START4AFRICA Residencies Program 2023

START4AFRICA Residencies Program 2023

STARTS4AFRICA is pleased to announce the call for hosts for the START4AFRICA Residencies Program, the first S+T+ARTS residency program fully dedicated to promoting Sub-Saharan Africa innovation at the nexus of Science + Technology + Arts.

STARTS4AFRICA will fund 8 STARTS Residencies hosted by African institutions, in Ghana, Nigeria, Senegal, DR Congo, and Tanzania. STARTS4AFRICA is especially looking for entities based in one of the following countries: Ghana, Nigeria, DR Congo, Senegal, and Tanzania. Applicants must showcase the capacity and ability to provide support and resources such as access to various materials, technology, and physical facilities. Additionally, applicants must show interest in the following topics:


  • Food and Water
  • Digital Mapping and Speculative Landscapes
  • Culture and Coding
  • Wearable Technology and Smart Textile
  • Immersive Storytelling
  • Rethinking Sustainable Construction
  • Speculative Urbanism




STARTS4AFRICA is co-funded by the European Union, under the STARTS – Science, Technology and Arts initiative of DG CNECT (GA no. LC-01960720). Views and opinions expressed are those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or DG CNECT. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.


START4AFRICA Residencies Program

  • Category Entrepreneurs
  • Organisation START4AFRICA
  • Country to study
  • School to study
  • Course to study
  • Not specified
  • Application DeadlineSeptember 13, 2023




Aim and Benefits of START4AFRICA Residencies Program

  • Possibility to experiment with new methodologies and engage in innovative co-creation processes with an artist(s);
  • Opportunity to network with esteemed experts from both Europe and Africa;
  • Enhanced visibility and opportunities to participate in large-scale public events (such as Ars Electronica Festival in Austria)
  • Join the growing S+T+ARTS Network and take an active role in the strengthening of the innovation ecosystems in Africa.
  • Contract fee: STARTS4AFRICA will enter into contracts with selected host institutions through a subcontracting process. Host institutions will be remunerated with an amount of €25,000. The payments will be made in Euros (€). Additionally, the host institutions will bear any costs associated with the currency exchange.
  • The contract will foresee the following payment scheme, reflecting three installments:
    • [Month 1] First installment following the signature of the contract by both parties: 30%;
    • [Month 4] Second installment – following the submission and validation of a mid-term assessment (technical and financial): 40%; and,
    • [Month 7] Final installment – following the conclusion meeting and submission and validation of a final report (technical and financial): 30%.





  • Requirements for START4AFRICA Residencies Program Qualification

    • STARTS4AFRICA is especially looking for entities based in one of the following countries: Ghana, Nigeria, DR Congo, Senegal, and Tanzania.
    • To be considered, applicants must:
      • Be based in one of the following countries: Ghana, Nigeria, DR Congo, Senegal and Tanzania;
      • Be a public or private organization with legal personality, e.g. not-for-profit organizations (private or public); public authorities (national, regional, local); international organizations; profit-making entities.
      • Be a legal entity established on or before 2020;
      • Be from the scientific or technological sector (such as research centers, universities, and technological companies) with strong connections to the Cultural and Creative Sectors and Industries (CCSI);
      • Or be from CCSI with an established network and access to scientific and technological entities/projects;
      • Have the capacity (i.e. facilities, services, staff) to host and provide guidance to a STARTS4AFRICA residency.

    Interview date, Process and Venue for START4AFRICA Residencies Program


    • Each residency consists of 4 different phases:
      • Reflection phase: This phase focuses on the exchange of knowledge and the outlining of shared goals for the collaboration.
      • Development phase: During this phase, the artists connect with researchers and creative people in the labs of research institutions and the R&D departments of companies.
      • Evaluation phase: evaluation of the potential impact of the new and innovative ideas, and scenarios, across governments and businesses.
      • Production phase: the artist takes part in innovation processes within the company or research institution, helping the artist to produce an artistic prototype.

    Minimum Expected Output

    • STARTS4AFRICA Host institutions are expected to deliver the following outputs:
      • Mid-Term and Final Technical Report on the activities performed (support provided to artist, meetings/ visits, production/prototyping actions, promotion, events, masterclasses, etc.);
      • Mid-term and Final Financial Report on the costs incurred related to the activities performed;
      • Submission of a collection of high-quality photographs (minimum of 10) and 2 videos (maximum duration of 3 minutes each), the first video presenting the expectations of hosts towards the residency; and the second video presenting and documenting the STARTS Residency experience;
      • Report on business and exploitation strategies, including local stakeholders engaged and investment and fundraising potential; and
      • Collection of feedback related to impact assessment tools.

    Application Deadline

    September 13, 2023

How to Apply

Interested and qualified? Go to START4AFRICA on to apply

For more details, visit START4AFRICA website






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