Competitive entrance examination for the first year of the Professional License cycle in Tourism Management, Hotel Management and Management and in Marketing and Catering Services at the Higher School of Sciences of Urban Planning and Tourism (ESSUT) of the University of Bertoua in Abong Mbang

Competitive entrance examination for the first year of the Professional License cycle in Tourism Management, Hotel Management and Management and in Marketing and Catering Services at the Higher School of Sciences of Urban Planning and Tourism (ESSUT) of the University of Bertoua in Abong Mbang     The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education […]

Decision to launch the Competitive Entrance Examination into the 1st one of the Higher Institute of Transport and Logistics (HITL) of the University of Bamenda

Decision to launch the Competitive Entrance Examination into the 1st one of the Higher Institute of Transport and Logistics (HITL) of the University of Bamenda  / Décision portant ouverture du concours d’entrée en 1ère année à l’Institut Supérieur des Transports et de la Logistique de l’Université de Bamenda   The Minister of State, Minister of […]

Competitive Entrance Examination at the National Higher Polytechnic Institute (NAHPI) of The University of Bamenda

Competitive Entrance Examination at the National Higher Polytechnic Institute (NAHPI) of The University of Bamenda   Download the decisions / Download the decisions: First Year Third Year     THE MJNISTER OF STATE, lVIINISTER OF HlGHER EDUCATION Mindful: of the Constitution: or La11 N°005 01· 16 1\pril :?OlJ 1 ‘.u s,·t t:;i i l:gl:n Uuc1tiu11 […]

Bertoua 2023/2024 ESTM competition

Bertoua 2023/2024 ESTM competition Opening the first entry competition for the engineering training course of the Higher School of Transformation of Mines and Energy Resources (ESTM) of the University of Bertoua in Batouri, and fixing the number of places offered, for the academic year 2023/2024.     Download the decree To launch the competitive entrance […]


2023 RESULTS: TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION EXAMINATION – INTERMEDIATE AND ADVANCED LEVEL 2023-TVEE-AL-Results 2023-TVEE-IL-Results     2023-TVEE-AL-Results     *#################* *WELCOME TO UNCLE NE’S NEWSPAPER www.unclene.com* *FOR JOB SEEKERS ON WHATSAPP, CLICK ON THIS LINK TO JOIN FOR DAILY JOB UPDATES:*   https://chat.whatsapp.com/GdAMPPYCfPsBelEYFHLpg8 *Uncle Ne’s Job Group in Telegram with over 4870 members … when you […]

Year three of the Engineering training programe: Entrance examination to the Higher Institute of Agriculture, Wood, Water and Environment (ISABEE) of the University of Ebolowa for the academic year 2023-2024 / Competitive common entrance examination for recruitment at the Higher Institute for Agriculture, Forestry, Water and Environment (HJAFWE) of the University of Ebolowa for the 2023/2024 academic year

 Year three of the Engineering training programe HE MINISTER OF STATE, MINISTER OF HIGHER EDUCATION Mindful Of the Constitution; Ofthe Law N005 of 16″ April 2001 orientingHigher Education;     Of Decree N93/026 of 19″ January 1993 creatinguniversities; Of Decree N° 2005/142 of29 April 2005 organising the Ministry ofHigher Education; Of Decree N° 2005/342 of […]

Entrance examination to the Higher Institute of Agriculture, Wood, Water and Environment (ISABEE) of the University of Ebolowa for the academic year 2023-2024 / Competitive common entrance examination for recruitment at the Higher Institute for Agriculture, Forestry, Water and Environment (HJAFWE) of the University of Ebolowa for the 2023/2024 academic year

Entrance examination to the Higher Institute of Agriculture, Wood, Water and Environment (ISABEE) of the University of Ebolowa for the academic year 2023-2024 / Competitive common entrance examination for recruitment at the Higher Institute for Agriculture, Forestry, Water and Environment (HJAFWE) of the University of Ebolowa for the 2023/2024 academic year First year of the […]

Communique publishing results of the 2023 session of the Higher National Diploma (HND)

Communique publishing results of the 2023 session of the Higher National Diploma (HND) The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education hereby announces: The candidates, whose names appear below in order of merit, have been declared successful in the 2023 session of the Higher National Diploma Program (HND) Examination, in the Fields of study, Specialties and Options […]

Result of the Higher Technician Certificate (BTS) exam 2023 session MINESUP

Result of the Higher Technician Certificate (BTS) exam 2023 session The  Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education announces: The candidates whose names follow, classified by specialty/option and by order of merit, are declared definitively admitted to the National Examination for the Higher Technician Certificate (BTS), session 2023.   Aquaculture; Agropastoral Council ;  Agropastoral entrepreneurship  ;  Animal production; Vegetable production […]

Press release training competition for 240 Road Safety Experts

Press release training competition for 240 Road Safety Experts The Minister of Transport informs the public that the list of candidates authorized to take part in the training competition for 240 Road Safety Experts which will take place on July 15, 2023, at the Ecole Normale Supérieure de Yaoundé is displayed at the Institut Sous- Regional Road […]

Uncle Ne