Recruitment notice: (06) Agents Responsible for Filling in registers
- MAROUA 2 Medical Center of the Central Prison of MAROUA 1
- MAROUA 3 Protestant Private Health Center of DJARENGOL KODEK 1
- BOGO Hôpital de District de BOGO 1
- BOURHA BOURHA District Hospital 1
- KOLOFATA Hôpital de District de KOLOFATA 1
- MADA MADA District Hospital 1
Total 06
Interested candidates must meet the following conditions:
- Have at least a First Cycle Study Certificate;
- Have basic knowledge of HIV prevention; Know how to read and write French and/or English;
- Have a sense of organization, relationships, deportment and courtesy in behavior;
- Be available to be of service in the context of activities related to their position;
- Have good dispositions for working in a team and under pressure;
- Have professional experience relating to the collection and archiving of information, or in secretarial work or any other similar field;
- Have knowledge of IT tools (Excel, Word);
- Enjoy good moral character and professional integrity.
Specifications for the agent responsible for filling out the registers
- Correctly complete on a daily basis all the data collection tools made available by the GTR or the head of the health facility;
- Update computerized patient monitoring data;
- Produce and transmit to the District and GTR-SIDA no later than the 5th of each month, the monthly activity reports in accordance with the framework made available;
- Dispense ARVs to patients if the health facility does not have staff to dispense drugs;
- Refrain from disclosing to an unauthorized person or entity any information produced in the course of their work;
- Prepare for any other action instructed by the hierarchy in the area of competence of the workstation.
- A cover letter addressed to the Coordinator of the Regional Technical Group for the fight against AIDS in Maroua, details of the Region and the CTA/UPEC/CSI for which the candidate is applying;
- A detailed CV setting out the candidate’s qualifications and professional experience, signed and dated;
- Certified copies of the candidate’s diplomas signed by the competent authority;
- A photocopy of the CNI;
- An extract from the criminal record bulletin n03 dating from less than three (03) months;
- A medical certificate issued by a doctor working in a public health facility:
- Proof of the candidate’s professional experience;
NB: Incomplete files will not be considered.
- Study of application file;
- Maintenance if applicable.
An employment contract will be signed with the selected ACRRs for a period of one (01) month in the event of satisfactory performance of the person concerned and the availability of financing.
Each application file written in French or English must be submitted in a closed, non-identifiable envelope, in five (05) copies including one (01) original and four (04) copies, to the Regional Technical Group for the Fight against AIDS in the Far North.
It must be sent in an envelope marked below:
“Application for the recruitment of Agents Responsible for Filling Registers for the Far North Region”, CTA/UPEC/CSI from (to be specified by the candidate) Global Fund financing.
Tel: 222-29-13-49
Deadline: November 22, 2023 at 3:30 p.m.
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