to by 30/09/2022 at midnight Cameroon time.

Field mission under this consultancy need to be factored in the financial proposal of the consultant.

Social engagement expert tasks and timeline (Y2 2022) Y3 (2023) Y4 (2024) Y5 (2025)
time period # of effective working days (Consultant only) July- Oct-
Sept Dec Jan- Apr- July- Oct-
Mar Jun Sept Dec Jan- Apr- July Mar Jun Sept Oct-
Dec Jan- Apr- July Mar Jun Sept Oct-
Dec Comments
Social safeguards
pilot social risk assessment in 10 target communities and finalize tool for TRAFFIC: c.9-13 weeks total
initial research of IPLCs in general to determine context of our 10 target communities (incl engage 10 target communities to fill out the assessment
develop mitigation actions and plan (in consultation with TRAFFIC)
(work with PD to develop monitoring plan?)
TRAFFIC review/finalization of risk mitigation output (for submission to NORAD) advise on any revisions to the tool
Develop/adapt a complaint mechanism and share with communities
continued monitoring of social risks throughout the project: engage with the community to fill out the assessment (potentially every 6 months) complete report for TRAFFIC with any updated risks, mitigation actions and plan 1 week?
4-5 weeks? (together with other community tasks below) 2-3 weeks?
(included in 2-3 weeks)
2 weeks
1 week
2 weeks (share with communities while on the ground)
c.5-6 weeks total each time
4-5 weeks each time? 1 week each time 0

Based on a pre-defined questionnaire, TRAFFIC to collect data and the Consultant analysis (2 days for each period)
support implementation of safeguard measures:
engage 10 target communities to obtain community FPIC advise on content/tailoring of trainings and workshop planning
support implementation of any other safeguard measures as necessary (as informed by the risk assessment) 6-8 weeks total followed by ad 4-5 weeks?
2-3 weeks over 2 months?
ad hoc hoc days
0 part of activity under line 7





NORAD indicators
conduct surveys of community income from timber and other NTFP trade: develop survey (eg household surveys, focus groups?) conduct baseline survey across the 10 target communities submit analysis report to TRAFFIC
repeat survey / analysis
TI national integrity system – application to timber sector: support the tailoring of the methodology as relevant to community factors
support data gathering from communities re: timber sector integrity submit analysis for indicator repeat survey / analysis 6-7 weeks total followed by 5 weeks each time (concurrently with other community visits) s) Under activity on line 7, baseline data will be collected and the 2 days factored here are for the survey analysis report
questionnaire to be
administered by TRAFFIC and Consultant to do analysis report
should be included under
activity in line 7
5 weeks each time?
6-7 weeks total followed by 4-5 weeks each time (concurrently with other communi C C
ty visit
1 week
4-5 weeks?
1 week
4-5 weeks each time? 0




Total # of days 41 20 11 4 6
C’ denotes on the ground research within the communities
pale pink cells are ‘maybe’, eg if community engagement runs late, or if mitigation actions are / are not needed are there any factors eg different seasons that might affect timings of community visits?
time period is not necessarily the number of days required of the consultant
the FPIC, risk assessment, income surveys and potentially integrity data gathering could all be done during the same community visits (if 3 days in each village, 4-5 weeks total?) possible total time: Y2- 3month contract; Y3- 6 week contract followed by 8 week contract; Y4- one or two (if needed) 6 week contracts; Y5- 6 week contract (if needed) plus final 6 week contract.







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