Competitive entrance examination for admission in the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Buea for the 2023-2024 academic year

Competitive entrance examination for admission in the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Buea for the 2023-2024 academic year Download the decisions :  B.SC. Professional programme in Medical Laboratory Sciences and Nursing   ; 1ère année du programme de Licence en Santé Publique  ; Bachelor of Science Degree Programme in Biomedical Science   ;      B.Sc. Professional […]

Commonwealth Scholarships Commission

Commonwealth Scholarships Commission The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education announces to the general public and perspective applicants that the Commonwealth Scholarships Commission (CSC) in the United Kingdom is offering some post graduate scholarships under the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan tenable in the United Kingdom from September 2024. The scholarships are offered under […]

Competitive Entrance Examination of the College of Technology (COT) of the University of Buea for the 2023-2024 academic year / Concours d’entrée au College of Technology (COT) de l’Université de Buea au titre de l’année académique 2023-2024

Competitive Entrance Examination of the College of Technology (COT) of the University of Buea for the 2023-2024 academic year / Concours d’entrée au College of Technology (COT) de l’Université de Buea au titre de l’année académique 2023-2024 Download the decisions / Télécharger les décisions : First year  /  Première année Third year  /  Troisième année     *#################* […]

Decision launching entrance examination SUP’PTIC of Yaounde, for the 2023-2024 academic year.

Decision launching competitive entrance examination SUP’PTIC of Yaounde, for the 2023-2024 academic year.   Download the document / Download the fields: 1st year of the cycle of Telecommunications Engineers and Administrators of Posts and Telecommunications   /  First year of Telecommunication Engineers and Administrators of Posts and Telecommunications 1st year and direct admission in the second year   […]

Entrance examination for admission into the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Buea for the 2023-2024 academic year

 Entrance examination for admission into the Faculty of Health Sciences of the University of Buea for the 2023-2024 academic year Download the decisions:   B.SC. Professional program in Medical Laboratory Sciences and Nursing ENGLISH   ;  1st year of the Bachelor in Public Health program  FRENCH ;   Bachelor of Science Degree Program in Biomedical Science ENGLISH   ;   Professional program in Midwifery […]

Entrance examination into the 1st year of the cycle of Design Engineers of the National School of Mines and Petroleum Industries of the University of Maroua, for the academic year 2023-2024 / Competitive entrance examination into the 1st year of the training for Masters of Engineering degree of the National Advanced School of Mines and Petroleum Industries of the University of Maroua for the 2023-2024 academic year

Entrance examination into the 1st year of the cycle of Design Engineers of the National School of Mines and Petroleum Industries of the University of Maroua, for the academic year 2023-2024 / Competitive entrance examination into the 1st year of the training for Masters of Engineering degree of the National Advanced School of Mines and […]

Press release to admit candidates of the National Advanced School of Engineering of Yaounde (NASEY) for the 2023-2024 academic year

Press release to admit candidates of the National Advanced School of Engineering of Yaounde (NASEY) for the 2023-2024 academic year Download the following results / Download the results: First year in science and technology / First year of fields of study of science and technology  First year in Digital Arts and Digital Humanities / First […]

National entrance examination to the cycle of Specialization in Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontostomatology in Cameroon for the 2023-2024 academic year / National exams and competitive entrance examination into the cycle of Specialization in Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontostomatology in Cameroon

National entrance examination to the cycle of Specialization in Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontostomatology in Cameroon for the 2023-2024 academic year / National exams and competitive entrance examination into the cycle of Specialization in Medicine, Pharmacy and Odontostomatology in Cameroon The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education  decrees: Article 1: (1) It is open, for the academic year […]

Entrance examination for the first year of the ENGINEER course at the Higher School of Transport, Logistics and Commerce (ESTLC) of the University of Ebolowa in Ambam for the academic year 2023/2024.

Entrance examination for the first year of the ENGINEER course at the Higher School of Transport, Logistics and Commerce (ESTLC) of the University of Ebolowa in Ambam for the academic year 2023/2024. The  Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education decides as follows: Article 1st: (1) A competitive entrance examination for the admission of two hundred (200) students […]

Entrance examination into the first year of the Engineering training program at the National Advanced School of Maritime and Ocean Science and Technology (NASMOST) of the University of Ebolowa

Competitive entrance examination into the first year of the Engineering training program at the National Advanced School of Maritime and Ocean Science and Technology (NASMOST) of the University of Ebolowa The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education decides: Article 1: (1) a competition based on written tests for the recruitment of three hundred (300) engineering students […]

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