Strategic Plan Development Consultant
Purpose of the consultancy The strategic plan development consultant will facilitate and lead efforts to craft a strategic plan that would assess the strengths and weaknesses of our approach, consider the internal and external factors that influence the trajectory of our work, and guide our expansion and growth . The Plan will also re-examine our vision, mission, and values, and establish a design process and approach for an effective implementation and sustainability of our mandate over the next three to five years. Importantly, the strategic plan will determine a governance structure consistent with our legal status; models for working in countries in the region, and for engaging national and local stakeholders and communities; a staffing structure; and resource mobilization strategies, among others. EVIHDAF is a for-profit international research and evaluation institution
headquartered in Yaoundé, Cameroon, which serves the West and Central Africa region. It was founded in 2017with a mission to build, strengthen and expand the evidence base for sustainable human development systems in Africa ( Tasks of the Consultant The main themes that the strategic plan will address include: • Technical focus (Research and research utilization; Data and surveys; Research capacity development, …). • Other income generating activities (eg, “Go to” place for information and resources, …). • Models for working in selected, strategic countries other than Cameroon. • Operations and Staffing structure/Organogram. • Business development strategy and strategic alliances to meet our strategic targets. • Governance – decision-making Board or Directors (composition, functioning …) • Roadmap to NICRA. Priority tasks to be accomplished by the Consultant include, but are not limited to: • Meeting with EVIHDAF leadership team, and produce an Inception report with revised technical approach, scope of work, timelines and budget. • Carrying out an environment scan and desk review for an understanding of the context and dominant trends relevant to our mandate. • Conducting an online survey with staff, current and potential clients, partners and stakeholders at national, regional global levels. • Conducting individual interviews with a subset of staff, current and potential clients, partners, and stakeholders at national, regional global levels. • Producing a first draft of the strategic plan which will be used to engage staff and key partners during an in-person meeting in Yaoundé, Cameroon. • Producing a revised, near-final version of the strategic plan which will be shared with a selected group of partners (individually or as a group,
to be determined). • Addressing comments from external reviewers and producing a final version of the strategic plan. • Facilitating a virtual meeting/webinar to present the strategic plan to a cross section of partners and stakeholders. Qualifications, Competencies and Experience The Consultant must possess the following: • Relevant work experience in strategic planning and development, for institutions working in the field of global health and development. • Excellent and proven analytical skills. • Fluency in English; good knowledge of French is desirable. • Excellent organizational and communication skills, ability to prioritize and work with minimum supervision. • Proven knowledge of the general social, economic and political environment of global health and development priorities for the west and central Africa region. • Ability to leverage his/her network on matters to be covered in the strategic plan. • Understanding of participatory approaches to management and operations. Application Interested and qualified consultants are invited to submit their application by September 15, 2023, at 5pm Cameroon time, to the address with the subject line ”EVIHDAF Strategic Plan”. The application will consist of: • A three-page cover letter in English, showing the consultant’s qualifications and experience for the position, and indicating their work schedule from the commencement to the end of the consultancy. • A CV in English of no more than ten (10) pages, ending with names, phone numbers and email addresses of three references, preferably related to similar activities. • Technical approach and suggested timeline (maximum 5 pages). • Budget for work to be undertaken. • Previous experience of strategic development planning (maximum 2 pages). • Any restrictions on consultant availability to begin work by mid-October 2023
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