Research Manager – NEXUS Unit (Risks, Resilience, Recovery), for RCA

Research Manager – NEXUS Unit (Risks, Resilience, Recovery), for RCA

Please apply to  Research Manager – NEXUS Unit (Risks, Resilience, Recovery) | Impact (


IMPACT Initiatives is a non-governmental organization (NGO), based in Geneva, Switzerland, specialized in data collection, information management and analysis and which supports humanitarian action in countries in crisis. IMPACT Initiatives is an organization linked to ACTED, an international NGO based in Paris and present in more than thirty countries. The two organizations have developed good complementarity, formalized through a global partnership.





The Research Manager will aim to structure the second newly created unit, the Nexus Unit, bringing together the management of activities related to resilience, recovery and risk reduction. In the Central African context, which mixes urgent needs with the need for recovery/development, the so-called “nexus” approach, which aims to make the link between the short, medium and long term, is particularly relevant. The Nexus Unit will include the Joint Market Monitoring Initiative (ICSM), ABA (Area-based Assessment – ​​particularly on IDP sites) and AGORA activities, as well as projects related to the reduction of environmental risks and climatic.



We are looking for a Research Manager for the Nexus unit in CAR

Department: NEXUS

Position: Research Manager – Nexus Unit (risks, resilience, recovery)

Contract duration: 12 months

Base: Bangui, RCA, with the possibility of moving to bases

Contract date: As soon as possible




The Central African Republic is in the throes of a protracted and complex conflict which has lasted uninterruptedly for more than a decade, and which notably opposes the central government and armed groups present in a large part of the territory. Despite the hopes raised by the Khartoum Agreement of February 2019, which was to promote constructive dialogue between the government and the various armed groups, the situation deteriorated during 2020, particularly during the electoral process in December which provoked a new military-political crisis. The humanitarian consequences of this decade of crisis are extremely worrying, even catastrophic for the growing number of affected populations. Added to this are environmental disasters such as cyclical floods and droughts, exacerbated by global climate change. The COVID-19 pandemic since March/April 2020 has also helped to deepen and complicate certain needs.

Since 2015, REACH has been present in CAR to support the Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM). From 2019, REACH activities have developed significantly, with the implementation of multi-sector needs assessments at national level (MSNA), monitoring of the humanitarian situation in hard-to-reach areas (HSM Hard -to-reach), activities in support of the Cash Working Group (ICSM), ad-hoc assessments in support of particular clusters (WASH, Education), as well as the provision of mapping work in connection with the set of projects. A first unit bringing together intersectoral activities (RRM, MSNA and HSM Hard-to-reach) was created in 2020 and informs the humanitarian community about intersectoral needs.


The Nexus Research Manager will be assigned to the following tasks:

Managing Nexus Unit Research Cycles

Planning and preparing for assessments:

  • Ensure that all planned evaluations are consistent with programmatic objectives and following IMPACT guidelines for research cycle development;
  • Ensure that secondary data analysis is done in preparation for evaluations;
  • For each evaluation, review the research terms of reference (ToR) and send them to headquarters for validation before the start of data collection;
  • Ensure that the ToR are understood and used by evaluation teams and relevant partners, and updated as necessary; ensure the development, in collaboration with the GIS and database teams, of qualitative or quantitative data collection tools; and ensure the involvement of these GIS and database teams in the assessments;
  • Ensure that all relevant partners are involved in the development of research cycles.

Data collection and management:

  • Ensure the implementation of training for data collection;
  • Supervise data collection exercises, ensuring the proper implementation of the ToR, any necessary SOPs and humanitarian and do no harm principles;
  • Ensure that the Country Coordinator is alerted to any problem calling into question the proper conduct of data collection and methodologies in line with the ToR; ensure that methodological adjustments are duly documented;
  • Ensure the proper implementation of logistics, financial, administrative, security and HR processes in collaboration with ACTED support departments;
  • Ensure that regular updates on data collections are disseminated to internal focal points and relevant external actors. Provide support and follow-up on challenges identified during collections;
  • Ensure that all data collected is stored online according to IMPACT data management principles, and consistent with the ToR. Ensure the correct review and data cleaning process. Supervise the data analysis process in connection with the ToR, following relevant and methodologically rigorous techniques;
  • Ensure clearance from HQ of the cleaned databases and analysis before starting the process of drafting the final products;

Drafting of final products:

  • Maintain regular communication with IMPACT HQ on progress and timelines for end products of activities;
  • Ensure the production of the final products in terms of quality and respect of the ToR as well as compliance with the guidelines and quality standards of IMPACT;
  • Ensure the quality control of the final products before sending to IMPACT Headquarters for final validation;
  • Ensure that all final products are validated by IMPACT Headquarters before external dissemination; or in specific cases, ensure that you have received a temporary green light for restricted internal release.

Dissemination of final products and internal evaluation:

  • Under the direction of the IMPACT Country Coordinator, get involved in the dissemination of research products, through articles, IMPACT and REACH social media content, email campaigns, presentations, meetings, etc. in line with the ToR and the IMPACT dissemination and external communication guidelines;
  • Under the supervision of IMPACT Headquarters, ensure that research products are published on all relevant online platforms, as specified in the ToR;
  • Ensure that lessons learned for each research cycle are collected and duly documented;
  • Support the Country Coordinator for the implementation of internal monitoring & evaluation exercises as specified in the ToR and in line with the IMPACT guidelines.

HR management of the Nexus Unit team:

  • Hold regular meetings with the international and national staff of the Nexus Unit to check the progress made for each research cycle and to review the schedules;
  • Bilateral HR management of international staff and senior national staff, including (with the consultation of the Country Coordinator) conducting performance evaluations to take part in the management of the career of these staff;
  • In coordination with the Country Coordinator, conduct inductions for new team members; including training to ensure technical skills in research cycle development, implementation and analysis;
  • Support the Country Coordinator in the development and implementation of training plans for members of the Nexus Unit, and members of the IMPACT team in general, in capital and in the field;
  • When relevant, take part with the Country Coordinator in the process of recruiting international staff.

External relations:

  • In coordination with the Country Coordinator, ensure that all relevant partners are consulted and included in all stages of the research cycles: cycle development, data collection, joint data analyses, review of final products if planned, dissemination of final products, and discussions of lessons learned; ensure that this involvement of partners is documented;
  • In coordination with the Country Coordinator, present the results of research cycles to partners and external actors, to ensure the use and impact of these activities;
  • Ensure positive, coherent and strategic communication with key partners and actors, including national and international NGOs, civil society organizations, UN agencies, national agencies, local and national authorities, etc.; and that this communication is duly documented;
  • In coordination with the Country Coordinator, represent IMPACT and REACH in strategic and/or technical external engagements in relation to the work of the Nexus Unit;
  • Support the Country Coordinator in external engagements in relation to fundraising efforts for the Nexus Unit’s IMPACT-REACH activities, and in the management of ongoing grants.

Strategy development and implementation:

In support of the IMPACT Country Coordinator, the Nexus Research Manager will actively contribute to the development of the IMPACT strategy in the Central African Republic. In particular, he or she will support strategic development efforts:

  • On the needs for assessments, in connection with the identified humanitarian priorities;
  • On synergies with other evaluations and efforts implemented by humanitarian and key partners;
  • On strategic partnerships with key operational and/or decision-making partners/actors;
  • On key events and processes that need to be informed by IMPACT assessments;
  • On advocacy and dissemination and external communication strategies to enhance the impact of IMPACT activities;
  • On support in the preparation and follow-up of seminars and strategic plans at CAR level, in coordination between IMPACT and ACTED;
  • On engagement with IMPACT HQ on global strategic priorities.


  • Support the Country Coordinator in the production of interim and/or final narrative and/or financial reports on projects involving Nexus Unit activities;
  • Maintain an overview of budget availability for Nexus Unit evaluation activities; and participate in the monthly financial monitoring of the aforementioned projects;
  • Ensure good collaboration with the Research Manager of the Intersectoral Unit, for the purposes of harmonization, consistency, quality and innovation in research and evaluation;
  • Other duties as requested and jointly discussed with line managers.


The Research Manager will maintain the strictest confidentiality on all data collected and associated processes, and will actively take measures to prevent the unauthorized sharing of information and data belonging to IMPACT and its partners, or collected during its mission. with IMPACT.


The staff member is responsible for ensuring that all relationships with IMPACT target communities and partner work are conducted in a respectful and consultative manner. Care should be taken to ensure that communities are properly consulted and informed about IMPACT program objectives, activities, beneficiary selection criteria and methodologies. This responsibility rests with every IMPACT staff member.


Profile / Knowledge:

  • Academic qualifications in a relevant discipline;
  • 3 years of progressive and relevant professional experience in the humanitarian or philanthropic environment in general;
  • Excellent management, coordination, planning and prioritization skills required, including the ability to manage heavy tasks, supervise several teams and complete projects within the planned deadlines;
  • Research project management experience would be an asset;
  • Experience in engagement and external communication required (donors, partners, other key actors);
  • Familiarity and understanding of the humanitarian coordination system required;
  • Ability to work independently and remotely manage teams if needed;
  • Knowledge of the Central African or regional context desired;
  • A spirit of curiosity, innovation, and a critical approach, including towards the current humanitarian system.

Technical skills :

  • Understanding of the processes involved in implementing needs assessments, including (but not limited to) excellent skills in research techniques (qualitative and quantitative), project management. Good skills in statistical analysis (related to social sciences), use of statistical research software and computer coding will be an asset;
  • Knowledge of nexus-related topics (resilience, recovery, risk management) required;
  • Skills in financial and administrative management of a non-profit project would be an asset;
  • Ability to work in French continuously and at a professional and sustained level;
  • Ability to work in English desired, especially for external and global communications;






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